We tried to relax and enjoy the food, but the die had been cast. As soon as dinner was finished, Nathan signaled for the check. Within five minutes we were on our way back to the hotel.
Kate’s laptop was set up on the table next to the window in her room. They had taken two chairs from Cami’s room so all of us could gather around for the presentation. I have to hand it to Kate. The presentation was first-class, right down to a captivating cover page.
She had scanned everything into documents and spreadsheets, and jpegs of many of the photos had been added. She even handed us a printed page that detailed the complete contents. The first part was a PowerPoint presentation, beginning with the party at the mansion.
The photos captured all the luxury, the expensive catered meal and bar, close up images of Bruce shaking hands with several guests or even clapping them on the back. Other images focused on Julia or Matt glad handing. Everyone appeared happy and slightly drunk. If those photos ever got out, the media would have a field day with them.
Nathan exhaled. “Where the hell did they find a place like that? Are you saying the Department of Justice paid for it?” He shook his head in disgust.
Cami said, “Yep, to the tune of almost $20,000,000 for a three-day rental. Not only that, Nate, but guess who that place belongs to?” She paused dramatically. “It was recently purchased by a corporation called MULCT Enterprises, apparently headed by none other than Julia Harris. We have a copy of the escrow papers and hers is the only name on them. She may even be the sole owner of MULCT.”
“You must be wrong. From the look of those pictures, that place is probably worth millions.” His lips drew into a thin line and his eyes narrowed. “Anything else?”
I glanced at the sheet Kate had given me detailing each slide in the presentation. The description of the next one said: photo—Julia’s tub with Julia/Bruce picture on the edge. I took the cue and said, “When you see the next image, it’s pretty obvious she lives there. It was taken in the master bathroom. Cami managed to get upstairs, and recognized a few of the outfits in the closet as ones she’d seen Julia wearing.”
Kate clicked and an enlarged image of the tub with the framed photo perched on the edge filled the screen. Bruce and Julia grinned like a pair of lovers, with the sumptuous bathroom in the background.
I laughed. “That’s just the beginning. As more and more evidence piled up, we realized an extremely clever scheme was developing, and we believe it’s being pulled off by Bruce, Julia and Matt Thorne. It is way beyond us to take it any farther. That’s why Cami suggested we, well, dump it in your lap.”
“Who’s this Matt you just mentioned? I don’t recognize the name.”
“He’s Julia’s right-hand guy. She brought him to Seattle from D.C. He claims to have been left an inheritance by a wealthy grandmother and lives a pretty high lifestyle for a government employee, but we think the grandmother’s initials might actually be FACR.”
Nathan’s fists curled at his side as his whole body tensed. He said in a flat, angry voice, “This is incredible.”
He leaned closer to the screen, placing his elbows on his knees and resting his chin in cupped hands. “Okay, so Julia has this mansion and Lord knows how she accomplished that. You mentioned a rental fee of twenty thousand. That’s not thirty-eight million by any stretch of the imagination.” It was clear he not only believed us, but was on board. “You were right to come to me. I want to see everything you have.”
By two in the morning, we had filled Nathan in, taking great care to walk him through all of the evidence Kate had assembled. We pointed out what we suspected were phony orders, talked quite a bit about the apparently non-existent Alaric Fabricators and its mailbox location in L.A., and added the fact that Mailboxes and Much More had been instructed to forward all mail to an address in Seattle. By the time we came to the shipping company, and said it supposedly received big contracts for receiving and installing government office furniture but turned out to be a company specializing in residential furniture, Nathan’s eyes were flashing and a flush had crept up his face. The biggest surprise came when he saw the photos Cami had managed to get with the guys at Superior Moving and Storage stenciling FACR on the sides of cartons.
“How the hell—what are those guys doing stenciling a government acronym on those cartons?”
“We haven’t figured out that piece of the puzzle, Nate, and we don’t have a clue where the actual merchandise is being manufactured, but we knew you have the resources to investigate, so I called Mom to call your mother and get your number.”
His mouth became an angry slash. “So let me make sure I understand all of this. You think they maneuvered a relatively small number of good-sized pass-through con-tracts, had things manufactured very cheap in some kind of job shop, overcharged FACR and pocketed the difference. Is that about right?”
Kate took the lead. “Absolutely right. Here look at this.” She showed him that every questionable pass-through order was from one of a few supply depots, so it wasn’t likely to be a rush order.
I added, “I think after costs it could amount to as much as $15,000,000 of clear profit. Of course, that’s a rough estimate, but it isn’t out of the question. It could be that high.”
“Man, when you said the evening wouldn’t be what I expected, I never thought it would be anything like this.” He let out a low whistle and cracked his knuckles. “Uh, do you suppose you ladies could take a later flight home tomorrow, maybe in the evening instead of the morning?”
Without checking with the others, I nodded. “If you’re on board, we’ll do what we have to.”
“Do you have an extra copy of what you’ve just shown me?”
Kate was the consummate image of efficiency. She reached into her briefcase and withdrew two DVDs in plastic cases. “This is everything. All the originals are in San Francisco. I assume this means you’re in?”
He waved the DVD cases, his deep chocolate brown eyes shining with excitement. “This is enough to launch a full FBI investigation immediately. You bet I’m taking it on. For amateurs, I’m surprised at how well the three of you put the pieces together.” We didn’t say anything, just basked in the glow of his compliment.
Then he added, “I’ve been running this through my mind while you were showing me what you have so far. I want to get on it right away. Normally it would have gone through whistleblower channels, but let’s face it. I’m going to break some rules for you, Cami, and get involved myself. Unbelievable that they seem to be pulling this off right under the scrutiny of my department.”
Cami hugged him. “I knew you’d come through for us.”
“Well, I’ll need a point of contact. Kimberly, you’re the one in the Seattle office, so you’re the logical choice. How about your cell phone number?”
He glanced at his watch. “Look, it’s late. I’ll send a car for you in the morning, and we’ll go over the rest at my office tomorrow. I realize you need to get some rest if you can. How about 10:00? Check out before you leave and my driver will take you to the airport after we’re done. My office will take care of cancelling your flights and rebooking you once we see how long this takes.”
Cami breathed, “Thanks Nate. You’re still the best.”
“He leaned over and gave Cami a kiss on the forehead. Then in what looked like an afterthought, he gave both Kate and me a peck on the cheek.
In my dreams that night, he was kissing more than my cheek.