Once again she was woken in the night by the sound of a baby crying. With a groan, Ella flung off her duvet and clambered out of bed. The walls of her apartment were thin, and she was often disturbed by noises from other people living in the building. If it wasn’t babies crying, it was children shrieking or adults quarrelling. When they weren’t shouting at each other, she would hear her next-door neighbours’ television blaring so loudly it could have been in the room with her. The people living in the flat above her never seemed to wear slippers or trainers indoors, and she was convinced they stamped their hard heels on the floor deliberately, to ensure the sound reached her through the ceiling. But more often than not, the noise came from a teething and miserable baby in her own flat.
‘There, there,’ she soothed the fretful baby, picking her up and rocking her gently in her arms. ‘It’s all right, I’m here. Don’t cry, little one, don’t cry.’ In the same soft tone of voice she added, ‘Just shut the fuck up will you? You’re doing my head in. Just shut the fuck up, for fuck’s sake.’
The baby finally settled into a fitful sleep, but usually Ella barely had time to drift into a light doze before the crying started up again. The hours passed in a haze, until her whole life seemed to revolve around feeding, soothing, and nappy changing. Late that morning she was finally managing to doze when the doorbell rang. She tried to ignore it, but the caller was insistent. Swearing at the neighbour who was no doubt coming to harangue her about keeping her baby quiet at night, Ella dragged herself off the sofa where she had been resting, and shuffled towards the door.
‘What do you want?’ she called out crossly. ‘I’m trying to get some sleep in here. Is it a crime to want to sleep? I hardly shut my eyes once last night. Is it my fault the baby cries from time to time?’
‘Ella, it’s me, Jessica. Let me in.’
‘Oh, shit. Hang on.’
Fumbling to tie the cord of her dressing gown, Ella hurried to open the door. She forced herself to smile at her unwelcome visitor and put on a convincing show, pretending she was pleased to see her. For a few months they had been no more than casual acquaintances, but since her baby had gone missing, Jessica had been coming round to Ella’s lodgings more and more often. Jessica was so grateful to Ella for allowing her to hold the baby that she offered to pay her to help her out. She said she was doing it as a friend, but Ella knew she was only parting with so much money so that she could come and see the baby. Not for the first time, Ella cursed her own poverty that forced her to accommodate Jessica’s wishes.
‘Jessica, come in, make yourself comfortable. I’ll put the kettle on.’
‘No, please, don’t fuss. There’s no need. I don’t want anything. I just want to hold her,’ Jessica said.
For once, Lily was sleeping peacefully on a blanket on the floor.
‘How is she?’ Jessica asked.
‘She’s all right, but I wish she’d sleep better at night.’ On the point of launching into a rant about being kept awake all night, Ella glanced up and caught sight of Jessica’s expression. Stopping herself in time, she said, ‘She’s fine, really. I’m not complaining. I know how lucky I am to have her. I’m just tired and that makes me irritable. But I couldn’t be happier, really I couldn’t. In fact, I’m very happy with things as they are. So, how have you been? It must be so difficult for you.’
Jessica picked the baby up very gently, and held on to her as though she was never going to let go. Lily stirred in her arms and settled back to sleep as Jessica rocked her from side to side.
‘It’s awful,’ she admitted, with tears streaming down her cheeks.
The baby woke up and began to whimper.
‘Give her here,’ Ella said, ‘she must be hungry. If I don’t feed her soon, she’ll start yelling.’
‘I can do it,’ Jessica said eagerly. ‘Let me feed her.’
‘OK. I’ll go and get her bottle.’ At the door, Ella turned back. ‘It’ll be all right, you know. You just have to be patient and carry on believing that everything will work out. Babies don’t disappear forever.’
Jessica nodded. ‘I don’t know what I would have done without you,’ she said. ‘No one else understands.’
Ella grinned. ‘That’s what friends are for. I’ll go and get that bottle now.’
