1 Introduction
Rapid growth of multimedia applications and increasing of the high-resolution images on a large scale create the problem of storage and transferring of data [1–3]. Compression techniques are the application of image processing that deals with the reduction of bits to represent the image. Attractive part of image compression is the resolution of the image. Nowadays, it plays a leading role in many application i.e., quality improvement in satellite images [4], enhancement of resolution in a video [5] and feature computation [6]. Generally, two kinds of resolution methods exist in image processing, single image super-resolution and multi-image super-resolution method. The algorithms [7–9] of multiple-image super-resolution accept the low-resolution images of same scene in the form of input and perform registration technique to transform images for their size reduction. The output information is then combined with the distorting constraints of low-quality input images to develop a high-quality framework for showing the output of the high-resolution image. For appropriate working of super-resolution image algorithm, the smaller pixels in low-resolution images should be repositioned. It is very crucial to reposition the smaller pixels; these pixels can be repositioned by registration techniques. The repositioning of pixels in objects like a model of a human being is more complex.
Perhaps, algorithms in [10] achieve high-quality output; though, the enhancement aspects are constraint by factors near to 2. The algorithms [11–13] for single-image super-resolution cannot relocate smaller pixels due to the only input. In replacement, these algorithms make the learning model on the basis of low resolution and high-resolution images counterpart through training. Consequently, in the later stage, these models predict the missing pixels of the low-resolution image. Indeed, based on trained features between high-quality and low-quality images, the tested output of these algorithms is much better to enhance compression of the input image. Therefore, the reduction and regeneration of high-quality images are very essential. In compression of an image, there is a very vital part of information theory. Importantly, the dimension of the data i.e. histogram can be decreased by using information theory [14, 15]. Lossy and Lossless are the two methods for compressing the image [16, 17]. In lossy compression technique, the compressed image cannot be restored to its original image because of losing some information due to compression while on the other hand in lossless compression method, the compressed image can be restored to its original image. Lossy image compression technique is renowned for compression; it gives higher compression than lossless compression. Lossless compression technique considers risk with an aim to avoid loss of information, for example in medical image processing, high information required related patient to identify the disease. The primary purpose of this technique is to decrease the image size as much as possible without losing the content of the image [18]. However, in case of lossy compression, loss of information is acceptable within the boundary.
Wavelets importantly involved in Internet-based applications. It deals with the image compression and signal processing. Usually, this method compressed image in a large manner than other techniques like JPEG [11, 19]. In Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT), initially, an operation performed on the row of the image to get the input value and then used on the columns. This procedure is called two-dimension wavelet breakdown of the image [20, 21]. This procedure accomplishes the image into four smaller bands including High-High (HH), Low-Low (LL), High-Low (HL) and Low-High (LH). The frequency of the original image is wrapped completely by the frequency of the smaller bands.
In this work, we proposed a new way of lossy image compression technique, named as ZDD, which is based on DWT and Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) by performing zoning on result of DWT. The objective of the ZDD method is to improve the PSNR while compressing an image. In our research work, the basic ingredient is zoning that helps in recognizing the deep parts of the image and that can be focused more accurately for better and efficient results. The goal of ZDD is to reduce the size of original image to make more space for storage of a variety of images. The quantitative and visual results prove that the proposed methodology is more helpful for lossy compression of an image. Our lossy image compression method can be used as it leads better results in comparison to the existing ones. We used benchmark dataset contains 15 colour based images for experimental purpose. On the basis of PSNR values, the results are evaluated to validate our proposed research. DCT decreases the psychovisual dismissals of any image and the DCT lossy compression image is a quantization method [22, 23]. The quality of the decompressed picture can be improved by using DWT. While DCT works with the boundary points and for producing accurate calculation results cosine is used instead of sine. It takes different frequencies and makes a flow for data points and then summing those points by using cosine. Furthermore, DCT works better for smaller high-frequency bands [24]. Therefore, DCT is chosen to get the input of DWT based four zones with deep information.
2 Related Work
This section introduces the background information and related work of image compression technology. Many states of the art image compression techniques are available, such as Wavelet Compression Technique (WCT) [19], Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) [4] etc. All of these techniques play an important role in many image processing applications.
2.1 Wavelet Compression Technique (WCT)
Wavelet Compression Technique is often used in many image processing applications. It is specifically used for resolution enhancement-based applications.
2.2 Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT)
In order to obtain a high-resolution image using DWT, a new learning-based technique is proposed [26]. This method’s novelty comes in the domain of wavelet-based specific application design. Initially, super-resolution image approximation is achieved by filter coefficients and high-frequency wavelet information in the wavelet domain (WD). On this basis, the regularization framework based on sparse distribution is used to degrade the image. Finally, output image is calculated from initial super-resolution and wavelet coefficients. The one advantage of this algorithm is; it learns from initial approximation rather than using registered image. Moreover, this method uses sparse priority to preserve neighbourhood dependencies. Another advantage of the method is to use wavelet coefficients to present the best point range function to simulate the achievement process of the image.
In article [29], authors used DWT to divide the image into four sub-bands (HH, HL, LH, and LL). They used DWR to compress the Low-Low (LL) subband and SVD to compress high-frequency subbands (HH, HL, and LH). The proposed approach has been validated in a number of well-known images, including airfields, peppers, Lena and boats. The results were compared with WDR and JPEG2000. This technique showed improvement in term of PSNR and visual result than these existing methods.
