action, compassionate, 210–13,
acupressure, 186–91
addictions, 57–60
adults, 111 (see also council of elders)
Ancient Scroll meditation, 162–63 anger
 mediation for exploring, 153–55
 ritual for releasing, 122–25
altars, 100–101, 114, 123, 126, 128,
 131, 135
altered states, 184–85
anxiety, releasing, 187
appreciation meditation, 88

balance, 46, 214–18
beginner’s mind, 62–64
Boy into Manhood, 107–8
breath, 146–51, 201–2

ceremony, 94–97 (see also coming of age, rite of passage)
 designing, 98–106
chant, 199–202
checklist for creativity, 54
chi, 188–91
Circle of Life, 13–15
coming-of-age, 10–11, 27, 110–17
 (see also initiation)
compassionate action, 210–11,
 212–13, 219–26
council of elders, 84, 239–42 (see also adults)
creative community, 64 creativity, 44–49, 54–55, 65–68
 obstacles to, 51, 54–57
Crows, Wisdom of (story), 34

dedication of meditation, 151–53
diary, see Journal
dream(s), 18–19, 40, 168, 178–80
 interpreting, 174–77
 remembering, 169–72
dream circle, 173–74
dream dictionary, 175
dream pillow, 171
dream tea, 171
Dream Weaver, 180–81
drum, making, 195–99
drumming, 192–95

earth. See Nature
emotions in ritual, 106
empowerment, 10–11
energizing meditation, 87–88
Equinox rituals, 127–30, 133–36

Fall Equinox ritual, 133–36
fasting, 84
fears, 52–53
fighting back, 218–19
flexibility, 45
focus, 45
food in ritual, 105, 136
forgiveness, 240

gangs, 226–29
Girl into Womanhood, 108–10
Giving Up the Lie of Your
 Insignificance, 16–19
Golden Key, 51
guided meditations, 159–63

happiness, 245–46
high, natural, 184–85
holy sound, 200–201
hunting ritual, 136–38

Idea Book, 29–31
Ideas for the Road
 creativity, 67–68
 story, 39
initiation, 27, 95–96, 110–17 (see also coming of age, rite of passage)
intuition, 45

journaling, 39, 49–50, 62

lies, 16–19
life, sacredness of, 241
Lion and the Boar (story) 208
loving-kindness meditation, 155–59

mandala, 124, 129–30
mantra, 200–202
medicine, 2–3, 64, 78, 82
medicine bag, 21–22
medicine walk, 75–81
meditation, 144–53
 Ancient Scroll, 162–63
 guided, 159–63
 loving-kindness, 155–59
 mindfulness, 146–48, 153–55
 nature, 86–88
 Sacred Tree, 160–62
 sacred wisdom, 14–15
 smile, 205
mentors, 235–39
mistakes, 60–61
Mitakuye Oyasin, 13–15
Moving Through Your Fears, 52–53

naming ceremony, 117–22
nature, 72–75, 82
nature meditations, 86–88

obstacles to creativity, 51–66

pain, 40
peaceful protest, 224–25
perfectionism, 60–61
personalized journal, 50
prayer, 241–42

 coming-of-age ritual, 110, 113
 council fire, 242
 medicine walk, 76
 meditation, 154
 Sitting on Top of the Great
 Mountain, 8–9
 Walking the Path, 19–20

radical harmlessness, 213–18
rites of passage, 106–17 (see also coming of age, initiation)
ritual, 94–97 (see also coming of age, initiation, rite of passage)
 designing, 98–106

sacred places, 66–67
Sacred Tree meditation, 160–62
seasons, 125–37
service, 212–13, 219–26
shiatsu, 186–88
Sitting on Top of the Great
 Mountain, 8–9
smile meditation, 205
Solstice rituals, 126–27, 130–33
sound, 199–202
space for ritual, 101–3
spiritual guidance, 103–4, 234–39
spiritual journey, 9–12
spiritual name, 117–22
spiritual warriorship, 6–8, 234–42
sports, 202–5
Spring Equinox ritual, 127–30
stories, 26–28, 39–40
 Thundering, 31–33
 your own, 29–31, 440
Storytelling Circle, 28, 39
Summer Solstice ritual, 130–36
synchronicity, 74

