Chapter Twenty Six
Cedric drove up to the gates at 6pm. He knew the heavies on the gate, but even so they checked his name against their list. Unusually, they both also checked inside his car and in the boot. Saying nothing, they waved him to the parking area to the rear of the warehouse on the industrial estate. He got out his car, to see the Sauce Boys waiting for him in the warehouse doorway, still at the back.
‘Evening Cedric. You’re early,’ said Pat
‘Not much traffic coming north, and I had a takeaway McDonalds in my car. All set for tonight?’
‘As always,’ replied Harry. ‘Follow us, the boss wants a word.’
The three men walked through the makeshift stage area, curtains closed into the seating auditorium area, so the big man could see a strange frame contraption on the makeshift stage. The frame was timber, very solid, with a bar at the top. This was seven feet tall, with four ropes hanging down, each pair of ropes obviously made for one man. The ropes were sufficiently far apart for the two intended victims to face each other, though unable to make contact even though they were going to be tied. On the concrete floor were two pairs of manacles for the ankles to go through. These were cemented into the concrete, and any resistance that the victims made would be all the more painful, because there was just no way of escaping. The whole construction gave the impression of being made by a professional person who knew exactly what they were doing. Cedric admired the handiwork. There was complete silence as they stopped while the big man inspected. He rattled the floor metal linkings, impressed that they were so firmly embedded into the floor. He then tried to shake the frame, unsuccessfully, because it had been constructed so well. He nodded his head to himself. A good job.
‘So, there is really going to be two tonight,’ he said to the back of Harry, who leading with Pat escorting behind. Neither man said anything. They took him further behind the makeshift stage area, with its high ceiling, until he was in an unfamiliar area. They opened a door to a room that had no furniture, or occupant. Cedric was immediately suspicious, but Harry had quickly stood to one side, as both he and Pat shoved the unwilling victim into the room. They slammed the door shut, not needing to lock it as they already knew there were no windows, nothing inside, no carpet, a light in the ceiling that had a metal bar across the unbreakable glass, and no door handle on the inside.
Cedric banged on the door ‘Let me out you bastards. I’ll have you, you cunts. You think that you’re big boys, but believe me, I’ll fucking have you when I get out of here. I’m a big man around here, you can’t do this to me.’
Two chairs were placed outside the door, and the two Sauce Boys occupied them, knowing that they were on duty until Cedric was in place, on the stage. They could hear all Cedric rantings, but didn’t react. They were professionals, just doing their jobs.