Throughout Tevia’s experiences in seeking out teachers around the world he realized that most were teaching incomplete forms of Qigong. Most of the types of Qigong he saw taught in the West were extrapolated parts of Tai Chi, isolated and incorrectly called Qigong or Tai Chi Qigong.
Tevia could not understand why anyone would teach this way or why anyone would want to study this way. He realized that most were teaching it this way because most Qigong practitioners only knew Tai Chi as their form of Qigong. It is also important to note that Tai Chi has been heavily promoted and marketed around the world as a form of healing movement. In addition, to learn an entire Tai Chi form can take a long time, while most people in the West don’t have this luxury; so, the moves were broken down into easy, fragmented parts that one could learn quickly. This does not do the practice of Qigong justice.
Very few people realize that there are over 3,000 kinds of documented Qigong. Tevia was fortunate to have been able to study with various masters since the age of seven. His father had practiced Qigong before Tevia was even born and was able to introduce him to a good master at a young age.
Over the years, he went far beyond what his parents introduced him to and ended up working at a Medical Qigong clinic in China, treating cancer patients. His journey in China led him to study at several Taoist temples, including under unknown hermits and monks. After four years of very little contact with Westerners, Tevia decided it was time to share his knowledge with people from the West. He observed that most Westerners could not accept the rigorous training style that he personally underwent. He also saw that Westerners placed little faith in what they were told. He realized he would need to prove the efficacy of the Qigong he learned in a Western way. This is when Tevia turned to science and anatomy.
He began to study the Western scientific and anatomical connections of the Qigong he spent a lifetime learning. He found many direct connections and explanations that anyone could understand. Bridging the gap between Western science and ancient Traditional Chinese Medicine has become a passion for Tevia, which has also allowed him to develop his system of White Tiger Qigong even further.
Tevia was blessed to be born in an age where he could travel to train with various masters. He also had the background, the ability to speak Mandarin and the understanding of Chinese culture to be readily accepted into secretive Taoist sects. Over 30 years of training led him to create White Tiger Qigong,™, a masterpiece Qigong system which is a synthesis of the greatest techniques and teachers in conjunction with modern science and anatomy. He has now become teacher to some of the most well-known Qigong teachers in the world. He has taught best-selling Qigong authors his techniques, and even Taoist Abbots from China have trained with him. All through this, he believes in maintaining a humble approach and deep reverence for his teachers and students alike.