Take a Road Trip, 63–64
Tapping in to Sacred Wisdom, 14–15
tension, releasing, 187
threshold, 76–77, 79, 85
Thunder-energy, 2–3, 6
Thunder wisdom, 210–11
Thundering stories, 31–39
Tiger and the Fox, 38–39
trial, in initiation, 115–16 (see also vision quest)
trickster obstacles, 56–57

violence, 226–29
vision quest, 82–86 (see also Trial)
voice, 199–202

Walking the Path, 19–20
Warrior Beware, 65
Warrior’s Coming-of-Age and
 Empowerment, 10–11
warriorship, 6–8, 234–42
White Buffalo Calf Woman, 36–38
wild mind, 149–51
Winter Solstice ritual, 126–27
Wisdom of the Crows, 34–35
Wisdomkeepers, 15, 48, 112–13
wish list, 50

zone experience, 203–4

Index to Wisdomkeepers

Aesop’s Fables, 64–65, 208, 218
Afghan proverb, 123
African American proverb, 64
African Bushman, 178
African proverb, 192
Alda, Alan, 65
Allen, Steve, 224
American Indian Myths and
 Legends, 85
Angelou, Maya, 3
Apollinaire, Guillaume, 18
Arabic proverb, 216
Arapaho proverb, 88
Aristotle, 73
Arrien, Angeles, 5
Atwood, Margaret, 73
Aurelius, Marcus, 153
Australian Aboriginal saying, 169, 217

Baha’u’llah, 216
Bell, Karyn, 6
Bergh, Kirsten Savitir, 29–30
Berry, Wendell, 86
Black Elk, 9, 38, 160
Blackwell, Walker, 192
Bly, Robert, 73, 237
Boldt, Laurence G., 43
Brahman saying, 217
Brihad-Aranyaka Upanishad,
Brothers Grimm, 51
Brown, Bob, 94
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, 87
Budapest, Zsuzanna E., 81
Buddha, 142, 152, 157
Buddhist proverb, 216
Bu-er, Sun, 79
Burbank, Luther, 85
Bushman, African, 178

Calderón de la Barca, Pedro, 177
Cameron, Julia, 45
Campbell, Elizabeth Rose, 169
Campbell, Joseph, 27, 32, 39, 82,
 107, 116, 202
Castaneda, Carlos, 167
Chesterton, Gilbert K., 211
Cheyenne proverb, 195
Chief Seattle, 14
Chinese proverb, 233
Chödrön, Pema, 62, 130
Chodzin, Sherab, 34
Chuang Tzu, 167
Clarke, Lyndsay, 25
Colao, Flora, 204
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 166
Confucian Analects, 217
Corinthians, Epistle to, 156
Craig, P. Erik, 168
Cree proverb, 8
Creek Indians, 48

Dadistan-i-dinik, 216
Dagara tribe, 92, 93
Dalai Lama, 57, 59, 214, 216, 223,
Dali, Salvador, 183
Dante Alighieri, 6
Dass, Ram, 210
da Vinci, Leonardo. See Leonardo
 da Vinci
De Angelis, Barbara, 3
Dickinson, Emily, 205
Disraeli, Benjamin, 144
Dorr, Sharron Brown, 31, 32

Eagle Man. See McGaa, Ed
Edeli, David, 107
Einstein, Albert, 7, 21, 162, 224
Elleson, Lia, 221
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 7, 19, 80, 99,
Eshowsky, Myron, 235–36
Estaban, 213
Estes, Clarissa Pinkola, 238

Ferguson, Gary, 84
Flaming Rainbow Woman, 1, 28, 60,
 74, 118–19, 125
Fox, Selena, 112
Francis of Assisi, St., 225
Freud, Anna, 56

Ghandi, Mahatma, 162, 215, 218
Gibran, Kahlil, 46, 235
Gkisedtanamoogk, 96, 103, 105, 135
Goddard, Harold, 25
Gospel. See Luke, Mark, Matthew
Greek proverb, 225
Grimm Brothers, 51
Grof, Christina, 200
Gros Ventre Indians, 24
Guangzhen, Tan, 89

Hafiz, 42
Hammarskjold, Dag, 219
Hindu saying, 216
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 43
Hopi proverbs, 25, 102, 241, 242
Houston, Jean, 40
Huang, Chungliang Al, 74, 236
Hufschmidt, Ellen, 106, 108, 110,
 111, 122
Hughes, Langston, 173, 180
Hugo, Victor, 50
Huron proverb, 204
Huxley, Aldous, 233

Ishmael, William E., 76, 87, 137–38
Islamic (Sunni) proverb, 216

Jackson, Debra Lee, 48
Jain prayer, 151
Jesus, 209
Jewel, 4
Joyce, James, 60
Jung, Carl Gustav, 74, 170

Kabat-Zinn, Jon, 158
Kabir, 146
Katara, Tatiana, 120–22
Keen, Sam, 27
Kettering, Charles Franklin, 220
King, B.B., 210
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 213, 222
King, Shannon, 143
Kinnell, Galway, 232
Klaven, Ellen, 233
Kohn, Alexandra, 34
Kornfield, Jack, 156

