Melbourne. Two Months Later.
Hayley rested her wine glass on the table and glanced outside her apartment. Katy was happily playing with a ball in the hot sand while the sun shone brightly overhead. Ethan was staring out a wide window at the sunshine.
‘You know,’ Hayley said. ‘It’s nice to have you around.’
Ethan raised his glass in her direction. ‘I’ll drink a toast to that,’ he said. ‘It’s nice to have Katy in a place that feels safe.’
‘She seems happy here,’ Hayley said.
Ethan laughed. ‘I think she’s as surprised about being here as I am. But it’s a good surprise.’
‘It is,’ Hayley agreed. ‘You’ll be happy in Italy, too. It’s a good idea to split your home until school means Katy has to spend longer in one place.’
‘And who knows how we’ll be by then?’ Ethan asked Hayley with a smile, because even though it was still early days, right now they both knew they were getting closer all the time.
There was a knock at the door and then David walked in. He had flown over to Australia shortly after Ethan, claiming that a lot of his work could be done from here — and that he wanted to feel the sun and see the world. In the two weeks since he had been here, Hayley had become familiar with him. She gave David a big smile.
‘Well, it’s done,’ David said. ‘ Ryan’s been arrested.’
Hayley watched the darkening in Ethan’s eyes and reached across the table to take his hand. She understood what an important influence Ryan had been in Ethan’s life and how intensely his betrayal had hurt.
‘They found plenty of evidence connecting him to the Tomasis in the end,’ David continued.
‘Primo or Alvaro?’ Ethan asked.
‘Both.’ David paused for long enough for this to sink in.
Ethan shook his head. ‘I can’t believe I was so taken in by someone.’
Hayley shook her head sympathetically.
‘Ryan was happy to work with anyone who could help him get what he wanted,’ David continued. ‘Being paid for his crimes was just a bonus. He was angry with you, you know, Ethan. You started off as his protégé but then turned out to be better than him in every way.’
Ethan closed his eyes. ‘I never realised,’ he said.
Hayley stood and walked behind him to massage his shoulders. There was another knock on the door. David went to answer it while Hayley slid onto Ethan’s lap and circled her arms around his shoulders.
‘Hug me,’ she said. ‘This will be my Dad. He’s well enough to leave hospital for the afternoon. But obvious affection embarrasses him.’
‘I’m glad he seems so much better. Happiness must be contagious — and healthy.’
‘Don’t be glad enough to hug him! He’d die of shock.’
They heard footsteps in the hall and both turned around to see who was at the door. Hayley moved away from Ethan, fully prepared to see her father’s face.
But it was a woman’s voice she heard before she saw anyone. ‘Ethan!’ this mysterious person called out in an American accent.
Ethan jumped to his feet, his face opening up into one of his whole-hearted smiles as he turned towards the door. ‘Elspeth!’ he said joyously. ‘You’ve reached Australia.’
The woman who must be Elspeth appeared, wearing a large apricot kaftan and with a straw sunhat clamped firmly on her head. ‘I’m entitled to just as much sun as David,’ she said. Hayley recognized her voice now, from their encounters over the telephone. She walked into the room and stared pointedly in Hayley’s direction.
Hayley stood and Ethan pulled her towards him.
‘Meet Hayley Wolfe,’ he said.
The words sounded so ridiculously formal considering their position that they all laughed. Elspeth was looking at Hayley very closely and Hayley was relieved to see that the older woman seemed to approve.
‘Very nice to meet you,’ Elspeth said, stepping towards her. All the animosity that Hayley had sensed in their phone exchange had vanished. Ethan had already described the importance of Elspeth to his life. She was like his family. As Hayley and Ethan began the tentative steps that might lead towards a relationship, Hayley felt overwhelmingly glad at this early sign that she was accepted.
‘I hear you were quite instrumental in keeping our Katy safe,’ Elspeth said to Hayley.
‘In keeping me safe, too,’ Ethan reminded her.
‘You know,’ Hayley said, ‘I think it’s safe to say that we kept each other safe.’
Elspeth pointed at Hayley, then wiggled her finger back at Ethan. ‘And now you both are…?’ she asked meaningfully.
Hayley laughed and felt her face grow hot. ‘I don’t know what we are, ‘ she said, honestly.
‘We are giving it a go,’ Ethan asserted, giving Hayley a small squeeze.
‘And you agree?’ Elspeth asked Hayley.
‘I suppose I do,’ Hayley conceded.
‘I have a big stake in Ethan, you know,’ Elspeth continued. ‘Particularly with this unfortunate business with Ryan. I want to know about you.’
‘Don’t interrogate the poor girl!’ Ethan insisted, brushing Hayley’s cheek with a kiss, and perhaps feeling some of the heat there.
‘It’s okay,’ Hayley told him.
She had visited her father the day before. He was thriving now that he no longer had to worry about where he was going to be next month. She had every faith that he was in the best possible hands.
‘I’m glad you have someone who cares about you enough to ask what my intentions are,’ she added.
Audience or not, Hayley leaned down to give Ethan a kiss. His arms tightened around her and she realised he wished, as much as she did, that the others would vanish, at least for a while.
‘I’ve brought cake,’ Elspeth said, as though she could read minds. ‘I’ll go into the kitchen to slice it.’
‘I’ll help you,’ David said, quickly.
Elspeth and David both left the room. Hayley kissed Ethan again, melting into his arms. He pulled away slightly, after a moment.
‘Is there something wrong?’ he asked.
‘There’s something I’ve never realised until now,’ Hayley said. ‘But looking after Katy and helping you is the first time I’ve ever known I can actually look after for myself.’
‘You can,’ Ethan agreed.
‘I do have one more question, you know.’
Ethan moaned and made a joke of tearing at his hair. ‘Of course you do. Go on.’
Hayley felt cheeky as she gave him a big grin. ‘Does Katy like banana muffins?’
Ethan laughed. ‘I don’t know for sure. She probably would. Banana muffins… They sound delicious.’
‘Sound delicious?’ Hayley repeated. ‘You’ve never had a banana muffin?’
‘Is that another question?’
‘You bet it is.’
‘Here she comes. You can ask Katy yourself.’
The little girl was coming into the room. Ethan and Hayley moved apart. For now, they had agreed that Katy would feel most stable if she let Hayley into her life little by little.
‘Are you talking about me?’ Katy asked gravely.
Hayley nodded. ‘I’ve been wondering how banana muffins sound to you,’ she said.
The little girl’s eyes widened. ‘They sound fantastic!’ she said. ‘Can we all cook together?’
Hayley smiled at Ethan over the top of his daughter’s head. ‘We’ll give it a go,’ she promised.