
Title Page

Copyright Notice




CHAPTER 1. Berkeley

CHAPTER 2. Little Green Men

CHAPTER 3. George Smith and George Scruggs

CHAPTER 4. What He Was Really Doing

CHAPTER 5. The Rat in the House

CHAPTER 6. Chung Fu: Inner Truth

CHAPTER 7. Idiocy

CHAPTER 8. Crazy Days

CHAPTER 9. The Real Presence

CHAPTER 10. Ko: Revolution (Molting)

CHAPTER 11. What Is Human?

CHAPTER 12. Portrait of the Artist as a Heretic

CHAPTER 13. Among the Living Dead

CHAPTER 14. Freaks

CHAPTER 15. Flow My Tears

CHAPTER 16. The Soul’s Winter

CHAPTER 17. The Empire Never Ended

CHAPTER 18. The Tyrant’s Fall

CHAPTER 19. Horselover Fat

CHAPTER 20. End of the Line

CHAPTER 21. Critical Mass

CHAPTER 22. The One He Had Been Waiting For

CHAPTER 23. Penultimate Truths

CHAPTER 24. Indeterminacy

Also by Emmanuel Carrère

Praise for I Am Alive and You Are Dead

About the Author
