Tdiddy Smalls Fifteen minutes at silent protest 2morrow. Happy birthday, Dr. King #SpeakUpNow
Unlike · Comment · Share · @DaRealTDiddy · Wednesday at 5:00 pm ·
You, Freddie Callaway, Blu McCants, Savannah Gadsden and 39 others like this.
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Luther Lee Hey, Omar, you’re a cool dude. Count me in.
Eve Chappell I AM VERY PROUD OF U!!!
Andy Washington No justice, no peace! I’m down with the cause.
Savannah Gadsden ☺
Freddie Callaway Savannah, that’s Mr. Washington, the government teacher. Bwahahahahahaha!
Savannah Gadsden Really? ROFLAICGU!
Kym King And to think . . . I almost believed him this time around.
Kym King L
Tdiddy Smalls My bad. I had a meeting.
Freddie Calloway Bong bong?
Freddie Callaway Dawg, you see Mr. Washington on your page. Creepy.
Andy Washington Hey, Freddie.
Freddie Callaway Bwahahahahahaha!
Andy Washington Hey, what does ROFLAICGU mean?
Tdiddy Smalls What up, Mr. Washington. No offense, but how you get up here?
Andy Washington I sent you a friend request and you accepted. I’m number 4751. You got a lot of friends, Omar.
Tdiddy Smalls *Rolling on the floor laughing and I can’t get up*
Andy Washington Oh, I get it. Ha ha! Just trying to stay hip, Omar. Gotta go. Bong bong!
Blu McCants Let me find out you can cook.
Freddie Callaway *Trying to stay hip* Bwahahahahaha! *
Tdiddy Smalls Freddie, did that woadie just say *bong bong* LOLOL!
Tdiddy Smalls Got to risk it to get the biscuit.
Blu McCants For real though, thanks for doing this with my girl. #silent treatment.
Andy Washington What is a woadie?
Playbeezy Carolina Hood Woadie > Tdiddy Smalls Everybody go check out the new single “We Stealin’ Yo Babies” Feat. Ricky Rozay and Hoe Daddy by PlayBeezy. Free downloads available as well. . . . Go listen to it, support the CHUCKTOWN movement.
Unlike · Comment · Share · Thursday at 3:26 am ·
You, Willie Mack, Tami Hill and 4 others like this.
Freddie Callaway Go to sleep nucka!
Tdiddy Smalls Bwahahahahahahaha!
Belafonte Jones > Tdiddy Smalls Who’s riding with the Marching Panthers?
Unlike · Comment · Share · Thursday at 7:31 am ·
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Belafonte Jones Save the band!
Tdiddy Smalls Ride.
Tami Hill Ride.
Eve Chappell Ride.
Leah Rivers Ride.
Freddie Callaway Ride.
Blu McCants Ride.
Tdiddy Smalls Shhhhhhhhhhhhh! #SpeakUpNow
Unlike · Comment · Share · @DaRealTDiddy · Thursday at 8:14 am ·
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Belafonte Jones Thanks to everyone who supported the silent protest, includingthe teachers who rode with us!
Unlike · Comment · Share · Thursday at 11:31 am via mobile ·
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Tdiddy Smalls We did the damn thing today. Martin Luther King would be proud of WCHS today! We back on that joint tomorrow! Heading to the gym to get my lift on. #SpeakUpNow
Unlike · Comment · Share · @DaRealTDiddy · Thursday at 5:40 pm ·
You, Andy Washington, Leah Rivers and 177 others like this.
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Luther Lee Power to the people.
Tdiddy Smalls The party just started, homeboy.
Sami Schmidt Mr. Smalls, I’m the president of the Deep Creek SGA and we heard about the protest. We want to do the same.
Luther Lee We fired up. . . .
Belafonte Jones We ain’t takin’ no mo’!!!!!!!
Tami Hill I miss the band.
Blu McCants True.
Freddie Callaway I did the math. We keep dis up for like three weeks, and ain’t nobody saying ish all day.
Tdiddy Smalls Me and Claudia don’t think it’s going to take three weeks.
Leah Rivers Take three weeks for what?
Tdiddy Smalls For us to get what we want. We have a list of demands.
Freddie Callaway I hope you got cookies and cream on that list.
Tdiddy Smalls **SMH**
Sami Schmidt Mr. Smalls, our funding got cut for the arts too. Our drama department is one of the best in the state and now we no longer have it. Everybody is pissed.
Willie Mack *Mr. Smalls* As if his head ain’t big enough.
Tdiddy Smalls That’s what’s up, Sami. I’ll let Claudia know.
Kym King That’s why you ain’t come over? That Claudia Clarke trick.
Kym King Sooo beyond irritated at this point . . . I shoulda known she was scheming at that party . . . stuck-up trick . . . her and her butch best friend.
Freddie Callaway WOW!
Blu McCants Females wonder why I give them absolutely NO respect. . . . It’s about time I step out of character at West Charleston. . . . That will put an end to all this nonsensical drama. . . . **cocking my chamber**
Tdiddy Smalls @Kym why you trippin’. That’s foul! You just played yourself.
