There’s a thief in the hospital!

“Please Dr. Berger,” Mrs. Shelton said, “can you tell us about Jane Jansen? How is she? Did she have her baby?”

Dr. Berger smiled. “I was just with Mrs. Jansen,” she said, “and she’s doing very well. It will be a while before I can tell you any more than that.”

Dr. Berger went to the coffee machine.

Cam, Eric, and Mrs. Shelton went back to their seats.

“It’s your turn,” Cam told Eric. “I said ‘Naomi’ and that ends with an ‘I.’”



“I’m getting a cup of coffee,” Mrs. Shelton told Cam and Eric. “Are you thirsty? Would you like some juice?”

Cam and Eric wanted orange juice.

Mrs. Shelton looked on the couch. She lifted her coat. Then she lifted Cam’s and Eric’s coats. “Hey,” she said. “Where’s my purse?”