Outline of Zephaniah

I. The Dark Day of Yahweh Against Judah (1:1–18)

A. “I Will Sweep Away Everything” (1:2–3)

B. Against Judah (1:4–13)

1. Yahweh’s Hand Stretched Out Against Those in Jerusalem (1:4–6)

2. The Day of Yahweh’s Sacrifice (1:7–9)

3. Those Who Trust in Wealth (1:10–13)

C. A Great Day of Darkness (1:14–18)

II. Yahweh Against the Nations, and a Remnant Sheltered (2:1–15)

A. Call for a Remnant to Seek Yahweh (2:1–3)

B. Against the Philistines to the Southwest (2:4–7)

C. Against Moab and Ammon to the East (2:8–11)

D. Against Enemies to the North and South (2:12–15)

III. Jerusalem’s Judgment and Jerusalem’s Joy (3:1–20)

A. The City of Arrogance and Corruption (3:1–5)

B. Futile Warnings (3:6–8)

C. Promises for the Remnant (3:9–13)

1. I Will Purify (3:9–10)

2. I Will Leave a Remnant of Israel (3:11–13)

D. A Day of Joy in Jerusalem (3:14–20)

1. Yahweh Is with You (3:14–17)

2. I Will Bring You Home (3:18–20)