My real and big thanks to…
Art Smith for his inspiration, the foreword, and for Put-Ups Salad.
Tracy Bernstein, my insightful and enthusiastic editor, who noticed before I did that this book was not just about chefs.
Also at NAL: exquisitely careful copy editor Tiffany Yates Martin, and infinitely patient cover designer Monica Benalcazar.
Caryn Karmatz Rudy, who—hooray!—became my agent before I had the chance to grapple with the fact that she doesn’t like butter, cheese, or condiments. (And Todd Shuster for introducing me to Caryn.)
Neeti Madan for early guidance, and notes on the proposal that prefigured this book.
Larry Hackett, Betsy Gleick, Kim Hubbard, Nancy Jeffrey, Tatsha Robertson, Sharon Cotliar, Andy Abrahams, J. D. Heyman, and all my pals at People magazine, who allowed me the time for this project and remained supportive throughout.
Great women who helped me navigate chef world: Sarah Abell, Jennifer Baum, Rebecca Brooks, Robin Insley, Becca Parrish, Helen Medvedovsky, Tammy Walker, Willie Norkin and Kim Yorio. Also, Larry Carrino. And Susan Gross for above, beyond, and lunch. (And Lee Schrager for so considerately gathering up so many chefs.)
Opinionated readers and fine travel companions: Jordonna Sabih Grace, Jennifer Markowitz, LeiLani Nishime, Andrea Rosenfeld and Susan Rothwell.
Rebecca Klus, who cheerfully tested and retested recipes and gave good advice. (And Melissa Clark for introducing me to Rebecca.)
Ellen Shapiro, a wise foodie-researcher, who kept me in line factually. Lynn Colomello, who transcribed many of my interviews. (And Maxine Paetro for introducing me to Lynn, plus for long lists of other stuff.)
Photographer Rachel Papo. (And Lisa Robinson and Ken Rosenthal for introducing me to Rachel; also Ken for some other things I’ll remember later.)
Lorena Palmer for the constant and seamless help she brings to my family.
Gale Kaufman, Mick, Josh, and Alex van Biema for cheering across rivers.
Michael Adato, who has come around on the subject of clams if not neckties, for his quiet encouragement.
Sharon and Morris for support and love that crosses continents. You still feed me.