Weather Witching

by Charlynn Walls

Weather is a driving force that surrounds and affects us on a daily basis. However, in this day and age, we rarely give it a second thought. As stewards of the earth, we are vested not only in the conservatorship of the earth itself, but also to the preservation and protection of its inhabitants. As the world continues to become more polluted and desecrated, its natural rhythms and responses become unbalanced. Now Pagans and Witches are being looked to again to be the force of positive change in the world. With increasingly violent storms, periods of drought, or severe flooding, we are the ones that can work to keep the balance and bring the equilibrium back.

Weather is a part of our everyday lives. It determines how we go about our business, but it is not usually an aspect we feel we have any control over. That is, unless you consider yourself to be a Weather Witch. Weather Witches have long been tasked as the stewards of the earth and its elements. We are the facilitators of balance and restoration. We work with Mother Nature and Gaia to bring about stability to each of our parts of the world.

In the past during times of drought, we were sought out to restore the natural patterns of weather by conjuring the rain to save the crops. We also work to harness the energies that come from the weather and apply those in our magick. However, this article will focus solely on how one goes about altering the weather responsibly. Sadly, it is an aspect of our heritage that has gone by the wayside as an agrarian lifestyle has morphed into a more industrial and technological one.


Whenever weather and magick are uttered in the same conversation, there is an ensuing discussion of ethics. People are either for weather witching—or they’re against it. Some do not think we should ever interfere with the process in any way. Then there are those who think if we can do it responsibly, then it is our duty to do so.

As with everything we do, we must take into account what would be for the highest good of all—of the flora and fauna in our care. Ethical considerations should be at the forefront of our minds before we cast any type of magick or spell. Your intent will be paramount to the outcome of any magickal working. If we can assess the situation and be assured that the impact is not detrimental to the environment or its inhabitants, then it would be reasonable to proceed.

So, how do you know if the spell would be detrimental? You need to ask yourself if it would have a positive or negative influence on your immediate area. Then ask yourself the same question regarding the larger zone in which you reside. Then you must consider and weigh its long-reaching effects on other regions. What may be good for one area may not be good for another area.

Another consideration is that of imminent danger. If you are protecting yourself and others from a hazardous situation, then you should consider all options at your disposal. After all, Witches protect. They protect life in all of its forms.

Weather Witching Checklist:

Are you in imminent danger?

Does the region benefit from the spell?

Is the impact on other regions negligible?

If the answer to at least two of the above questions is yes, then you will probably be fine to work your ritual or spell.

Practical Applications

There are often practical ways that Witches will be called upon to intervene with the elemental conditions that control the weather. Our connection to nature and the ability to direct the energy around us allows us to effectively become a conduit for those energies. We can then harness them and alter them if necessary.

One way that Weather Witches work with the natural forces surrounding them is in an emergency situation. If there is drought, flooding, hurricane, tornado, or other natural event befalling an area, the Witch will seek to protect not only the land, but those that dwell there. We may not always be able to stop the event, but we can work toward balancing energies to prevent or minimize a devastating loss of life. The floodwaters can be encouraged to recede more quickly. Hurricanes and tornadoes can be lessened in intensity. It is also possible to increase the chances of survival by slowing them down before they strike.

Also, as practitioners of a spirituality based on nature, we often hold our rites and events outdoors. In order to ensure the safety of those in attendance, a common practice (at least where I live) is to enlist the help of a Weather Witch to do work for fair weather. This does not typically preclude the typical rain shower. Rather, it helps keep any storms that develop from becoming severe. Should a storm become severe, it skirts the space that has been shielded. The area of the event is protected and the impact on the surrounding area is minimal.

Ritual to Diminish a Storm

The following is a full ritual if you know that a large storm is bearing down on your area and you have ample time to prepare. This ritual can be performed by an individual or adapted to accommodate a coven or working group.

Items Needed: Protection powder, liquid lightning elixir, tealight candle, and yourself.

The protection powder and liquid lightning are two items that you can create and store before they are needed. These are a great addition to your magickal toolbox and can keep for up to a year before their potency begins to diminish.

Protection Powder: Take equal parts of the following herbs and grind them together with a mortar and pestle.

Sea salt

Dragon’s blood




Liquid Lightning Elixir

Set out and collect water during a lightning storm. The water will be charged with the lightning’s energy. Once you’ve collected the water, filter out any impurities. If you can find a piece of fulgurite, add it to the collected water. Check for sales online or at any local rock shop. I like to shop locally and if they do not have it in stock they can usually acquire it for you. Fulgurite is a tube created from lightning striking sand. The structures of fulgurite range from the size of a finger to pieces that are many meters long. A small part of it is sufficient for use in this elixir. Store the water in a light, tight container for future use.

Before you cast the circle, you’ll want to prepare the ritual area. I like to take the protection powder and walk the perimeter of the circle or the property that is to be protected. Walk the space thrice about while sprinkling the powder as you walk. Please note, that dragon’s blood can stain skin and clothing, so take care what it is sprinkled on.

Cast the Circle

You can be as formal or informal as you like when casting the circle. The following technique has always worked well for me. Envision a ball of bluish white light forming between your hands. Center them in front of your solar plexus. See the light pulse and become more defined. Slowly, move your hands apart, allowing the energy between them to grow. Continue to do this until your arms are fully extended out at your sides. The sphere of energy now encircles you. If you need the space to be larger, just push it out with your mind until it is the appropriate size for your needs.

