Start | Brixen (794m) |
Distance | 9km |
Height gain | 496m |
Height loss | 592m |
Grade | 3 |
Time | 3½hrs |
Location | Northwest of Brixen |
The north side of the Brixental above Westendorf and Brixen is dominated by the 1828m Hohe Salve whose upper slopes have been transformed on behalf of the winter ski trade. Lifts abound, as they do on the Hochbrixen Sonnberg region directly above Brixen. This is an extensive area of high land, a broad ridge which divides the Brixental from the lovely valley which lies below the Wilder Kaiser mountains. On this ridge numerous tracks and pathways exploit long views, and some of these trails are described from a base at Ellmau (see above). The following route, however, makes a crossing of this ridge at one of its narrowest points. It could, of course, be shortened by riding the gondola from Brixen to Hochbrixen, but that would defeat the object.
Make your way to the valley station of the Hochbrixen gondola lift, which is located at the western side of Brixen. Walk up through the car park and continue along a drive between houses, then ahead on a track. Bear left on another road (signed to Hohe Salve) and follow this uphill.
The impressive parish church of Brixen im Thale
Snaking its way up the hillside the road leads to the lovely farms of Mölling. Just above these, where the road makes a right-hand hairpin, break away left on a footpath waymarked red and white. Rising up the left-hand side of a steep meadow to a barn, it then cuts left into woodland, and enters a narrow wooded cleft of a valley with a stream cascading through it. Cross the stream and climb to a junction of paths on the woodland edge, and take the upper branch, remaining just inside the trees.
The way climbs steeply in places, with occasional views across the valley. Eventually recross the stream and resume the ascent, and about 1hr from Brixen come to a crossing path and bear right. Moments later emerge from the trees, cross open pasture and reach a track near the top station of the gondola at Hochbrixen (1290m), a broad open saddle with Hohe Salve rising to the west.
Bear left on the track, and at the next junction take the Bergwelt Panoramaweg on the right. Keep ahead at the next junction, and about 30mins from Hochbrixen pass the small farm of Silleralm (1211m).
The track rises, makes a couple of hairpin bends and then forks. Continue ahead, still on the panoramaweg signed to Hochsöll. After rising a little further, the track then starts its long winding descent. Coming out of tree cover to an open pasture with a small alm building on the left, and cableways strung overhead, pass beneath the cables then take a narrow path on the right, marked to Söll.
Waymarked red, the path crosses the pastureland and enters forest, where it then makes a steep descent before emerging to more grass slopes. At the foot of these come onto a track by the farm of Eil, and remain on this all the way down to Söll. About 2km further on, pass an attractive little chapel (Stampfangerkapelle) perched on a rock above the track. The track forks. Bear left, cross the Stampfangerbach stream and shortly after come to a restaurant and the Hochsöll lift station. More restaurants are passed on the final walk into Söll.
For a return to the Brixental, either use the local bus service, or a combination of bus and train (for timetable information visit the tourist office in Söll).