Praise for Vaccine Epidemic
In a book bursting with intelligence, Louise Habakus and Mary Holland reframe the entire autism-vaccine debate turning the conversation away from the tired clichés of the past and opening bright new avenues of ideas and thought that delve deep below the surface of pro-this or anti-that. Ever purposeful and in some ways masterful, by reframing the debate, the authors get to the heart of the matter that aims for your head and hits your heart.
—Ed and Teri Arranga,
As vaccine mandates are increasing every year and healthcare workers live with the threat that they will be fired if they don’t get a flu shot, it is essential for Americans to educate themselves about our loss of informed consent rights. We need adequate scientific research and clinical evidence for any public health policy, not an attack on personal belief or medical exemptions to vaccination by special interest groups, which benefit pharmaceutical companies. It is time for a true, unbiased investigation into vaccine science, policy, ethics, and law. If you are concerned about making an informed decision for you and your family regarding vaccines then the book Vaccine Epidemic is a must read.
—Miranda Bailey, filmmaker and actress, Ambush Entertainment
Vaccine Epidemic provides readers with an array of valid well researched perspectives on the vaccine safety and personal choice issue. Whether you are a parent who is pondering a vaccine decision, a parent of a child who has suffered a vaccine injury, or an injured adult, this book provides factual first person accounts from doctors, lawyers, parents, scientists, victims, activists, and both civilian and enlisted personnel who have experienced serious adverse effects from vaccines. Vaccine Epidemic emphasizes how important it is to seek, preserve and defend our personal rights when it comes to making individual choices about vaccines.
—Claire Dwoskin, philanthropist and children’s health activist
Vaccine Epidemic is a timely reminder that the same way Wall Street conspires with the government for its own benefit at the expense of the working and middle classes, the healthcare industry conspires with the government for the sake of its profits.
—Marc Faber, Ph.D., Barron’s magazine Roundtable member, international
investment strategist, and author Gloom, Boom and Doom Report
There are unanswered questions about vaccine safety. We need studies on vaccinated populations based on various schedules and doses as well as individual patient susceptibilities that we are continuing to learn about. No one should be threatened by the pursuit of this knowledge. Vaccine policy should be the subject of frank and open debate, with no tolerance for bullying. There are no sides—only people concerned for the well-being of our children.
—Bernadine Healy, M.D., former director, National Institutes of Health (NIH),
and former health editor, U.S. News & World Report
Not since Evidence of Harm have I been so incensed when reading a book after learning, yet again, of more times our government has turned its head to the devastating collateral damage happening every day to our nation’s children from vaccines. Yet at the end of this account, instead of resentment, I felt empowered to do something constructive. Vaccine Epidemic enables parents to become informed and decide whether “the greater good” is worth the sacrifice of one’s child. The common thread that links all of the personal and historical reports is the same: for our children to have any worth in society, parents must have a choice. I highly recommend Vaccine Epidemic for all parents to use as the “go to” handbook on this important, yet controversial, issue.
—Jennifer Keefe, Esq, cofounder, Elizabeth Birt Center for Autism Law and
Readers will learn how vaccination resembles dogmatic religion rather than fact based science and how Americans are paying the price in declining health from childhood through the “golden” years.
—Kim Stagliano, managing editor, Age of Autism, and author,
It’s All I Can Handle: I’m No Mother Theresa
This is a brilliant book! Louise Kuo Habakus and Mary Holland are the Woodward and Bernstein of the autism epidemic. Buy it for the “there is no science” people in your life. The science is there—in spades. Habakus and Holland meticulously dissect every element of this debate. The evidence they have uncovered is astounding and deeply disturbing.
—Katie Wright, writer and board member, National Autism Association
The most ardent supporter of vaccination programs only needs to witness or be touched by one serious vaccine reaction to fully understand and respect the wishes of those who support freedom of choice relative to routine pediatric vaccinations.
—F. Edward Yazbak, MD, board-certified pediatrician