Everything goes hazy.
My head spins and my knees wobble and shadows creep in at the corners of my vision. Along with a giggling that I know isn’t entirely in my head.
In the past, the mansion filled me with wonder. Now it just fills me with dread.
I have to get out of here. I have to get rid of the doll.
I turn around—maybe if I go back the way I came I’ll find the real exit. Maybe I just accidentally took the wrong path.
The mansion sits before me.
“No,” I whisper.
Maybe I’m still dreaming. Maybe all of today has been one long nightmare and I will wake up soon.
I pinch myself. It stings. Nothing changes.
I squeeze my eyes shut and will myself to wake up, for all of this to go away. When I open them again, the mansion is still there. Broken and imposing and demanding my attention.
I turn around.
The mansion is there.
No matter which way I look, the mansion is in front of me.
I look down at the doll in my hand and receive another shock.
Her tiny arm is raised, and her finger points directly at the mansion.
“You want me to go in there?” I ask.
Very slowly, she nods.
I know I should scream, but at this point, too many strange things have happened for this to surprise me. I don’t even drop her to the ground. I just swallow my fear and disbelief and stare up at the mansion that has always drawn me near.
It all adds up: the dreams, the strange reactions of the town and my friends. Even the doll.
Everything leads back here, to the mansion.
Everything leads back to a history that no one remembers.
I look back down to the doll and her dress. BURY ME. And then I know the answer:
She doesn’t want me to bury her just anywhere.
She wants me to bury her here.
“Okay, then,” I say to the doll and whatever ghosts are listening. “Let’s put you to rest, once and for all.”