Blu McCants Omar, you betta check your girl.
Blu McCants I can’t deal with these insecure females. . . . Only in the country is this acceptable.
Willie Mack What happened to “We Shall Overcome”?
Freddie Callaway Ol’ girl went sideways.
Tdiddy Smalls Sorry ’bout that y’all.
Fredro Parcel, Jr. Omar, this Fredro from the U. We met on your recruiting weekend. Yo, your FB joints be funny as hell. How are your off-season workouts going?
Tdiddy Smalls Two hundred sit-ups. Now I’m gonna eat, take a shower. Who wanna tuck Tdiddy in tonight?
Tami Hill What time?
Tdiddy Smalls Hate to sound sleazy, but tease me, I don’t want it if it’s that easy. . . .
Rich Smalls YOU TRIP ME OUT w/ all yo dumb statuses and how you have so many girls after you . . . lol
Tdiddy Smalls What up, cuz!
Rich Smalls Playa
Tdiddy Smalls You holding down BK. I miss the Apple, fo’ sho.
Rich Smalls Look like you holdin’ it down in Charleston.
Tdiddy Smalls You know how we do. You living large, homeboy?
Rich Smalls Son, I make it do what it do. Pushing that Tahoe.
Tdiddy Smalls Your mom’s. LOL!
Rich Smalls Don’t sleep, Omar. I do my thing.
Tdiddy Smalls That’s whas up! I’m coming home for spring break.
Rich Smalls I’ll holla. My break’s over and somebody just came thru the drive-thru.
Tdiddy Smalls is now friends with Claudia Clarke and 11 other people.
You poked Claudia Clarke.
Tdiddy Smalls > Claudia Clarke Thanks for the add, homegirl!
Like · Comment · Share · Thursday at 11:01 pm
Tdiddy Smalls > Freddie Callaway I unfriended Kym and Mr. Washington. LOL!
Like · Comment · Share · Thursday at 11:07 pm
Chat started Thursday, January 17
Claudia Clarke Stop poking me.
Tdiddy Smalls Return my call then.
Claudia Clarke Been busy
Tdiddy Smalls I looked for you at lunch today.
Tdiddy Smalls Your feet cold?
Claudia Clarke Whatever.
Tdiddy Smalls It’s all good! You have a good time?
Claudia Clarke Please don’t say anything to anybody about what happened.
Tdiddy Smalls What happened?
Claudia Clarke Don’t play dumb. You tried to kiss me.
Tdiddy Smalls Actually, homegirl, I did kiss you. How was it for you?
Claudia Clarke It doesn’t even matter.
Tdiddy Smalls Exactly!
Tdiddy Smalls You still there?
Claudia Clarke Whatever! I’m here.
Tdiddy Smalls The protest was pretty tight, right? Even some of the teachers joined in. That’s what’s up!
Claudia Clarke My guidance counselor said the principal was pissed. She asked me was I involved. I told her not really.
Tdiddy Smalls You punked out? Cru scared you, homegirl.
Tdiddy Smalls S . . . L . . . O . . . W . . . T . . . Y . . . P . . . A
Tdiddy Smalls ZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZ
Claudia Clarke She just said I needed to be careful, because Harvard might rescind my acceptance if I have some negative conduct-type stuff on my transcript.
Tdiddy Smalls Yeah, my coach said the same thing, but no way Miami’s passing up on T-Diddy Smalls. Believe that! That’s cool you going to Harvard.
Claudia Clarke I know.
Tdiddy Smalls SMH . . . twenty minutes tomorrow. You ready?
Claudia Clarke I’m ready, are you?
Tdiddy Smalls T-Diddy can’t stop, won’t stop. Believe that!
Claudia Clarke Thanks for dinner. I gotta go.
Tdiddy Smalls Let’s get together again . . .
Tdiddy Smalls I really did enjoy that kiss. I could learn to love those lush lips, homegirl.
Tdiddy Smalls Come to the party with me tomorrow night.
Claudia Clarke Good-bye.
Tdiddy Smalls Yeah, I heard you the first time you said it. So you’re gonna act like that kiss didn’t mean anything?
Claudia Clarke It wasn’t a kiss, Omar. I’m not going to be another one-hit wonder for you. I’m looking for a guy who wants to change the world, not win a game. Let’s stick to the protest please.
Tdiddy Smalls Can we at least get together one evening? I could really use some help with my senior paper. As friends, of course.
Claudia Clarke Maybe next week, GTG! Oh, bring my shoes to school tomorrow. Please.
Freddie Calloway Shhhhhhhhhhhh—with Tdiddy Smalls. Twenty minutes!
Unlike · Comment · Share · Friday at 8:14 am ·
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Tdiddy Smalls at the house party on Dorchester.
Where my dawgs at!!!!
Like · Comment · Share · Friday at 10:04 pm ·
Willie Mack, Freddie Callaway and 19 others like this.
Freddie Callaway On my way! Gotta drop my sista at the movies.
Belafonte Jones I heard them Bayside boys comin’ thru. I got your back!
Tami Hill Eve, where you at?
Willie Mack > Tdiddy Smalls Them jokers was tryin’ to fight us for real.
