Aldington, Richard. The Viking Book of Poetry of the English Speaking World, Vol. 1. Viking Press: 1958, New York.
Alvarez, Alicia. Bedtime: 365 Nightly Readings for Passion and Romance. Conari Press: 1995, Berkeley.
Astrov, Margot. American Indian Prose and Poetry. Capricorn Books: 1962, New York
Benet, William and Conrad Aiken. An Anthology of Famous English and American Poetry. The Modern Library/Random House: 1945, New York.
Bloom, Harold. The Best Poems of the English Language. Harper Collins: 2004. New York, New York.
Brown, E.K. Victorian Poetry. Thomas Nelson and Sons: 1942, New York.
Burr, David Stanford. Love Poems. Barnes & Noble: 2002, New York, New York.
Cooper, Alice Cecilia. Poems of Today. Ginn and Company: 1924, Boston.
Dickinson, Emily. Selected Poems. Dover: 1990, New York.
Douglas, George. The Book of Scottish Poetry. T. Fisher Unwin: 1911, London.
Eliot, G.R. and Norman Foerster. English Poetry of the Nineteenth Century. Macmillan: 1935, New York.
Fowler, Alastair. The New Oxford Book of Seventeenth Century Verse. Oxford University Press: 1992, Oxford/ New York.
Frothingham, Robert. Songs of the Sea & Sailors’ Chanteys. Houghton Mifflin: 1924, Cambridge, MA.
Goodwin, Daisy. 101 Poems That Could Save Your Life. Harper Collins: 2003, New York, New York.
Harmon, William. The Top 500 Poems. Columbia University Press: 1992, New York, New York.
Hebel, J. William and Hoyt H. Hudson. Poetry of the English Renaissance 1509-1660. Appleton-Century Crofts: 1929, New York.
Hyde, Douglas. Love Songs of Connacht. Barnes & Noble: 1969, New York.
Kaufman, Alan. The Outlaw Bible of American Poetry. Thunder’s Mouth Press: 1999, New York.
Keats, John. Lyric Poems. Dover: 1991,New York,.
Lattimore, Richmond. Greek Lyrics. The University of Chicago Press: 1960, Chicago.
Martz, Louis Lohr, Ed. Anchor Anthology of Seventeenth-Century Verse Volume 1, and 2. Anchor Books: 1969, Garden City, New York
McKuen, Rod. Hand in Hand. Pocket Books: 1977. New York, NY
Nicholson, D.H.S. and Lee A.H.E. The Oxford Book of English Mystical Verse. Clarendon Press, Oxford: 1917
Plath, Sylvia. Ariel: The Restored Edition. Harper Collins: 2004, New York.
Quiller-Couch, Arthur Thomas, Sir. The Oxford Book of Ballads. Clarendon Press, Oxford: 1910.
Quiller-Couch, Arthur Thomas, Sir. The Oxford Book of English Verse. Clarendon Press: Oxford, 1901.
Rittenhouse, Jessie Belle. The Little Book of Modern Verse. Houghton Mifflin: Boston, 1917.
Rossetti, Christina. Goblin Market and Other Poems. Dover: 1994, New York.
Sewell, Marilyn. Claiming the Spirit Within. Beacon Press: 1996, Boston.
Shakespeare, William. Measure for Measure. New American Library: 1964, New York
Sinister, Bucky. All Blacked Out and Nowhere to Go. Gorsky Press: 2007, Los Angeles.
Smith, Phillip, Ed. 100 Best-Loved Poems. Dover Books: 1995, Mineola, New York.
Tedlock, Dennis. Finding the Center: Narrative Poetry of the Zuni Indians. The Dial Press: 1972. New York
Whicher, George F. The Goliard Poets. Cambridge University Press: 1944, Cambridge, MA.
Zeydel, Edwin. Vagabond Verse. Wayne State University Press: 1966, Detroit.
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