Sawyer Coleman watched the patterns the lazy California sun created on her cluttered desk. It had been weeks now since she’d seen the shiny cherrywood surface. Papers were strewn into haphazard piles, pencils with broken points, pens with chewed tops, all signs of overwork and frustration. She really should hire an assistant, someone to help with the load, but no one had ever satisfied her and she loathed having to check and recheck someone else’s work. She had admitted to herself a long time ago that she was a workaholic, but lately she seemed to meet herself coming and going.
Heaving a sigh, Sawyer ran her long, manicured fingers through her wealth of golden-blond hair. There was no getting away from it; the work had to be done, and she was the best one for the job. Coleman Aviation was a family-held enterprise, a leader in manufacturing and designing small private jet planes, and she was the only one with the background and education to handle the growing company.
There were those about her, in the outer offices, who said Sawyer was too dedicated, too persnickety. She’d just heard that one the other day. Persnickety, for God’s sake. The only thing she was certain of was that it wasn’t complimentary.
Sawyer rummaged in her top drawer for cigarettes and lit one. She rarely smoked, usually only in tense situations or as a ploy to stall for time. She was doing both now. Stalling because she didn’t want to look at the invitation a second time, and tense because she hadn’t heard from Rand in over two weeks. That alone was enough to make her itchy. Add that to Maggie’s invitation and she could become a basket case within the hour.
Mother Maggie. Maggie, mistress of Sunbridge. Maggie the man-eater. Maggie, her own mother. Sawyer grimaced.
She was up and out of her chair, smoothing the soft gray flannel skirt over her trim hips. At the window she fixed her gaze on the bright ball in the sky. Aztec gold, she thought inanely as she puffed furiously on the cigarette she didn’t want. The invitation was for a command appearance, a return to Sunbridge to watch Maggie preen. But there was more to it. Maggie needed the family’s approval to take the helm. Bad girl Maggie returns to the scene of her crime but is forgiven. Sawyer laughed and choked on the cigarette smoke, sputtering until tears came to her eyes.
Grand would probably call soon, by tomorrow the latest. Then the others. And Rand, she thought with sudden hope, yes, Rand would call. Long-distance relationships were hell, overseas relationships even worse.
Damn, now her whole day was ruined. Why couldn’t Maggie have sent the invitation and her chatty little bull-crap letter to the apartment instead of the office? Communication with Maggie shouldn’t be so upsetting after all these years, but it was. She wished she had a hide too thick for Maggie to penetrate. What she did have was a sore, bruised heart that would never heal.
Family reunions should be outlawed. There was no way she could escape the invitation. She’d just have to put a good face on it. Seeing young Riley again would be worth a confrontation with Maggie. And to see Rand and spend time with him, she’d travel to Africa if necessary.
Rand. Her life, her love. Without Rand in her life, there would be nothing but endless days of work and endless nights alone. It was time to think about settling down, time to think seriously about marriage. Just the thought excited her and made her feel warm all over. Her work could be done just as well in London.
Quickly, before she could change her mind, she scrawled a note of acceptance to the July fourth bash. Later, when it was all over, the family would all say what a good sport Sawyer was. Good old Sawyer. Sawyer didn’t bleed red blood like everyone else. Sawyer just hurt and ached inside, but the wounds didn’t show.
Having Rand to herself would make up for everything. Just his smile would drive Maggie from her thoughts. Rand was all she needed, now and forever.