Chapter Fifteen
I think I might have died and gone to heaven.
I think she really did make me come in my pants, but I’m too preoccupied with what it feels like to feel her when I touch her—I don’t even know.
The sensation in my hands…the feel of her skin…the warmth of her pussy around my fingers…her come pooling in my palms—it’s all too much. Really. I’m worried my nervous system is about to short-circuit from overstimulation.
But I can’t stop.
I want to fuck her.
It’s dark outside. The sun went down sometime since I put her in this chair.
“Whenever you want,” she says, gently, and I’m trying to remember what I asked her.
Oh right. Fucking.
But not here in this chair.
“Does this place have any normal beds?” As overwhelmed as I am, I think the good old-fashioned way for my first fuck with her is a good idea. “I’m liable to pass out.”
“Upstairs.” Her expression is a lovely, relaxed, sated look, and I can’t help preening because I put that look on her face.
I did good.
High off my own prowess, with lust ramming through my veins, I ask, “Did you want some rest? We could sleep first.”
She kisses my hands again. “No rest.” And impatience lights her eyes.
“Oh, thank the gods,” I breathe and start to lift her from the chair.
“Wait, I have to warn you, Graven.”
“What is it?”
“There’s a chance it might not work.” She twists her hands. “My people call me a goddess, but I’m not really. I’m a symbol for the gods. I’m really just a mortal, fallible person like all of you.”
I brush her cheeks. “I know.”
“So, it’s possible I can’t heal you.”
I take a deep breath. “So…are you saying you don’t want to try anymore?”
My heart slams. This might be over. “I can understand if you don’t. Having sex with someone who can’t feel is probably gonna be the worst experience of your life.”
She swears in Fellamana. “No. That’s not what I’m saying. I do. I just want you to be prepared for it possibly not working.”
I rush out in a burst of too many weeks of dreaming. “Since I first saw you, all I’ve wanted to do is watch your face as I make you come. I want to see how you quake and shudder with ecstasy while it’s me inside you.”
Her mouth pops open in silence.
“I’ve watched you come so many times for other people. I just selfishly want to watch you experience such pleasure from me.” I scratch my head. “That is, if you think I can. If you don’t, then—”
She smashes her lips to mine. “Take me upstairs.” She looks too sated to be as fast-moving as I want to be.
“Can I carry you?”
She leans forward out of the chair with a smile of delight. “Yes.”
I grasp her around the waist and toss her over my shoulder.
“Graven!” she squeals and smacks my ass.
I am entirely too clothed, with my uniform still on, but I return her favor and give her ass a good slap except—oh gods—I can’t help grabbing it instead, feeling her ample flesh in my hand for the first time.
“Damn, Niva,” I growl. “Your body alone is worthy of worship.”
“Then hurry up and worship me with your cock.”
I carry her with long strides to the set of stairs by the front door and take them three at a time to the first gallery. I check the first room I see and find it full of more vigorous sex furniture. I swear.
“Next one,” she says. Behind door number two, I find the biggest bed I’ve ever seen. “It’s the orgy bed,” she explains. And it makes sense. It’s obviously designed for a group of people.
Or one very large me and a petite, very voluptuous sex goddess. I intend to use every inch of it. “Perfect.”
I drop her on the soft surface and watch her whole body bounce, all her glorious flesh, including her enormous tits. I don’t wait. I run my hands and my mouth all over her, worshipping her luscious curves as I’ve wanted to since I first saw her. Except now, not only can I feel the sensitive tenderness of her skin, I can be aware of touching her, making her feel good without fear of hurting her.
She moans and buries her fingers in my hair. “Graven…please…don’t make me wait.”
I glance up at her, not wanting to miss a moment of her skin, but also, still wanting to hold to my promise of giving her what she wants first. “Are you ready?”
She spreads her thighs and holds open the lips of her pussy for me. “Now.” I drool, I can’t help it. It’s my instinctive reaction to want to taste her, and she can tell. “You can use your mouth on me again later. I want your cock. Please!”
She’s begging for my cock. Literally.
“You make my dreams come true, you know that?” I confess.
“Then fucking make them real!” she cries and reaches for my cock.
I still can’t feel it; perhaps that’s why I’m hesitating. Her powers aren’t going to heal my cock the way she’s healed my lips and my hands. I know this. I know she’s said she’s not sure, either, but she’ll be disappointed when I’m no better after this. I couldn’t bear the look of failure on her face.
