Primary Sources
The most important sources for this book are to be found in the published and unpublished papers, letters and journals of Lucie Dillon, Marquise de la Tour du Pin, and of her husband, Frédéric de Gouvernet, Marquis de la Tour du Pin. The unpublished letters and manuscripts are in the Château de Vêves, near Dinant in Belgium, in the possession of M. le Comte de Liedekerke-Beaufort. These files include:
Dossier 316. Diplomatic dispatches from M. de la Tour du Pin from The Hague (1792 and 1818–19) and from Turin (1820–8).
Dossiers 324–39: Correspondence between Lucie Dillon and Félicie de la Rochejacquelein.
Aymar de la Tour du Pin: Unpublished memoir.
Various letters to and from Mme de Staël and Lady Bedingfield.
Manuscript Sources
Important manuscript sources are to be found in the Archives Nationales in Paris (Series F1, F2 and F3); in the Ministère des Affaires Etrangères in Paris (files on The Hague and Sardinia); in the Archives Municipales in Bordeaux (files on La Tour du Pin and Le Bouilh); in the National Archives in London (files on refugees from the French Revolution 1789–1800). Contemporary news papers are to be found in the State Library of New York State in Albany; in the Library of Congress, Washington; in the Archives Municipales at Amiens; in the British Library’s Newspaper Library, Colindale Avenue, London; and in the Bibliothèque Nationale in Paris.
I translated the quotations from the French and Italian myself.
Select Bibliography
The 18th century in France, the revolution, the Directoire, the Consulat, the Empire and the two Restorations are periods of history that have been extensively written about: in memoirs, novels, scholarly histories and academic journals. The following is a brief selection of some of those most frequently consulted for this book.
1) France in the 18th and 19th centuries
Alméras, Henri d’, La Vie Parisienne sous le Consulat et l’Empire. Paris.
Ariès, Philippe and Duby, Georges (eds), Histoire de la vie privée, 4 vols. Paris 1986.
Baldensperger, Fernand, Le Mouvement des idées dans l’émigration française: 1789–1815. Paris 1924.
Bertaut, Jules, Le Faubourg Saint-Germain sous la Restauration. Paris 1935.
Bertier de Sauvigny, G. de, La Restauration. Paris 1955.
Bertier de Sauvigny, G. de, Metternich et la France après le Congrès de Vienne. Paris 1968.
Braudel, Ferdinand, The Structures of Everyday Life: The Limits of the Possible. London 1981.
Cabanis, José, Charles X, roi ultra. Paris 1972.
Carpenter, Kirsty and Mansel, Philip (eds), The French Émigrés in Europe and the Struggle against Revolution. London 1999.
Childs, Frances Sergeant, Refugee Life in the United States 1790–1800. Baltimore 1940.
Cobb, Richard, Terreur et subsistances: 1793–1795. Paris 1965.
Cobb, Richard, Reaction to the French Revolution. London 1972.
Cobb, Richard, Paris and its Provinces: 1792–1802. London 1975.
Cooper, Duff, Talleyrand. London 1932.
Craveri, Benedetta, The Age of Conversation. New York 2004.
Darnton, Robert, The Great Cat Massacre and Other Episodes in French Cultural History. New York 1984.
Darnton, Robert and Roche, Daniel (eds), Revolution in Print: the Press in France: 1775–1800. Berkeley 1989.
Englund, Steven, Napoleon: A Political Life. New York 2004.
Fairweather, Maria, Madame de Staël. London 2005.
Forneron, J. Histoire Générale des émigrés pendant la révolution française, 3 vols. Paris 1884.
Forster, Robert and Ranum, Orest, Food and Drink in History: Selection from Annales, Vol. 5. Baltimore 1979.
Forster, Robert and Ranum, Orest, Medicine and Society in France: Selection from Annales, Vol. 6. Baltimore 1980.
Fraser, Antonia, Marie Antoinette. London 2001.
Furet, François and Ozouf, Mona, A Critical Dictionary of the French Revolution. London 1989.
Godechot, Jacques, La Vie quotidienne en France sous le Directoire. Paris 1977.
Goncourt, Edmond de and Goncourt, Jules de, Histoire de la Société Française pendant le Directoire. Paris 1840.
Goncourt, Edmond de and Goncourt, Jules de, Histoire de la Société Française pendant la révolution. Paris 1889.
Herald, J. Christopher, The Age of Napoleon. London 1963.
Hesse, Carla, The Other Enlightenment. Princeton 2001.
Hibbert, Christopher, The French Revolution. London 1980.
Hibbert, Christopher, The English: A Social History: 1066–1945. London 1987.
Hobsbawm, Eric, The Age of Revolution: Europe 1789–1848. London 1962.
Hufton, Olwen H., The Poor of Eighteenth-Century France. Oxford 1974.
Hufton, Olwen H., Women and the Limits of Citizenship in the French Revolution. Toronto 1992.
Jones, Colin, The Great Nation: France from Louis XV to Napoleon. London 2002.
Ketcham Wheaton, Barbara, Savouring the Past: The French Kitchen and Table from 1300 to 1789. London 1983.
