
This commentary has been several years in the making, and many people have influenced the shape it has taken. The author thanks Katya Covrett, senior acquisitions editor at Zondervan, and Clint Arnold, series editor for the Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament series, for inviting me to contribute this volume. And thanks are also due to Verlyn Verbrugge for his editing work that improves this volume. My former pastor and friend, Diana Trautwein, encouraged me to take on another commentary and has been a constant source of encouragement and support along the way. I have benefited from my students in the exegesis courses on John’s letters that I have taught since 2005 in the Biblical Exegesis program in Wheaton’s Graduate School. They have not let me avoid some of the harder questions about these brief NT books.

My teaching assistants during these years have each contributed in helpful ways. I especially acknowledge the contributions of Cassandra Blackford (2005–2006), Charlie Trimm (2010–2011), Jon Hoglund (2011–2012), Jeremy Otten (2012–2013), and Chris Smith (Fall 2013), who helped to index this volume. My husband, Dr. Forrest Jobes, has continued to express the Ephesians 5 kind of love that has enabled me to spend such a large part of our life writing this volume. I am grateful to the Lord for all of these people and the rich blessing each has been in my life.