To complete the casting of the circle say:

I now stand between the worlds, an instrument of the elements for the purpose of this work. The circle is cast.

Call to the Quarters

My group begins in quarter calls in the North, but you may choose to alter this to what feels most comfortable for you.

North: Boreas, Guardian of the North Wind, lend to us the strength of your mountain home to provide the support we need for our work. Hail and welcome!

East: Euros, Guardian of the East Wind, bring to us clarity of thought in order to provide prospective on the situation. Hail and welcome!

South: Zephyrus, Guardian of the South Wind, allow the passion of our convictions to be felt through our rite. Hail and welcome!

West: Notos, Guardian of the West Wind, temper our emotions that we may see clearly our task at hand. Hail and welcome!

Call to the God/Goddess

You may invoke deity from any pantheon you choose. I find that those associated with aspects of the weather such as wind, thunder, and rain seem to work better than others for this purpose, since it is their domain. For this ritual I am choosing to work with the Greek deities, but you can substitute for what works best for you.

Iris, goddess of sea and sky, you are a bridge between the worlds. Bring forth our message to the gods so that they may hear our plea. Hail and welcome!

Great god Zeus, who commands the energies of the skies, hear our petition lay before you this day. Hail and welcome!

Magickal Working/Petition

You will need to be able to visualize the approaching storm and be aware of its size and intensity. Radar images might help to see the storm’s path and speed as it moves toward your location. When you can clearly see the storm in your mind’s eye, you can begin.

Sit comfortably within the sacred space of the circle. Picture the storm, feeling its intensity as it draws near. Take the tealight and anoint it with the liquid lightning elixir. Light the candle and visualize the components that make up the storm, the wind, the lightning, the pouring rain. You will want to picture each aspect decreasing in intensity as the candle burns down. For instance, strong cloud-to-ground lightning will reduce down to cloud-to-cloud lightning with each instance taking longer to occur.

Envision the storm as a whole made up of wedges, and as it approaches breaking off into smaller wedges that will reduce the intensity of the main storm. Each sliver provides a disruption to the continuation of the storm. The more shards you can see the storm breaking into, the better the chances of the storm lessening.

If you have difficulty visualizing this and have time to print out the radar image, you can cut it into pieces. While you are focusing your intent on breaking the storm, recite this chant:

This storm’s intensity I seek to shake;

Calling for the storm to break.

Repeat the chant over and over as you envision the storm breaking apart within your mind until you see the last part splinter off and weaken.

Release the God/Goddess

Lord Zeus, we thank you for being receptive to our plea and hope to have your blessing over the sky. Hail and farewell!

Lady Iris, we thank you for bearing our message to the gods. We hope that your symbol of the rainbow brings us blessings to our endeavor. Hail and farewell!

Release the Quarters

West: Notos, we thank you for allowing us clear sight in the midst of turbulent emotions. Hail and farewell!

South: Zephyrus, we thank you for sharing with us our passions. Hail and farewell!

East: Euros, we thank you for providing us prospective in this time of need. Hail and farewell!

North: Boreas, we thank you for aiding us with your strength. Hail and farewell!

Release the Circle

Now that the quarters have been released you can begin to release the circle. See in your mind’s eye the sphere of energy you created. Extend out your arms from your body and feel the energy contract till you feel the warmth of it on the palms of your hands. Draw your hands inward slowly, until your palms are facing one another in front of your solar plexus. See the energy begin to dissipate. Once it is completely gone the circle is open.

Quick Version for Imminent Danger

There may not always be time to conduct a full ritual when a storm is bearing down on your location. When you need to batten down the hatches quickly, here is a quick spell to help you protect yourself and your family. If you practice the circle-casting technique in the previous ritual, it will become second nature. It will make the following spell much quicker and easier to do on the spur of the moment.

Visualize the sphere of bluish white energy spread out and envelope you and your family. See and hold that light in your mind. Now, call upon the god or goddess of your choice and state your intention for protection against the pending storm and your desire to make the storm diminish in its size and intensity.

The following is an example of what you could say as a petition.

Lord and Lady, hear my plea for the storm to quickly pass us by and weaken in strength. Protect what we hold most dear in our time of need, harming none along the way. Blessed be!

See yourself riding out the storm by seeing it split around you. Picture a canoe or wedge shape that allows the storm to flow around you, but does not inhibit its path.

When the danger has passed give thanks to deity for their protection against the storm. See the protective light from the sphere contract and then dissipate.

As curators of the earth, we have a responsibility to help provide stability. When the forces of nature are out of sync, it is difficult to sustain such a balance. The more we strain the earth’s resources, the more it seems that she pushes back. As we struggle to cut back on our consumption of natural resources, we must also work to bring harmony back to its natural functions.

The weather is one of those functions that can easily be thrown out of balance by our actions. While impossible to control, we can promote restoration of the equilibrium that is necessary to the system. Weather witching is still a controversial topic to some there are no clear-cut black and white areas.

When the forces of nature bring too much rain, snow, or heat, those who work with the earth’s energies are tasked with the important role of reining in the excess and redistributing it to correct the imbalance. This is all in an effort to protect not only ourselves, but those who are entrusted to our care. Anything else is far too self-serving of a concept.