1770 |
25 February |
Birth of Lucie-Henriette Dillon in the rue du Bac, Paris |
1774 |
Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette ascend the throne of France |
1778 |
5 April |
Departure of Lucie’s father, Arthur Dillon, for the American War of Independence |
1782 |
8 September |
Death of Lucie’s mother, Thérèse-Lucy Dillon |
1787 |
22 May |
Lucie marries Frédéric de Gouvernet and is presented at court |
1789 |
5 May |
Estates General meet in Versailles |
14 July |
Fall of the Bastille |
1790 |
M. de la Tour du Pin made Minister for War |
19 May |
Birth of Humbert |
1791 |
20 June |
Flight of royal family to Varennes |
October |
Lucie and Frédéric (and Humbert) leave for Holland where he is now ambassador |
1792 |
March |
Frédéric dismissed |
20 April |
France declares war on Austria |
August |
Prussian and Austrian troops invade France |
10 August |
The storming of the Tuileries and the massacre of the Swiss Guard |
22 September |
French Republic proclaimed |
1793 |
January |
Lucie returns to Paris |
21 January |
Louis XVI guillotined |
March |
Lucie and Frédéric go to Le Bouilh, Bordeaux |
September |
Birth of Séraphine |
October |
Marie Antoinette guillotined |
1794 |
January |
Terror reaches its peak in Bordeaux |
March |
Lucie, Frédéric and the children leave for America |
13 April |
Arthur Dillon is guillotined |
28 April |
Jean-Frédéric de la Tour du Pin is guillotined |
June |
Lucie and Frédéric buy a farm near Albany |
1795 |
September |
1796 |
6 May |
Lucie, Frédéric and Humbert return to Bordeaux via Spain |
1 November |
Birth of Charlotte |
2 November |
Directoire set up; it would last until November 1799 |
1797 |
July |
Lucie, Frédéric, Humbert and Charlotte go to Paris |
4 September |
Coup d’état of 18 fructidor |
November |
Lucie, Frédéric and the children flee to England |
1798 |
Birth of Edward and, three months later, his death |
1799 |
Lucie, Frédéric, Humbert and Charlotte return to Paris via Holland |
November |
Consulat set up, with Napoleon as First Consul |
1800 |
13 February |
Lucie gives birth to Cécile |
September |
Family goes to settle at Le Bouilh |
1802 |
25 March |
Treaty of Amiens signed with Britain |
2 August |
Napoleon appointed First Consul for Life |
1804 |
28 May |
Napoleon becomes Emperor |
1805–6 |
Series of military victories by Napoleon across Europe |
1806 |
18 October |
Birth of Aymar |
1808 |
12 May |
Frédéric appointed Prefect of the Dyle and family moves to Brussels |
1810 |
1–2 April |
Having divorced Josephine, Napoleon marries Marie-Louise of Austria |
End of April |
Lucie attends on Marie-Louise in Brussels |
1813 |
May |
Marriage of Charlotte to Auguste de Liederkerke Frédéric dismissed from Brussels but appointed Prefect of Amiens. Family moves to Amiens. |
1812 |
Disastrous Russian campaign |
1814 |
1 January |
The Allies invade France |
20 April |
Napoleon sails for Elba |
3 May |
Louis XVIII arrives in Paris |
1 November |
Frédéric sent to represent France at Congress of Vienna |
Lucie settles in Paris |
1815 |
20 March |
Napoleon returns to Paris and Louis XVIII flees to Ghent |
Lucie returns to Brussels |
18 June |
Napoleon defeated at Waterloo and sent to be held on St Helena; in his entourage are Lucie’s half-sister Fanny and her husband |
Frédéric returns as Ambassador to Holland |
1816 |
28 January |
Death of Humbert, aged 25, in a duel |
1817 |
20 March |
1820 |
1 January |
Lucie decides to write her memoirs |
Frédéric appointed Ambassador to Turin |
1822 |
1 September |
Death of Charlotte, at 25, from tuberculosis. Her 2-year-old daughter, Cécile, comes to live with Lucie |
1824 |
16 September |
Death of Louis XVIII; his brother ascends throne as Charles X |
1830 |
February |
Lucie and Frédéric visit Paris for the first time in 10 years |
2 August |
Abdication of Charles X; Louis-Philippe becomes King |
Frédéric resigns and moves back to Le Bouilh |
1832 |
Aymar implicated in failed coup by the Duchesse de Berri |
December |
Frédéric is sent to prison in the Fort du Hâ |
1833 |
20 March |
Frédéric is released and they move to Italy |
1836 |
Félicie lends them her house in Lausanne |
1837 |
26 February |
Death of Frédéric |
1842 |
November |
Lucie and Aymar move first to Lucca and then to Pisa |
1848 |
Year of revolution in Europe |
1852 |
Louis-Napoleon adopts the title of Napoleon III |
1853 |
2 April |
Death of Lucie in Pisa at the age of 83 |