Inner Traditions

One Park Street

Rochester, Vermont 05767

Copyright © 2013 by Finley Eversole

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Infinite energy technologies : Tesla, cold fusion, antigravity, and the future of sustainability / edited by Finley Eversole, Ph.D.

    p. cm.

  Includes bibliographical references.

  Summary: “Clean, sustainable energy solutions from the geniuses of our past and the visionaries of our future”—Provided by publisher.

print ISBN 978-1-59477-380-8

ebook ISBN 978-1-59477-509-3

1. Renewable energy sources. 2. Green technology. 3. Social change. 4. Global environmental change. I. Eversole, Finley.

  TJ808.I54 2013



The Djwhal Khul quotations, from the books of Alice Bailey listed below, are used with the permission of Lucis Trust, London, and are found on the following pages:

page vi –from The Externalization of the Hierarchy, page 163

page vii –from Esoteric Astrology, page 147

page vii –from Discipleship in the New Age, vol. 1, page 685

page 1 –from The Externalization of the Hierarchy, page 379

page 1 –from The Rays and the Initiations, page 309

page 2 –from The Externalization of the Hierarchy, page 497

page 12 –from Glamour: A World Problem, page 135

page 118 –from The Destiny of the Nations, page 134

page 209 –from The Externalization of the Hierarchy, pages 396–97

Djwhal Khul, a Tibetan and member of the Spiritual Hierarchy, works for the future of humanity and the Earth from his home in a remote valley in Tibet.

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