In the kitchen, Ella glanced around and quickly shut the door. Hurriedly grabbing a couple of empty beer bottles, she chucked them in the bin. Having shoved an empty cereal box on top of them she turned round. Spotting another empty bottle by the sink, she pushed it out of sight underneath the cereal box. Grabbing a full ash tray, she tipped the contents into the bin as well, thanking her lucky stars she hadn’t left it in the living room for Jessica to see. The kitchen stank of stale cigarettes. The tiny window was painted shut so she flapped a grubby tea towel, and wafted the reeking air around without lessening the smell. Having concealed her drinking and smoking as far as she could, she warmed the baby’s milk and took the bottle through to Jessica who was still sitting where Ella had left her, cradling the baby in her arms.
‘Here you are,’ Ella said, holding out the bottle.
‘Don’t make any noise,’ Jessica replied in a whisper. ‘She’s gone to sleep.’
That was hardly surprising. The baby lying so peacefully in Jessica’s arms must be exhausted after keeping Ella awake virtually all night, crying and whimpering, but Ella thought better of complaining. At least she still had a baby to wake her up at night, unlike Jessica. So she didn’t answer honestly, nor did she comment on how it must be wonderful for Jessica to be able to have a proper night’s sleep. Somehow that didn’t seem very tactful under the current circumstances, and Ella couldn’t afford to upset her visitor.
‘How are you coping?’ she asked quietly. ‘Are you all right?’
Jessica shook her head and a tear slid slowly down her cheek. ‘It’s been really awful,’ she admitted. ‘Sometimes I wish I’d never had her.’
‘Don’t say that,’ Ella replied. ‘You’ll have her back with you soon. You just have to be patient. It’ll all come right in the end. You have to believe that.’
Jessica seemed to want to stay there forever, staring at the baby lying in her lap, her face concealed by a veil of blonde hair. Ella sat watching in silence, too tired to ask her visitor when she might be thinking of leaving. At last Jessica stirred and handed the sleeping baby to Ella who took her to her cot in the bedroom without waking her.
‘You know it’s not a problem, you coming here like this,’ Ella said hesitantly.
Instead of offering her money, Jessica smiled and thanked her. She stood up to go.
‘I wouldn’t ask, wouldn’t even mention it,’ Ella said, ‘only I’m a bit short this week.’
‘Short?’ Jessica echoed, looking faintly puzzled.
Ella took the plunge. Jessica would be leaving soon, and there was no knowing when she might be back.
‘Money,’ Ella muttered. ‘I hate to ask but I’m skint.’
There was a slight hiatus. Ella held her breath. Jessica had pots of money and so far she had been almost unbelievably generous. Of course, she thought she was helping Ella out with supplies of milk and nappies – endless nappies – all for the baby, but that was only partly true. Jessica’s contribution meant Ella could afford more than her usual meagre fare, and Ella had begun to dread the day when her friend’s generosity ran out. This could be the moment when she shook her head and refused to part with another penny, and Ella was down to her last packet of cigarettes. But Jessica reached for her bag and took a fistful of notes from her purse. Ella tried not to gawp as Jessica counted out five twenty-quid notes and handed them over.
‘Is that enough?’ she asked.
When Ella hesitated, Jessica added another note. Somehow Ella resented her more than ever. She was loaded, without having done anything to deserve her good fortune. It wasn’t Jessica she hated so much as life that was so unfair. What had Jessica done to deserve all that? She had been born to a rich father, that was all. But Ella still had something Jessica didn’t have. Ella had her baby. Her face twisted in a smile as she pocketed the cash. Jessica rose to her feet, dabbed gingerly below her eyes so as not to smudge her make-up and took her leave, promising to return the next day.
As soon as the front door closed behind Jessica, Ella burst into tears of relief. She was not used to having visitors in her flat, and Jessica’s presence made her nervous. Ella did feel sorry for her friend, but she wished she wouldn’t come round so often. Sniffling to herself, she went to the kitchen for a drink and a smoke. With a lit cigarette in the corner of her lips, she screwed up her eyes against the thread of smoke rising into the stale air of the kitchen, and carefully hid the cash in a jar of tea leaves. Fortified with beer and nicotine, she checked all the doors were locked, before flopping down on the sofa. No sooner had she begun to doze than she was woken by the sound of a baby crying.