
Thank you for reading these sex planet adventures! I hope they’re as much pleasure to read as they are for me to write.

Special thanks to my editor, Tracy Montoya, whose love and attention to detail make these books come to life, and thanks to my agent, Rachel Brooks, for supporting this series and making it happen. My gratitude as always goes to Bronwen Fleetwood, Jenny Baskwell, and all the PWG gang—you make writing worth it. Also, big thanks to team RWChat—Alexis Daria, C.L. Polk, and Kimberly Bell—I wouldn’t survive publishing without your support.

With the release of the previous sex planet book, Stolen Desire, in summer 2019, so many of you came forward with how much you love this series. I’m eternally grateful for your support. I wouldn’t have had the courage to write this one without your enthusiasm.

Let me know if you want more! I’m mostly on Twitter, but also on Instragram and Facebook, everywhere as @LovettRomance. If you want release updates in your inbox, sign up is on my website,

Happy reading!