Where Do You Stand on the Leadership Ladder?
As you become more clear about who you really are, you’ll be better able to decide what is best for you—the first time around.
The definition of “high potential” varies from organization to organization, yet high potentials are universally expected to outperform others at the same level. Thus, as a high potential, you probably have been given challenging and important assignments. In that high-risk, high-reward environment, it is crucial to have conversations to learn what is expected of you and to be sure that the high potentials who work for you know what you expect of them.
We once toured a castle in France built in the Dark Ages when lawlessness was rampant. No castle lord could trust the others, yet no one lord could repel an invasion on his own—a life-or-death issue. The most striking feature about the castle was its seven distinct areas inside the outer wall, each separated from the others by a drawbridge. When there was no risk of attack, the lords lifted the drawbridges and lived independently. When danger, such as a Viking invasion, was imminent, they lowered the bridges and fought together. There is a parallel between the lords of the Dark Ages and executives in many of today’s organizations: they work together in crisis but operate in silos when pursuing day-to-day objectives.
Even in the twenty-first century, differences remain between the roles of managers and leaders and how their success is measured. As you reflect on your conversations, think about whether you possess the skills required for your current position and whether you are encouraging your people to develop the skills they need for their positions; if not, change your conversations. Plan how you will prepare yourself and your people for the next promotion. To facilitate discussions in this book, we have divided managers and leaders into four categories according to their skills and maturity level:
Figure 4.1 summarizes the maturity levels through which high potentials evolve as they grow from first-line manager to CXO leader. Look at the attributes in the Building Relationships row and circle the one that best describes you today. Do the same for the Developing Others, Making Decisions, and Taking Action rows. Do not be surprised if you put yourself in a column different from your position. If you are like most people, your leadership skills will vary, so it is important for you to identify your unique strengths and potential blind spots.
FIGURE 4.1. Maturity Levels for Managers and Leaders.
Consider the maturity expected at your level and the next higher level during each leadership conversation.
Next, ask others at work to evaluate your performance in each of the four conversation types and compare their feedback to your self-evaluation. Any row where their response differs from yours represents fertile material for a conversation that will align your collective viewpoints and possibly give you a few things to change in order to realize your full potential.
In today’s fluid workforce, some managers and leaders have come full circle and returned late in their careers to individual contributor status as board members, consultants, and professional coaches. From experience, they know that the answers to leadership questions are not static and must be reexamined each time an executive is promoted, when organizations increase in size by 50 percent or more, when a game-changing technology emerges, and when market demands shift. The need for effective conversations is never ending because answers that worked last year may not work today. These grey-bearded individual contributors have been learners for decades. They have absorbed leadership lessons from successes as well as mistakes and have become experts in blending the management and leadership mindsets to suit evolving situations and higher positions.