Now, old, heavy, and myopic, Pinness could penetrate at a glance so far into space and so deep into earth that he suffered from attacks of vertigo and fainted on the floor of his room amid bits of leftover meatloaf, preserved caterpillars, and dry crusts of bread. This was the state Meshulam found him in when he arrived one day, devastated by a new piece of research that dealt with our very own village.
He shook Pinness awake and helped him into bed before furiously waving under the old teacher’s nose one of the many journals he subscribed to. It was a publication called The Land of Israel Historian, and on its cover was a large, oddly reddish fish curled around the Cave of the Patriarchs with its nose in the scales of its tail.
‘The latest is that they say there were no swamps here,’ shouted Meshulam irately. ‘What doesn’t pass for research these days!’
With his grey hair and clawing fingers Meshulam resembled an irritable Egyptian vulture. Turning the pages until he came to an article entitled ‘The Swamps of the Valley of Jezreel: Myth and Reality’, he began reading out loud, his shaky forefinger jumping from line to line.
‘Listen to this! “For propagandistic and political purposes, the Zionist movement created around the Valley of Jezreel a symbolic mythology of swamps, malaria, and death. In fact, ninety-nine per cent of the Valley was not swampland at all.”’
Pinness, who was by then being touted by febrile journalists as ‘one of the last pioneers of the Valley of Jezreel’, clutched at Meshulam’s words as if they were straw that might rescue him from his swoons of heresy, or an anchor whose stability amid the labyrinthine caves of time and the treacherous chutes of space could restore him to the safety of his old beliefs.
‘“The evidence indicates that at the beginning of the period of modern Jewish settlement, swampland in the Valley of Jezreel was not widespread,”’ Meshulam recited. ‘“This, of course, is at variance with the picture given by Zionist sources, which created the Myth of the Swamp. Although the actual extent of the swamps was small, their imaginative appeal was enormous.”’
Meshulam repeated the words ‘imaginative appeal’ several times with barely suppressed fury, sipped some tea, and declared that ‘they’, those ‘muzhiks who call themselves historians’, had even cited his father’s and Liberson’s memoirs ‘to advance their tissue of lies’, making a mockery of the truth by ‘quoting selectively at their convenience’.
‘But they don’t know who they’re up against!’ he roared at the ceiling. ‘I’ve got all the documents and proofs. Now you see why I saved all those papers even when everyone laughed at me.
‘Look at this,’ he said, pointing at the journal. ‘The frauds actually mention my father!’
He began to read again. ‘“Before the village was established, its founders surveyed the site. One of them, a certain Tsirkin who was nicknamed ‘Guitar’, wrote in his memoirs: ‘We went to have a look at our first swamp and saw a clump of bright green willow trees. Swamps like this, we were told by those who knew, were nothing to be afraid of, because ordinary drainage ditches could lower the water level until they disappeared.’”’
‘Guitar,’ gagged Meshulam, glancing at Pinness to see if he was similarly aghast.
‘Read on, Meshulam,’ said Pinness.
‘Now I’ll read you what my father actually wrote, the part these so-called scholars never quoted,’ Meshulam said, opening the familiar green volume of his father’s memoirs, On Native Paths, which he himself had edited, published, and given a copy of to every family in the village a few years previously.
‘“A green carpet of brackish water that collected in sinkholes and hollows lay everywhere, infested with all kinds of pests.”’ He leafed through the pages until he found the famous passage that had once appeared in The Young Worker and could still be found in school readers. ‘“We looked all around us at the green pools with their stagnant water and were far from overjoyed. The rank green rushes were taller than a man. The swamp was green too. But it was deep with promise, though its big and little marshes were crawling with mosquitoes.”’
That evening, when I had returned from my graves and was helping Avraham with the milking, Meshulam appeared at our place too. Over the whirr of the electric motors and the blasts of compressed air he vociferously told me, Avraham, and the sceptical cows how the founding fathers had ‘drained the evil waters’ until ‘they shook all over from malaria’, wallowing ‘waist-deep in muck’ while laying clay pipes in accordance with the Breuer system and singing the pioneer ditty ‘Friend of the Frog’.