2.3 Zoning
This technique refers to divide the image into N parts which can grab discriminative depth detail of image as much as possible. Suppose I is an image, zoning method generally divide the image into N zones i.e., Z1, Z2 … Zn (N > 1). Each zone provides depth information of an image. Zoning is not only useful for the lossy type of image compression but also useful in medical image compression when each pixel is critically essential. In medical imaging, initially zones defined the depth location of an image and then further operation has been performed over those zoned areas. When compression technique is applied then zones can neglect the most irrelevant information, the useful information still remains there. Hence, it is a more useful technique in many lossy image compression applications. Different authors have proposed zoned based models for different problems such that character recognition, identifying facial expressions from the images. Jin et al. [28] divided the image 4 × 4, 4 × 9, 4 × 16, 8 × 8 and 10 × 10 zones in recognition of Chinese characters. They computed the directional features from those separated grids. One more study [29] has also done on Chinese character recognition through zoning. In this work Liu et al. used a direct decomposition method on 4 × 4 grids. Pal and Chaudhuri et al. [30] presented their work on character recognition on the base of zone information. In this work, the authors suggested the Indian language for their character recognition on the base of zoning. In [31], authors worked on the recognition of car plates. They divided the car plate image into 4 × 4 zones to compute pixel depth feature. In [6], the authors proposed a zone-based model for identifying the facial expressions from an image. In this work, authors fetched the required information from the marked regions or zones and then apply their proposed technique to recognize facial expression. Authors in [14] proposed a model to the visual objects within an image based on the frequency domains and the region-based zones. In this work, a hybrid model is presented to visualize objects within an image. For this, the authors divided an image into two different parts such that frequency domains and region-based zones. Firstly, the authors applied frequency domain features on the grids; secondly, a region-based part was highlighted. They made more clear visualization among the various images which were tested and utilized in their research work. Hence the zone-based approach makes work more easily with high accuracy comparatively.
2.4 Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT)
DCT plays a vital role in lossy image compression. DCT actually works with the boundary points, to get accurate results cosine is used instead of sine. It takes different frequencies, makes a flow for data points, and then sums those points by using sum function of cosine. If there is a need to skip smaller high-frequency sub-bands then DCT works better and that is the reason to choose DCT in proposed research work.
Authors [24] proposed a lossy image compression technique based on DCT, in which an image is divided bases of frequencies, where the low frequencies are discarded. The authors applied proposed technique on various images like pepper image with quantization. Landge et al. [15] proposed a comparison technique based on DCT, in which only grayscale images of different sizes (256 × 256, 64 × 64 and 8 × 8) were taken. Their method achieved compressed image less in size than the original one. In this work, they used the MATLABXILINX-MATLAB methodology for their proposed compression technique. The reconstruction was done by using inverse of DCT to get the original image. Uma et al. [32] used the DCT method for the 2-D grayscale image to increase the storage space for saving more images at a time. They used VLSI architecture for parallel computation of images with the DCT and report satisfactory results. The authors mentioned that DCT is a moderate and best technique for image compression in terms of parallel programming.
3 Proposed Methodology
Our presented method, i.e. ZDD, compresses images with losses to save storage space as well as to transfer image files.
4 Experimental Results and Discussions
Our proposed methodology consists of two parts. First, Encoding is used to reduce the bandwidth for quick transfer of data. Second, Decoding is the inverse process of encoding. The encoding and decoding of the ZDD method is implemented by the algorithm as presented in the previous section.
Represents the comparative evaluation of the ZDD method with existing methods
Image | Method | |||
JPEG PSNR | JPEG 2000 PSNR | HD photo PSNR | ZDD method PSNR | |
big_building.jpg | 34.7226 | 25.266 | 21.7518 | 34.5036584 |
Big_tree.jpg | 32.166 | 34.839 | 27.2198 | 34.6955269 |
bridge.jpg | 32.1607 | 34.452 | 26.2629 | 32.5471716 |
Cathedral.jpg | 34.3605 | 33.218 | 28.2349 | 37.7619170 |
Deer.jpg | 31.7454 | 47.1979 | 36.6806 | 36.0143370 |
Fireworks.jpg | 40.7422 | 37.1857 | 32.4577 | 40.3344634 |
Floer_foveon.jpg | 37.8429 | 35.4603 | 29.1615 | 35.6577277 |
hdr.jpg | 39.6114 | 39.0162 | 34.7 | 35.8046278 |
leaves_iso_200 | 35.6442 | 26.9464 | 22.6741 | 33.7354433 |
leaves_iso_1600 | 35.3111 | 39.0855 | 31.6836 | 33.6628123 |
Nightshot_iso_100 | 40.4402 | 40.4049 | 34.959 | 36.4697993 |
Nightshot_iso_160 | 35.1703 | 41.9129 | 38.2821 | 36.9412316 |
Spider_web.jpg | 36.1093 | 35.1134 | 28.691 | 33.4924241 |
Zartificial.jpg | 39.3692 | 23.2222 | 20.7011 | 34.1076934 |
Zone_plate.jpg | 36.4246 | 42.4073 | 39.8255 | 35.1559657 |
5 Conclusion
In this research paper, new lossy image compression technique, named as ZDD is presented. ZDD compresses the images with an objective to reduce the image size for transmission of lossy images. ZDD is composed of DWT and DCT for image compression. DWT based bands are divided into zones to get the deep knowledge of pixels. Each band of DWT is decomposed into zones and then passed to DCT by combining all zones into a compressed image. After compressing input images, image is decompressed by using IDCT, applied on zone bitstream. Zones bit streams were merged in order to get the four DWT sub-bands (LL, LH, HL and HH). These frequency sub-bands are then transformed into a single by using IDWT. Experimental results of ZDD performed better and competitive to existing technologies such as JPEG, JPEG2000 and HD photos. However, DWT describes the frequency and spatial picture of an image with low energy on lower frequency sub-bands and edges and texture on high-frequency sub-bands. Therefore, we intend to consider edges and texture at high sub-bands including energy concentrated on lower sub-bands of images for better image compression.
This paper is supported by National Natural Science Fund NSF: 61272033 & 61572222.