BC |
8th century |
Hallstatt kingdoms in eastern Alps and middle Danube; Tartessian culture and language in south-western Iberia. |
c. 680 |
Oldest dated features of Emain Macha (Navan Fort, Northern Ireland). |
c. 600 |
Massalia founded by Greeks from Phocaea; ‘Keltoi’ living on northern shores of Mediterranean. |
6th century |
Hill forts in Bohemia; Massalian trading posts on the Mediterranean; Lepontic (a Celtic language) spoken in northern Italy and Alps. |
Late 6th century |
‘Princely residences’ in Burgundy (‘the Lady of Vix’),Marne, Rhineland; Massalian and Greek wine imported to central Gaul. |
c. 500 |
Carthaginian navigators reach equatorial West Africa and North Atlantic coasts. |
5th century |
La Tène culture, from the Balkans to eastern Gaul; hill forts in southern Gaul, open settlements in the north. |
Early 4th century |
Gaulish migrations to northern Italy and to lands in and beyond the Hercynian Forest. |
396 |
Destruction of settlement on site of future Mediolanum (Milan). |
387 |
Celtic occupation of Rome. |
350 |
Aristotle, Meteorology: klimata and zodiacal circle. |
335 |
Celtic envoys meet Alexander the Great in Macedonia. |
331 |
Lunar eclipse observed at Arbela, Syracuse and Carthage, perhaps also at Rhodes and Athens (international longitude experiment?). |
c. 325 |
Voyage of Pytheas of Massalia. |
310–260s |
Belgic tribes arrive in northern Gaul from Germany and Central Europe. |
c. 300 |
Euclid’s Elements; invention of the dioptra; definition of meridians and parallels by Dicaearchus. |
c. 280 |
Battle of Ribemont-sur-Ancre; Celts invade Illyricum, Pannonia, Macedonia; first coins minted in Gaul (principally Arvernian). |
279 |
Celtic army plunders Delphi. |
278 |
Gauls cross the Hellespont; Tolistobogii, Trocmii and Volcae Tectosages settle in Galatia. |
250–41 |
Gauls recruited for Carthaginian army in Sicily. |
c. 240 |
Eratosthenes calculates circumference of earth; invention of solstitial armillary sphere. |
225 |
Battle of Telamon (Tuscany): defeat of Celtic coalition by Rome. |
218 |
Hannibal marches from Spain to Italy; September – crossing of the Rhone; November – crossing of the Alps. |
197 |
Eastern and southern Iberia divided into two Roman provinces, Hispania Citerior (‘Nearer’) and Ulterior (‘Further’). |
196–189 |
Rome conquers Celtic northern Italy (later, the province of Gallia Cisalpina). |
187 |
Completion of Via Aemilia. |
182–133 |
Celtiberian Wars. |
181 |
Massalia appeals to Rome for help against Ligurian pirates. |
c. 180 |
Oppida in central Germany, Bohemia, Moravia, Hungary. |
c. 175–50 |
Gundestrup Cauldron. |
c. 150 |
Hipparchus calculates klimata and meridians; Antikythera Mechanism; Polybius travels through southern Gaul. |
146 |
Fall of Carthage. |
133 |
Siege and destruction of Numantia. |
c. 130 |
German oppida (Basel, Berne, Breisach, Bad Nauheim, Manching, etc.). |
125–121 |
Roman conquest of southern Gaul. |
123 |
Roman garrison at Aquae Sextiae (Aix-en-Provence). |
121 |
Defeat of Arverni (King Bituitos) and Allobroges; foundation of Roman province of Gallia Transalpina (later, Gallia Narbonensis). |
c. 120–110 |
First Gaulish oppida (Besançon, Bibracte, Châteaumeillant, etc.); monetary union of Aedui, Lingones and Sequani; Boii oppidum at Bratislava. |
118 |
Foundation of Narbo Martius (Narbonne); construction of Via Domitia. |
