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Edgar Cayce says!

“In dreams, people experience for themselves every important kind of psychic phenomenon, and every level of helpful psychological and religious counsel.”

Edgar Cayce shows you how to use your dreams to achieve the same self-understanding, happiness and success he gave to others in his famous “Life Readings.”

By following Edgar Cayce’s techniques of dream interpretation, you can explore your potential for: predicting the future • discovering hidden persona! talents • relieving nervous tensions • making money • rearing children wisely • discovering your past lives • securing health guidance • developing your ESP • gaining insight into your destiny in this life—and beyond.

Harmon H. Bro, Ph.D., the author of this book, is the only trained social scientist ever to study Edgar Cayce extensively at first hand. He personally heard Edgar Cayce give more than 500 “readings” of all types. Dr. Bro is a specialist in depth psychology who made his work with Edgar Cayce the subject of his doctoral dissertation.