
8th century Hallstatt kingdoms in eastern Alps and middle Danube; Tartessian culture and language in south-western Iberia.
c. 680 Oldest dated features of Emain Macha (Navan Fort, Northern Ireland).
c. 600 Massalia founded by Greeks from Phocaea; ‘Keltoi’ living on northern shores of Mediterranean.
6th century Hill forts in Bohemia; Massalian trading posts on the Mediterranean; Lepontic (a Celtic language) spoken in northern Italy and Alps.
Late 6th century ‘Princely residences’ in Burgundy (‘the Lady of Vix’),Marne, Rhineland; Massalian and Greek wine imported to central Gaul.
c. 500 Carthaginian navigators reach equatorial West Africa and North Atlantic coasts.
5th century La Tène culture, from the Balkans to eastern Gaul; hill forts in southern Gaul, open settlements in the north.
Early 4th century Gaulish migrations to northern Italy and to lands in and beyond the Hercynian Forest.
396 Destruction of settlement on site of future Mediolanum (Milan).
387 Celtic occupation of Rome.
350 Aristotle, Meteorology: klimata and zodiacal circle.
335 Celtic envoys meet Alexander the Great in Macedonia.
331 Lunar eclipse observed at Arbela, Syracuse and Carthage, perhaps also at Rhodes and Athens (international longitude experiment?).
c. 325 Voyage of Pytheas of Massalia.
310–260s Belgic tribes arrive in northern Gaul from Germany and Central Europe.
c. 300 Euclid’s Elements; invention of the dioptra; definition of meridians and parallels by Dicaearchus.
c. 280 Battle of Ribemont-sur-Ancre; Celts invade Illyricum, Pannonia, Macedonia; first coins minted in Gaul (principally Arvernian).
279 Celtic army plunders Delphi.
278 Gauls cross the Hellespont; Tolistobogii, Trocmii and Volcae Tectosages settle in Galatia.
250–41 Gauls recruited for Carthaginian army in Sicily.
c. 240 Eratosthenes calculates circumference of earth; invention of solstitial armillary sphere.
225 Battle of Telamon (Tuscany): defeat of Celtic coalition by Rome.
218 Hannibal marches from Spain to Italy; September – crossing of the Rhone; November – crossing of the Alps.
197 Eastern and southern Iberia divided into two Roman provinces, Hispania Citerior (‘Nearer’) and Ulterior (‘Further’).
196–189 Rome conquers Celtic northern Italy (later, the province of Gallia Cisalpina).
187 Completion of Via Aemilia.
182–133 Celtiberian Wars.
181 Massalia appeals to Rome for help against Ligurian pirates.
c. 180 Oppida in central Germany, Bohemia, Moravia, Hungary.
c. 175–50 Gundestrup Cauldron.
c. 150 Hipparchus calculates klimata and meridians; Antikythera Mechanism; Polybius travels through southern Gaul.
146 Fall of Carthage.
133 Siege and destruction of Numantia.
c. 130 German oppida (Basel, Berne, Breisach, Bad Nauheim, Manching, etc.).
125–121 Roman conquest of southern Gaul.
123 Roman garrison at Aquae Sextiae (Aix-en-Provence).
121 Defeat of Arverni (King Bituitos) and Allobroges; foundation of Roman province of Gallia Transalpina (later, Gallia Narbonensis).
c. 120–110 First Gaulish oppida (Besançon, Bibracte, Châteaumeillant, etc.); monetary union of Aedui, Lingones and Sequani; Boii oppidum at Bratislava.
118 Foundation of Narbo Martius (Narbonne); construction of Via Domitia.
113–101 Cimbri and Teutones invade Danube Basin, northern Italy, Gaul and northern Iberia.
106 Treasure of Tolosa (Toulouse) stolen by Roman proconsul.
102 Teutones defeated at Aquae Sextiae (Aix-en-Provence) by Gaius Marius.
Late 2nd century First coins minted in Britain.
Early 1st century Posidonius travels through Gaul; international trading ports in southern Britain.
c. 80–70 Collapse of oppida in southern Germany (Finsterlohr, Heidengraben, Heidetränk, Manching), and Rhineland (Fossé des Pandours, Donnersberg); German provinces of Inferior (‘Lower’) and Superior (‘Upper’).
c. 70 Earliest visible occupation of Alesia oppidum.
63 Diviciacus the Aeduan Druid asks Roman Senate for military aid.
62–61 Revolt of Allobroges crushed by Rome.
61 Gaius Julius Caesar governor of Gallia Transalpina.
58–51 Gallic War.
58 Helvetian migration; defeat of Helvetii and of German tribes by Caesar.
57 Defeat of Belgic tribes.
56 Defeat of Alpine and Atlantic tribes.
55 Expeditions to Britain and across the Rhine.
54 Second expedition to Britain.
53 Second crossing of the Rhine.
52 General uprising of Gaulish tribes; Spring – Siege of Avaricum (Bourges); battle of Lutetia (Paris); August–September – siege of Alesia (Alise-Sainte-Reine) and surrender of Vercingetorix.
51 Autumn – battle of Uxellodunum.
c. 50 Founding of Calleva (Silchester); Aylesford Bucket.
46 Revolt of Bellovaci.
44 Assassination of Caesar.
43 Foundation of Colonia Copia Felix Munatia, later Lugdunum (Lyon).
39–29 Revolts of Rhineland tribes and Morini.
c. 37 Celtic mercenaries in Judea.
27 Augustan Settlement at Narbonne organizes division of Gaul north of Gallia Narbonensis into three provinces (Aquitania, Belgica, Lugdunensis); abandonment of Gaulish oppida continues.
c. 5 Birth of Jesus Christ.
9 Battle of the Teutoburg Forest (German tribes massacre three Roman legions).
10 1 August – Birth of Claudius at Lugdunum (Lyon).
c. 20 Druidism outlawed by Tiberius.
21 Revolts of Aedui, led by Sacrovir, and Treveri, led by Florus; rumours of pan-Gallic and German uprising.
c. 30 Crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
43 Roman legions land on the coast of Cantium (Kent); Roman fortress at Camulodunum (Colchester).
48 Gauls from Gallia Comata admitted to the Senate.
51 Last stand of Caratacus in Wales.
c. 54 Druidism outlawed by Claudius.
60–61 Massacre of Druids on Mona (Anglesey); revolt of Iceni and allies led by Boudica: destruction of Camulodunum (Colchester), Londinium (London) and Verulamium (St Albans).
78 Surrender of Mona.
83 or 84 Battle of Mons Graupius.
122 – c. 126 Building of Hadrian’s Wall.
142 – c. 154 Building of Antonine Wall.
252 Martyrdom of St Regina at Alesia (Alise-Sainte-Reine).
Mid-3rd century? Martyrdom of St Alban at Verulamium (St Albans).
316 Birth of St Martin of Tours.
c. 387 Birth of St Patrick.
Early 5th century? Roman withdrawal from Britain.
Mid-5th century? Vortigern invites Saxons to Britain; Saxons defeated by Ambrosius Aurelianus.
c. 451 Birth of St Brigit.
Before 474 Arvernian aristocrats abandon ‘Celtic speech’ (Sidonius Apollinaris).
597 Gregorian mission to Britain; Augustine first Archbishop of Canterbury.