I lean over her and cup her face. “Promise me you understand, it’s not your fault that I’m broken. Promise you know that having this with you is all I want and all I need.”
She moans, “Graven” and reaches for my cock again. “Fucking fuck me already, godsdamn it.”
I rise over her and watch her guide my cock into her exquisite pussy.
Her tender flesh stretches a lot to take me, and she keens in the back of her throat. “Shit gods, you’re big,” she cringes.
“I’m too much.” I try to pull back, even though, despite not being able to feel anything, just watching my cock disappear inside her makes me want to pound her over and over.
“No!” she cries and latches onto my hips. “Don’t stop!”
I push forward, doing as she says, sinking in another inch. “I’m hurting you. You don’t have to…”
She moans a pleasurable sound from deep in her chest. “It’s not hurt, it’s…” She opens her legs wider, encouraging me, and I push forward another inch. “That’s it, all the way…mmm!”
I keep going as slow as I can, even though the urgency to thrust all of me in her at once makes sweat drip on my face.
When I’m all in, and my hips meet hers, I shudder with the need to move but don’t. “O-okay?” is all I can coherently manage.
“Gods!” she sucks air through her teeth. “I’m gonna come just from the size of you.” She doesn’t mean possibly, she means definitely. Her whole body lights up, and her face tightens. “Ah!”
She’s climaxing. Already.
It fills me with an undeniable demand to thrust farther into her, but when I try to move I can’t. She’s locked onto me from the inside.
“Don’t move!” she screams, and the orgasm shakes her body so hard, I fear I’ve given her a seizure. “Ah—ah!”
I bask in the glow of her, just watching her. This. Forever this moment. I will remember the ecstasy lighting up her whole body and the bliss consuming her face. That I made her feel this makes every moment of my wretched existence worth it.
But somehow…I feel something.
I stare down at my hips. I can’t see my cock because it’s buried in her, but I can see her light filtering into me, and I can…feel. Something.
It starts as small as a pin, at the very tip of my cock, but as she comes and her orgasm lengthens, it spreads around me, and the sensation runs down my shaft. I gasp and stare, as though somehow I could see what’s happening to me inside her.
Her light enters me, and my balls light up and…it’s all over for me.
Pleasure sears up my spine, and I come with a primal roar. “Niva!” My hips buck against her. I can’t help it, spurting inside her for the first time. Her cunt is so fucking hot and wet, and I can feel her delectable come slickening her channel. I see it seeping out around my cock.
Her light doesn’t abate, but something inside her lets go of me. “Go, Graven,” she breathes. “Fuck me, hard.”
I don’t need to be told twice. I pull out of her and slam back in, and the sensation, the pure bliss of feeling my cock move inside her…
I can’t—I don’t—I die inside, or my system overloads so there’s nothing in the world that exists except how tightly she hugs my cock and how slick and wet she is, welcoming me to thrust against her as hard as I want, as many times as I want, longer than I ever would’ve believed my body could withstand.
“Graven—Graven—Graven!” she chants, her whole body quaking with my every thrust.
She comes again, latching onto me, and I feel her claws grip me from the inside this time, and it’s like a ring around my cock, wrenching another ecstatic orgasm from me.
I see stars behind my eyes, and I’m about to black out from the sheer overwhelming pleasure of it. Her body lets go of me, and I collapse on my back, my breath pumping so fast, my lungs so frantic for air, I’m sure I’m about to die.
“It worked!” she cheers and leans over me.
I can’t speak. I can only nod and give in to the uncontrollable smile that takes over my face.
She kisses me, and I wish I had the strength to reach for her, but I can’t. I’m too wasted.
“It worked, Graven,” she repeats with pride spreading her chest.
“You,” I say, my breath starting to calm finally. “It’s all you, Niva.”
She kisses me again. “You need to rest. Get some sleep.”
My eyes widen in horror. I don’t think I could sleep if someone drugged me. All I can imagine is fucking her straight for the next twelve hours. Or forty-eight, since that’s what we have. I block that out, I can’t imagine ever getting enough of this. Enough of her. That there will be an end fills my lungs with a deep cavern of mourning.
“Hey, hey!” She puts her hands on my chest as though she can see my hurt. “It’s okay. You don’t have to sleep if you don’t want.” She gives a lusty half smile. “I don’t want to.”