113–101 |
Cimbri and Teutones invade Danube Basin, northern Italy, Gaul and northern Iberia. |
106 |
Treasure of Tolosa (Toulouse) stolen by Roman proconsul. |
102 |
Teutones defeated at Aquae Sextiae (Aix-en-Provence) by Gaius Marius. |
Late 2nd century |
First coins minted in Britain. |
Early 1st century |
Posidonius travels through Gaul; international trading ports in southern Britain. |
c. 80–70 |
Collapse of oppida in southern Germany (Finsterlohr, Heidengraben, Heidetränk, Manching), and Rhineland (Fossé des Pandours, Donnersberg); German provinces of Inferior (‘Lower’) and Superior (‘Upper’). |
c. 70 |
Earliest visible occupation of Alesia oppidum. |
63 |
Diviciacus the Aeduan Druid asks Roman Senate for military aid. |
62–61 |
Revolt of Allobroges crushed by Rome. |
61 |
Gaius Julius Caesar governor of Gallia Transalpina. |
58–51 |
Gallic War. |
58 Helvetian migration; defeat of Helvetii and of German tribes by Caesar. |
57 Defeat of Belgic tribes. |
56 Defeat of Alpine and Atlantic tribes. |
55 Expeditions to Britain and across the Rhine. |
54 Second expedition to Britain. |
53 Second crossing of the Rhine. |
52 General uprising of Gaulish tribes; Spring – Siege of Avaricum (Bourges); battle of Lutetia (Paris); August–September – siege of Alesia (Alise-Sainte-Reine) and surrender of Vercingetorix. |
51 Autumn – battle of Uxellodunum. |
c. 50 |
Founding of Calleva (Silchester); Aylesford Bucket. |
46 |
Revolt of Bellovaci. |
44 |
Assassination of Caesar. |
43 |
Foundation of Colonia Copia Felix Munatia, later Lugdunum (Lyon). |
39–29 |
Revolts of Rhineland tribes and Morini. |
c. 37 |
Celtic mercenaries in Judea. |
27 |
Augustan Settlement at Narbonne organizes division of Gaul north of Gallia Narbonensis into three provinces (Aquitania, Belgica, Lugdunensis); abandonment of Gaulish oppida continues. |
c. 5 |
Birth of Jesus Christ. |
AD |
9 |
Battle of the Teutoburg Forest (German tribes massacre three Roman legions). |
10 |
1 August – Birth of Claudius at Lugdunum (Lyon). |
c. 20 |
Druidism outlawed by Tiberius. |
21 |
Revolts of Aedui, led by Sacrovir, and Treveri, led by Florus; rumours of pan-Gallic and German uprising. |
c. 30 |
Crucifixion of Jesus Christ. |
43 |
Roman legions land on the coast of Cantium (Kent); Roman fortress at Camulodunum (Colchester). |
48 |
Gauls from Gallia Comata admitted to the Senate. |
51 |
Last stand of Caratacus in Wales. |
c. 54 |
Druidism outlawed by Claudius. |
60–61 |
Massacre of Druids on Mona (Anglesey); revolt of Iceni and allies led by Boudica: destruction of Camulodunum (Colchester), Londinium (London) and Verulamium (St Albans). |
78 |
Surrender of Mona. |
83 or 84 |
Battle of Mons Graupius. |
122 – c. 126 |
Building of Hadrian’s Wall. |
142 – c. 154 |
Building of Antonine Wall. |
252 |
Martyrdom of St Regina at Alesia (Alise-Sainte-Reine). |
Mid-3rd century? |
Martyrdom of St Alban at Verulamium (St Albans). |
316 |
Birth of St Martin of Tours. |
c. 387 |
Birth of St Patrick. |
Early 5th century? |
Roman withdrawal from Britain. |
Mid-5th century? |
Vortigern invites Saxons to Britain; Saxons defeated by Ambrosius Aurelianus. |
c. 451 |
Birth of St Brigit. |
Before 474 |
Arvernian aristocrats abandon ‘Celtic speech’ (Sidonius Apollinaris). |
597 |
Gregorian mission to Britain; Augustine first Archbishop of Canterbury. |