WE ARE DEEPLY GRATEFUL TO ALL THE STUDENTS, parents, and college faculty and administrators who have shared their insights and experiences with us. We have changed some of the identifying information to protect anonymity, but they are the heart of the book.
In addition, we would like to thank the following friends and colleagues who have listened, questioned, critiqued, and continued to give us their support: David Abel, Wendy Bashant, John Berg, Georgia Binnington, Tim Bono, Terri Brennan, Danielle Bristow, Angela Brooks, Tom Brounk, Heather Campbell, Justin Carroll, Charmayne Cooley, Christine Dolan, Mary Elliott, Caroline Kravitz, Elizabeth George, Alan Glass, Anna Gonzalez, Peggy Guest, Mike Hayes, Walter Kimbrough, Larry Kindbom, Cheri LeBlanc, Tim Lempfert, Brenda Levin, Kelli Lively, Mary Anne Modzelewski, Marjorie Nieuwenhuis, Melanie Osborn, Katharine Pei, Edith Rathbone, Melissa Ruwitch, Ethan Sandweiss, Noah Sandweiss, Ann Shuman, Molly Shuman, Stephen Skrainka, Mark Smith, Amy Suelzer, Danny Soteres, Kathy Steiner-Lang, Jill Stratton, Nanette Tarbouni, Martha Turner, Kim Webb, Rob Wild.
Thank you also to our research associate, Alicia Schnell, whose creativity, superb organizational skills, critical eye, and sense of humor have been an enormous help and constant source of delight. Her patience and perseverance helped make it all happen.
A special thank-you to our talented editor, Gail Winston, for her faith in our work and her knowledge, skill, and good counsel. Thank you also to Sophia Groopman, assistant editor, for keeping me on track all the way from manuscript to publication. And finally, we are particularly appreciative of our agent, Elizabeth Kaplan, who saw this project through from the kernel of an idea to its completion. Throughout all six editions we have been the fortunate recipients of her good advice, enthusiasm, and encouragement.