I lift her hand and kiss it. “No sleeping, ever, please.”
She takes pity on me. “Well, I don’t want you passing out from too much pleasure, either. So, I have an idea to help with that.”
“All right, sex doctor,” I smile. “What’s the prescription?”
“You’ve never even felt yourself jerk off, have you?”
“I mean, I do it, every day, but I don’t exactly feel it, no.”
She nods at my cock. “Do it.”
“But…” It seems like such a waste to do it myself when all I want to do is fuck her again—as soon as my heart rate gets back to normal.
“You need to get used to the sensations so they don’t overwhelm you past reason every time you come.”
“Right.” I take a deep breath and grasp my cock, which is just the right size for my hand. I swear abundantly and jerk myself off, coming faster than I ever have in my life. I like how sensitive the skin around my hard cock is.
“That’s it.” Niva leans over, licking up the pool of come I spurted on my stomach. There’s still no sensation on my torso.
She frowns. “You still can’t feel there, can you?”
“It doesn’t matter,” I reassure her. “I love watching you do it and seeing your face as you enjoy it.”
“It does matter, but I have no idea how to heal you here.” She rubs her hands over my chest and abs.
I lift her hand and kiss it. “Let’s focus on the miracles you’ve already worked, goddess.”
She smiles and lowers her head to lick the remnants dripping from the head of my cock.
I bolt upright and away from her, the pleasure so harsh, it’s almost painful. “Are you trying to kill me?”
“Shh, shh.” She rests a hand on my thigh. “Lie back and close your eyes. I’ll go slowly. You need some more gradual introduction to the pleasure of it, okay? Trust?”
I do as she says, closing my eyes, and I’m deliciously aware of everything she does. Unlike the last time, when I could barely tell if it was her mouth or her hand, this time, even with my eyes closed, I can feel her lips delicately kissing the length of my shaft, the tip of her tongue gently tracing the veins around the sides, her little fist wrapping around the base of me, her fingers unable to meet, my girth too large for her hand.
I hold my breath when she dips the round head of me in her mouth, but she goes slowly, excruciatingly slow, so that by the time she’s using the full skills of her dexterous tongue and sucking mouth, I’m mad for her and ready to punish her for torturing me like this.
I sift my fingers into her hair. “You’re going to pay for this.”
She lifts her head and gives me a lustful stare. “What are you gonna do to me?”
I palm her ass again, obsessed with it, wanting to stare at it while I fuck her. “You want to find out?”
Her eyelids lower, and she looks at me through her long lashes. “Yes.”
I grab her and toss her to her knees, kneading her ass with my hands, gripping it, biting it. I trace the seam of her ass, first with my finger and then with my tongue. She groans and presses it closer to my face, arching her back like a cat.
“Are you an ass man, Graven?” she asks in a throaty lust-filled tone.
“I’m a man for your ass, Niva.” I dip my fingers in my come still dripping from her pussy, then circle one around her rear entrance.
She chuckles and opens for my finger, letting me dip it inside. “You want to fuck me there?”
I didn’t know I did, but I do. She’s so tight and small, fuck, oh gods, what would that feel like squeezing my cock? “Would you like me to? Are you a sex goddess for ass?” I’ve seen others do it to her, but none of them were as big as me. It’s probably a terrible idea.
“Tomorrow,” she says. “Let’s stick with just my pussy for tonight.”
I rise up and let my cock drag down the seam of her ass before I press it to her cunt and push my way inside.
She shoves back against me, and I thrust in to the hilt. Our cries of pleasure mingle in the room. I start to move in her, slow. I lean over her and rumble in her ear, “I’m gonna fuck you every way there is, Niva. Every way you’ll let me.”
She moans and squeezes me on the inside so I moan and jerk against her. “That’s a lot of ways. And you’ve got only two days.”
I still at her reminder and hang my head against her neck. Damn it.
“I’m sorry,” she whispers. “I shouldn’t have said that.”
I kiss her nape and nip her ear. “No, I needed the reminder. I have a lot of work to do.”
I go at her, hard, and she takes it like the goddess she is, only ever begging me for more, wringing more pleasure from me with each thrust.
I fuck her every way a bed will let me, until dawn, until exhaustion claims me, and no matter how hard I try to resist, I can’t keep my eyes open.
“Sleep,” she whispers in my ear and cuddles up beside me.
Then I know I’ve died and gone to heaven.