- amok (uh-MUHK) —
- a wild or uncontrolled manner
- archenemy (AHRCH-EN-uh-mee) —
- someone’s main enemy
- brush (bruhsh) —
- small, broken branches and twigs
- compost (KOM-pohst) —
- a decayed mixture of plants, such as leaves and grass, that is used to improve the soil in a garden
- endangered (en-DEYN-jerd) —
- something, typically a plant or animal species, that is in danger of extinction
- extinct (ik-STINGKT) —
- no longer existing
- extraordinary (ek-STROR-duh-ner-ee) —
- very unusual or remarkable
- habitat (HAB-i-tat) —
- the place or type of place where a plant or animal naturally or normally lives or grows
- invention (in-VEN-shuhn) —
- an original device or process
- laboratory (LAB-ruh-tawr-ee) —
- a room or building with special equipment for doing scientific experiments and tests
- lair (LAIR) —
- a place where someone hides or where someone goes to be alone and to feel safe or comfortable
- litter (LIT-er) —
- things that have been thrown away and that are lying on the ground in a public place
- villain (VIL-uhn) —
- a wicked person, often an evil character in a play