Lacandon (Mayan Indian)
 proverb, 13
Lakota sayings, 57, 154
Lama Surya Das, 13, 213
Lao-tzu, 155, 186
Lawrence, D. H. 64
Leonardo da Vinci, 173
Leopold, Aldo, 73
Levine, Stephen, 145
Leviticus, 216
Looking Horse, Arvol, 33
Lorde, Audre, 109, 211
Lowell, James Russell, 61
Luke (Gospel), 145
Lumbee Tribe proverb, 21
Lynch, Jerry, 236

Machado, Antonio, 60
Maori proverb, 64
Marden, Orison Swett, 17
Mark (Gospel), 220
Manitonquat (Medicine Story), 29
Marcus Aurelius, 153
Matthew (Gospel), 49, 216, 217
Matthews, Caitlín, 161
Mayan proverb, 13
McFadden, Steven, 12
McFerrin, Bobby, 191
McGaa, Ed, 33, 36, 119
Mead, Margaret, 209
Meade, Michael, 234
Medicine Eagle, Brooke, 110
Miller, Jeffrey. See Lama Surya Das
Mohring, Popie, 169
Momaday, N. Scott, 26
Mother Teresa, 205
Muir, John, 73, 75
Muktananda, Baba, 237
Murdock, Maureen, 159
Murphee, Brenda, 174, 179, 180

Nag Hammadi Library, 48, 51
Native American Almanac,
Native American Mythology,
 Dictionary of,
Navajo Indians, 156
Newman, John Henry (Cardinal), 67
Novick, Leah (Rabbi), 82

Oda, Mayumi, 101
Oglala Sioux legend, 189
Olatunji, Babatunde, 193
Oneida Nation, 94, 98, 104, 106,
 107, 217
Otto, Herbert, 20

Paine, Thomas, 18
Pearce, Joseph Chilton, 29, 54
Pearson, Carol, 16
Plato, 204
Pomo song, 73
Poor Wolf, 24
Proverbs, Book of, 82, 157
Prabhavananda, Swami, 47
Psalms, Book of, 147

Rather, Dan, 239
Reinhardt, Laurel Ann, 52, 168, 237
Reese, Bette, 212
Rilke, Rainer Maria, 55, 212
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 167, 209
Rumi, 20, 30, 72, 171
Russell, Bertrand, 176

Saint-Exupery, Antoine de, 162
Salakwa, 104, 106, 107
Salzburg, Sharon, 155
Savary, Louis, 173
Schweitzer, Albert, 223
Seattle, Chief, 14
Seneca proverb, 239, 240
Severson, Terri, 237
Shakespeare, William, 53
Shango song, 5
Shaw, George Bernard, 218
Shawnee chant, 217
Sherman, Marie, 185
Shikibu, Izumi, 83
Shissai, Chozan, 10
Shu Ching, 235
Silva, Ramon Medina, 78
Sioux proverb, 238 (see also Lakota, Oglala)
Somé, Malidoma Patrice, 72, 95, 98,
 99, 115
Somé, Sonbonfu, 95–96
Sophocles, 44
Sri Guru Granth Sahib, 217
Starhawk, 124
Stevens, Wallace, 73
Sufi texts, 38–39, 42, 205
Sunni proverb, 216
Suquamish Indians, 14
Suzuki, Shunryu, 62, 63
Swami Prabhavananda, 47
Swan, James A., 111, 134, 137, 138
Swift, Jed, 73, 75

T’ai Shang Kan Ying P’ien, 216
Talmud, 19, 176
Taoist proverb, 186, 216, 216
Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre, 159
Te Maori art exhibit, 12
Teresa, Mother, 205
Thich Nhat Hanh, 143
Thoreau, Henry David, 2, 75, 77
Thorpe, Ralph, 178
Tibetan Buddhist prayer, 172
Tibetan physician, 217
Tolstoy, Leo, 58
Tomlin, Lily, 184
Trinidad song, 5
Truer, Jere, 192–95, 198
Trungpa, Chögyam, 12, 15, 47, 53,
 144, 146, 215

Ueland, Brenda, 16
Unitarian Universalist saying, 217
Upanishad, Brihad-Aranyaka,

Valley-Fox, Anne, 27
Ventura, Michael, 11

Wagner, Charles, 201
Walker, Alice, 17, 186
Wampanoag Indians, 29
Watts, Alan, 59
Weiner, Bernard, 108
Wiccan creed, 217
Wiesel, Elie, 30
Wolf, Fred Alan, 180, 181
Wordsworth, William, 212
Wu-Men, 149

Yellow Tail, Jackie, 176, 215
Yoga-Sastra, 217
Young, Shinzen, 157
Ywahoo, Dhyani, 187

Zoroastrian saying, 216