
When Jack’s cousins see his castle, they all gasp.

‘Wow!’ says David.

‘That’s so cool!’ says Stella.

Jack feels very proud.


‘Can we play with it?’ Ivy says, jumping up and down in excitement.

‘Ummm…’ says Jack. His tummy starts to wriggle around again.

He doesn’t want his cousins to touch his Lego castle in case they break it. But he doesn’t want to be mean either. Jack doesn’t know what to do.


‘Um, all right,’ says Jack. ‘But be careful.’

‘Can I be the knight?’ David says.

‘Can I be the princess?’ Stella says.

‘Can I be the dragon?’ Ivy shouts.

She picks up the dragon and swoops it towards the castle tower.

‘Oh no!’ says Jack.

But it’s too late.

Ivy crashes the dragon into the tower and all the little pieces of Lego tumble down to the ground.

David and Stella freeze. Their eyes grow wide in fright.


Little Ivy covers her face in her hands and begins to cry.

‘I’m sorry!’ she says. ‘I didn’t mean to break your castle, Jack.’

Jack looks at Ivy. He looks at David and Stella too. He remembers what they said to him outside and the big moochy, grumpy bubble inside him pops. He smiles.


‘That’s OK, Ivy,’ he says. ‘It was an accident. Anyway, Lego is meant to be broken. Look!’

Jack picks up another dragon and crashes it into the wall of the castle. The wall breaks into tiny pieces. Jack’s cousins look nervous.

Jack giggles. Then he crashes his dragon into the other wall.

Another part of the castle comes tumbling down.


‘Come on!’ says Jack, laughing. ‘You can break the rest, Ivy.’

Ivy crashes her dragon into the last wall.

The castle is now in ruins. Little Lego pieces lie everywhere.

‘What now?’ says David. He still looks worried.

‘Well, now we build it again, of course!’ Jack laughs.

So Jack and his cousins build another castle, taller than the last one. This time it is Stella’s turn to crash it down. Stella and Ivy and David laugh loudly.


Jack laughs the loudest of all.

All afternoon Jack and his cousins build castles out of Lego, then crash them down again. It’s the best afternoon ever!