‘“Despite the warnings of Doctor Yoffe and the fever we all came down with, we cut papyrus with our sickles until our arms ached and our shoulders felt like stone,”’ he held forth from his father’s memoirs. ‘“Under absolutely no circumstance must you try settling in such a place,”’ he quoted Doctor Yoffe, the country’s leading expert on malaria. Meshulam knew a large portion of the documents in his possession by heart.
We were busy opening and shutting air valves. By the time Avraham switched off the Alfa-Laval vacuum pump, Meshulam had moved on to the high ground of principle, castigating ‘the epidemic of cynicism that has infected the public’ and ‘the pathetic hunger for publicity and sensationalism that you find among academics, which will soon spread throughout our society, this village not excepted.’
In those days Avraham no longer brought his milk churns to the dairy. His cows yielded such prodigious quantities of milk that he had installed his own refrigerator in the yard, and the village tanker emptied it every day. Now, checking its temperature, he remarked that perhaps Meshulam should write an article for the papers. But Meshulam merely spat angrily and said that the press was ‘part of the conspiracy’ and that ‘something drastic must be done to set this country on its ear’.
‘It’s scandalous,’ admitted Pinness, grateful to be released for a while from the clutches of the cavemen and the slow crumbling of the Via Maris into a world that had reassuringly contracted to the dimensions of a local outrage. ‘Today it’s Guitar Tsirkin and tomorrow they’ll say there were never any pioneers to begin with. Why, Doctor Yoffe was here in person and declared that this place was every bit as bad as the swamps of Hadera.’
He wrote a long article and sent it to the Movement newspaper, which not only failed to print it but did not even bother to return it. Pinness was cut to the quick. Resentfully he recalled all the pieces that he and his fellow pedagogues had regularly published in Movement dailies and periodicals in the past. ‘A little poem’ of his had even been printed in The Young Worker in a special box bordered by flowers, and had been set to music by Mandolin Tsirkin. Every child in the Valley could sing its refrain in a piping, confident voice:
Say ye not the flesh is weary,
Say ye not the dream is fled.
Be in this land a pioneer, ye!
Never shall ye bow your head.
In the end Pinness turned to the village treasurer and asked for a grant to publish the article at his own expense. He was given the money and the piece appeared, but the words ‘Paid Advertisement’ at the bottom seared his soul like a humiliating tattoo.
Under the title ‘A Land That Devoureth Its Inhabitants’, Pinness referred to the Swamp Revisionists as ‘promiscuousmouthed hypocrites’ and related his own memories.
‘On our visit to the site we saw the graves of the Germans who had tried to settle there before us and died of malaria. Later we met an old Arab who was ploughing with a team of oxen.
‘“Don’t you suffer from swamp fever?” I asked him.
‘“No,” he said. “If you come to live here, you will have four years of war, because that’s how long you will fight your own blood, but if you are alive at the end of them, you will go on living.”
‘“What about your children?” I asked. “Do many of them die?”
‘“Yes,” he said. “The old people live, but the children, Allah takes them.”
‘A year later my wife Leah died of malaria with two infants in her womb, sinless twins who never saw the light of day. As the chief butler says to Pharaoh, “I do remember my faults today.” I sought to take my own life, but my comrades snatched my gun from me. My wife and twins were the victims of the imaginary swamps of the Valley of Jezreel.’
In the village, the old argument over Pinness’s rifle was revived.
‘What is he yacking about that gun again for? He forgot to take it with him,’ said Meshulam, who considered Pinness’s article a red herring.
‘Rilov removed the firing pin,’ said Levin.
‘You weren’t even here then,’ Levin was told.
‘Rilov was carrying on with Leah Pinness,’ declared Riva Margulis.
‘That whore never died of malaria. She died of cave fever,’ said Tonya Rilov.
‘Whoever should know knows, and whoever shouldn’t doesn’t,’ said Rilov, sticking his head out of his septic tank for a breath of fresh air before resubmerging and vanishing from sight.