*1 See chapters 4 and 5 in my book Transcending the Speed of Light (Inner Traditions, 2008), for a comprehensive explanation via Tesla’s theory of what Einstein called Grand Unification, which is directly linked to what today is called the God particle, or Higgs boson, the supposed particle that gives matter its mass.
*2 In Schauberger’s writings in German, the prefix Ur is often separated from the rest of the word by a hyphen (e.g., Ur-sache in lieu of Ursache, when normally it would be joined). By this he intends to place a particular emphasis on the prefix, thus endowing it with a more profound meaning than the merely superficial. This prefix belongs not only to the German language, but in former times also to the English, a usage that has now lapsed. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, ur denotes “primitive,” “original,” and “earliest,” giving such examples as “ur-Shakespeare” or “ur-origin.” This begins to get to the root of Schauberger’s use of it and the deeper significance he placed on it. If one expands on the interpretation given in the Oxford English Dictionary, then the concepts of “primordial,” “primeval,” “primal,” “fundamental,” “elementary,” and “of first principle” come to mind, which further encompass such meanings as pertaining to the first age of the world or of anything ancient; pertaining to or existing from the earliest beginnings; constituting the earliest beginning or starting point, from which something else is derived, developed, or depends; applying to parts or structures in their earliest or rudimentary stage; and the first or earliest formed in the course of growth. To this can be added the concept of an “ur-condition” or “ur-state” of extremely high potential or potency, a latent evolutionary ripeness, which given the correct impulse can unloose all of Nature’s innate creative forces.
*3 Carbones are principally those basic elements and raw materials of carbonous nature, although the term also includes all the elements of the chemist and physicist with the exclusion of oxygen and hydrogen. They are what Schauberger called “mother-substances,” as they form the matrix from which all life is created.
*4 Fructigenic is a term of Schauberger’s describing the higher subtle energies responsible for increasing the fecundity or capacity for fructification and fertilization of and by living things.
*5 Triboluminescence is an internal glow or luminescence produced when two or more crystalline rocks of similar composition are rubbed hard together or struck against one another, and it is attributed to the energy given off by the electrons contained in the rocks as they return from a pressure-induced, excited state to their rest orbits. As a phenomenon it can occur both in air and under water.
*6 pH is the measure of the hydrogen-ion concentration in a given substance and indicates the degree of acidity or alkalinity. Pure water and human blood both have a neutral pH of 7. Above a pH value of 7 alkalinity increases; below it acidity increases.
*7 Od refers to the Odic forces studied by Wilhelm Reich. His work was suppressed in the early twentieth century but is making a comeback in several fields, from healing to free-energy technology.
*8 It was from strep throat, easily curable today, that George Washington died after a life of surviving war, dysentery, influenza, malaria, mumps, pleurisy, pneumonia, rickets, smallpox, staph infections, tuberculosis, and typhoid fever.
*9 Richard Boylan claims the B-2 stealth bomber operates largely by using antigravity technology for its propulsion system, but this information has never been disclosed to the general public, which believe the bomber relies on conventional fuel sources. See his article “B-2 Stealth Bomber as Antigravity Craft,” available online at
*10 I will use the terms zero point energy or quantum vacuum energy, while other scientists, including Michio Kaku on the Science Channel, use more obscure terms like negative energy or Van der Waals forces to mean the same thing.