Report on Portugal’s War in Guiné-Bissau
Under the Indian Ocean
Africa At War
The Zambezi Salient
Coloured: Profile of Two Million South Africans
Africa Today
Handbook for Divers
Challenge: South Africa in the African Revolutionary Context
Underwater Mauritius
Where to Dive: In Southern Africa and Off the Islands
War in Angola
The Chopper Boys: Helicopter Warfare in Africa
The Iraqi War Debrief: Why Saddam Hussein Was Toppled
War Dog: Fighting Other Peoples’ Wars
Iran’s Nuclear Option
Allah’s Bomb: The Islamic Quest for Nuclear Weapons
Cops: Cheating Death: How One Man Saved the Lives of 3,000
How South Africa Built Six Atom Bombs
Dive South Africa
The Road to Nuclear Armament
Diving With Sharks (2011)
Portugal’s Guerrilla Wars in Africa(2011)
Soldier of Fortune
Dirty Bomb (2011)