First things first...
Let’s learn how to write to persuade.
When you write to persuade:
- you convince people to do something or believe in something
- you can exaggerate to get other people to agree with your view.
You must decide:
- Who will be my target audience?
- Who will read this writing?
- What is the purpose of my writing?
Let’s persuade people to go out for the day and take their children.
- You must speak to the reader directly - ‘if you’re dotty about dolphins...’
- You must use cool words - admirable adjectives and nouns -
- ‘dazzling day out,’ ‘scrumptious bird shaped biscuits,’ the softest feathers’
- You must use vibrant verbs and adverbs - ‘The ostriches were striding along/strutting proudly.’
- You must involve your reader so they agree with your opinions - ‘We will teach you much about these delightful creatures.’