THE AUTHORS ARE grateful to a number of fine people whose wisdom and support were invaluable in researching and writing this book.
In the United Kingdom: Katharine and Yasar Gun, who told their story well and without violating restrictions imposed by the Official Secrets Act; James Welch, brilliant Liberty solicitor; Martin Bright, political editor of the New Statesman and former courageous home affairs editor of the Observer; the Right Honourable Clare Short, member of Parliament and former Blair cabinet minister, who spoke with fire and conviction; Elizabeth Wilmshurst, former Foreign Office deputy legal adviser and respected international law expert; two special people from the intelligence community – Glenmore Trenear-Harvey, intelligence analyst, and Nigel West, noted writer and former member of Parliament; gracious Paul and Jan Harwood; crusading journalist Yvonne Ridley; and Ava Astaire and Richard McKenzie, who made their London home our own.
In the United States and Canada: The erudite Honorable Edward Bayda, retired Chief Justice, Saskatchewan; Norman Solomon, noted journalist and author, whose support has been invaluable; Daniel Ellsberg, whistle-blower icon; Ray McGovern, veteran intelligence analyst and former CIA officer; Sean Penn, actor–peace activist; Marsha Coleman-Adebayo, whistle-blower and dedicated activist; Robert Lutz, highly successful corporate executive and former Marine attack pilot; Dr Peter O. Whitmer, author, clinical psychologist, keen observer of human behaviour; Patricia Lebrun, educator and fine reviewer; Lorraine and Judd Horbaly, supporters and organizers of a focus group to review the partial manuscript; Peggy Adler, energetic supporter, organizer, and intelligence researcher; Mary Yost, agent and friend.
In getting the manuscript ready for publication, thanks go to Tom Killingbeck and Eleanor Bishop at HarperCollins; and Benjamin Arden and Richard Huffman for legal support. This Second Edition was inspired by the making of Official Secrets, the feature film made from this volume. The production team included producers Ged Doherty and Elizabeth Fowler, director Gavin Hood, screenwriters Gregory Bernstein and Sara Bernstein, and distributors EntertainmentOne and IFC. The First Edition was published with PoliPoint Press: Scott Jordan, Peter Richardson, Melissa Edeburn; BookMatters, Dave Peattie; and masterful copyeditor Edith Gladstone.
Close to home, which makes them last but certainly not least, Kristin Donnan, ever faithful and dedicated editor and agent of her mother’s work; Lynn Eyermann, invaluable in First Edition support; and Judy Duhamel and Ann Thompson, for reasons they know.
– Marcia and Tom Mitchell, 20 February 2008 (with additions by Marcia, exactly eleven years later)