Lacroix, Paul, Directoire, Consulat et Empire: mæurs et usages, lettres, sciences et arts en France 1795–1815. Paris 1884.
Mansel, Philip, Louis XVIII. London 1981.
Mansel, Philip, The Court of France: 1789–1830. Cambridge 1988.
Mansel, Philip, Paris between Empires: 1814–1832. London 2001.
Mansel, Philip, Dressed to Rule. Yale 2005.
Mercier, Louis-Sebastien, Tableau de Paris, 12 vols. Geneva 1979.
Mercier, Louis-Sebastien, Les Rues de Paris au XVIIIième siècle. Paris 1999.
Poniatowski, Michel, Talleyrand aux Etats Unis 1794–1796. Paris 1967.
Poniatowski, Michel, Talleyrand et l’ancienne France 1754–1789. Paris 1988.
Poniatowski, Michel, Talleyrand et les années occultées 1789–1792. Paris 1995.
Ribiero, Aileen, Fashion in the French Revolution. London 1988.
Ribiero, Aileen, Dress in 18th-Century Europe 1715–1789. New Haven 2002.
Rudé, George, Europe in the 18th Century: Aristocracy and the Bourgeois Challenge. London 1972.
Schama, Simon, Citizens. London 1989.
Schieff, Stacy, A Great Improvisation: Franklin, France and the Birth of America. New York 2005.
Taine, Hippolyte, Origines de la France contemporaine, 5 vols. Paris 1882–8.
Tombs, Robert and Tombs, Isabelle, That Sweet Enemy: The French and the British from the Sun King to the Present. London 2006.
Verlet, Pierre, French Furniture and Interior Decoration of the 18th Century. Fribourg 1967.
Weber, William, ‘Musical Tastes in 18th century France’, Past and Present. November 1890.
2) Memoirs
Agoult, Comtesse de, Mémoires, souvenirs et journaux, 2 vols. Paris 1990.
Boigne, Adèle de, Mémoires: Souvenirs d’une tante, 4 vols. Paris 1908.
Chastenay, Mme de, Mémoires: 1771–1815. Paris 1987.
Coigny, Aimée de, Mémoires. Paris 1902.
Cradock, Mme, La Vie Française à la veille de la Révolution: 1783–1786: Journal inédit. Paris 1911.
Desbassayns, Henry-Paulin Panon, Voyage à Paris pendant la révolution 1790–1792. Paris 1985.
Ducrest, Georgette, Mémoires sur l’Impératrice Josephine. Paris 1828.
d’Espinchal, Comte, Journal. London 1912.
Gallatin, James, Diary. London 1914.
Genlis, Mme de, Mémoires. Paris 2004.
Hesdin, Raoul, The Journal of a Spy in Paris during the Revolution. London 1985.
Hézecques, Comte d’, Page à la cour de Louis XVI. Paris 1987.
Kotzebue, August von, Travels from Berlin through Switzerland to Paris in the year 1804, 2 vols. Paris 1850.
Meister, Henri, Souvenirs de mon dernier voyage à Paris: 1795. Paris 1910.
Millingen, J. G., Recollections of Republican France between 1790–1801. London 1848.
Moody, C. L. (ed.), By a Lady. A Sketch of Modern France in a Series of Letters to a Lady of Fashion, written in the years 1796 and 1797 during a Tour through France. London 1798.
Moré, Comtesse de, Mémoires 1758–1837. Paris 1898.
Morris, Gouverneur, A Diary of the French Revolution. London 1939.
Reichardt, J. F., Un Hiver à Paris sous le Consulat: 1802–1803. Paris 1896.
Rémusat, Mme de, Mémoires, 3 vols. Paris 1880.
Rossi, Henri, Mémoires aristocratiques feminins 1789–1848. Paris 1998.
Staël, Mme de, Dix années d’exil. Paris 1887.
Vigée-Lebrun, Elisabeth, Souvenirs, 2 vols. Paris 1984.
3) The Dillon and de la Tour du Pin families
Aston, Nigel, The End of an Elite: The French Bishops and the Coming of the Revolution. Oxford 1992.
Audibert, Louis, Le dernier Président des Etats Généraux du Languedoc: Monseigneur Arthur Richard Dillon. Bordeaux 1868.
Berthelot, Michel, Bertrand, Grand Maréchal du Palais. Châteauroux 1996.
Bertrand, General, Lettres à Fanny, ed. Suzanne de la Vaissière-Orfila. Paris 1978.
Clully, Lucien de, La Tour du Pin. Paris 1909.
Gaissart, B. de, La Naissance, le mariage et la mort de Fanny Dillon, Comtesse Bertrand. Paris 1967.
The Jerningham Letters, 1780–1843. ed. Egerton Castle. London 1896.
McManners, John, The French Revolution and the Church. London 1969.
Martin, Georges, Histoire et Genéalogie de la Maison de la Tour du Pin. Lyon 2006.
Masson, M., Arthur Dillon. Revue de Paris 1910.
Staël, Mme de, Seize lettres inédites à Gouvernet, ed. Charles de Portairols. Paris 1913.
Rohan Chabot, Alix de, Madame de la Tour du Pin: Le talent du Bonheur. Paris 1997.