Like · Comment · Share · Saturday at 12:04 am ·
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Tdiddy Smalls I ain’t kno D had a jammy jam. Them boys got ghost quick.
Blu McCants Y’all need to stop all that craziness fore somebody get hurt.
Willie Mack Stop trippin, Blu. They the ones comin’ up here starting ish.
Johnny “Moose” Dawkins And we gonna be the ones to finish that shit too!
Freddie Callaway I know this nucka not on your page, T.
Johnny “Moose” Dawkins You ought to be careful who you friend, Titty. Tornados comin’ after that ass.
Tdiddy Smalls C’mon son! We already beat y’all once. Ain’t no thing to do it again.
Savannah Gadsden Y’all needs to chill!
Johnny “Moose” Dawkins Watch your back! Your punk boy ain’t have no heater, we woulda dropped them Bayside B’s on y’all!
Tdiddy Smalls Get off my page!
Ambiene Lewis Go Tornados! I’m riding Bayside till I die.
Tdiddy Smalls blocked
Eve Chappell T-Diddy, invest in some hand sanitizer so when the hataz shake ya hand . . .
Freddie Callaway Tami, don’t give Eve no more hooch.
Tdiddy Smalls Score! #Leggo #Jets
Like · Comment · Share · @DaRealTdiddy · Sunday at 3:04 pm ·
You poked Claudia Clarke.
Tdiddy Smalls Claudia Clarke “At the center of nonviolence stands the principle of love.” #MLKHoliday
Like · Comment · Share · @DaRealTdiddy · Monday at 10:20 am ·
You, Claudia Clarke, Blu McCants and 212 others like this.
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Freddie Callaway No school today. T-Diddy, you cooking?
Savannah Gadsden “A man who won’t die for something is not fit to live.” (MLK)
Claudia Clarke “An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity.”
Tdiddy Smalls “Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed.”
Belafonte Jones “Beautiful music is the art of the prophets that can calm the agitations of the soul; it is one of the most magnificent and delightful presents God has given us.”
Tami Hill “I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.”
Freddie Callaway “A man can’t ride your back unless it’s bent.” Bwahahahahaha!
Tdiddy Smalls C’mon son.
Freddie Callaway What??!! He said that joint, T-Diddy!
Blu McCants “A riot is the language of the unheard.”
Luther Lee “The time is always right to do what is right.”
Eve Chappell I can’t help but notice that awesome ends in ME and ugly starts with U.
Freddie Callaway ROFLMAO!!!!!!
Luther Lee “We must all learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.”
Willie Mack Why y’all fools awake? It’s a holiday. Go the F@#& back to sleep! ZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzz . . .
Blu McCants **SMH**
Tdiddy Smalls Shhhhhhhhhhhhh! DAY FIVE!!!!!!!! #SpeakUpNow
Unlike · Comment · Share · @DaRealTdiddy · Tuesday at 8:15 am ·
You, Claudia Clarke, Freddie Callaway and 233 others like this.
Freddie Callaway Dawg, we gotta be quiet for thirty minutes. That’s hard as hell. #ijs
Tdiddy Smalls Claudia Clarke, will you go to the ball with me?
Unlike · Comment · Share · Tuesday at 9:00 pm via mobile
You, Claudia Clarke, Freddie Callaway and 19 others like this.
Claudia Clarke Really, Omar?
Tdiddy Smalls Yeah, I figured since I already know the shoe fits, we can keep it movin’ #cinderella
Claudia Clarke ROFL!
Blu McCants Awwwwwww? My bestie’s going to the prom.
Claudia Clarke I’m not going to the prom with anybody, and if I was, the dude wouldn’t have asked me to go on the Facebooks.
Tami Hill I’ll go.
Blu McCants Only in the country . . .
Tdiddy Smalls Baller Alert: Tomorrow’s a BIG DAY! T-Diddy is on the radio tomorrow morning at six a.m. . . . T-Diddy press conference tomorrow after school in the gym. Holla at yo’ boy!
Like · Comment · Share · Tuesday at 10:06 pm ·
Luther Lee TURN ON POWER 103 JAMZ Tdiddy Smalls
Like · Comment · Share · Wednesday at 6:15 am via mobile
Claudia Clarke, Freddie Callaway, Luther Lee and 18 others like this.
Eve Chappell Tdiddy’s on the morning show. You sound good.
Freddie Callaway That woadie talking about Miami?
Eve Chappell Naw! They talking about the silent protest. The mayor’s on there now.
Blu McCants Thirty-five minutes today #shhhhh
Tami Hill What channel? I can’t see him.
Freddie Callaway **SMFH!!!!!!**
Willie Mack “If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything.” —T-Diddy
Tdiddy Smalls Shhhhhhhhhhh!
Freddie Callaway Bwahahahahaha!
Blu McCants Claudia said call her.
Willie Mack Uh-oh!
Tdiddy Smalls Ha ha! It’s all good.
Dr. Brenda Jackson Actually, it isn’t. Come see me first thing this morning, Mr. Smalls. And bring Ms. Clarke with you.