Dear Reader,
My favorite types of romances have always been reunion stories. Whether it’s betrayal or distance or simply growing apart, I enjoy watching a couple overcome past issues and find their way back to each other. In Her Private Avenger, Morgan and Quinn have a rocky past, but their powerful love for each other hasn’t died in the two years they were apart.
And of course, there’s nothing that brings an estranged couple closer together than a hefty dose of danger. I’ve always been a fan of those cold-case shows on television, so I decided it would be interesting to give my heroine a decade-old cold case to solve. Throw in a hero that will do anything to protect her, and you’ve got a story packed with tender emotion and a lot of suspense!
I hope you enjoy Morgan and Quinn’s story! I’m always happy to hear from readers, so visit my website,, and drop me a line.
Happy reading!
Elle Kennedy