This is Jack. He is in a bouncy mood. It is his first day at soccer. Jack is wearing his new team uniform.
He is wearing bright orange soccer boots with real studs. Jack chose them himself. Jack has a shiny new soccer ball under his arm. He feels very excited.
Jack has been practising soccer all week in the backyard. He practised dribbling and passing and shooting goals.
Jack is good at dribbling. He is good at passing too. But most of all, Jack is good at kicking goals.
Jack really hopes that he will kick a goal today.
‘All right, team!’ calls the coach. ‘Time to warm up. I will watch you practise. Then I will choose your positions for the match.’
Jack and the other players stand in a line facing the coach. The coach kicks the ball to them one at a time.
Soon it will be Jack’s turn. Excited feelings and nervous feelings jumble around in his tummy.
Jack swings his leg back and does a perfect kick — right into the coach’s hands!
‘Hey, Jack, good kick!’ says the coach.
Jack grins proudly.
Next it is time to practise passing. The coach gives everyone a partner.
Jack’s partner is called Jamal. He is even bouncier than Jack!
‘Hey, Jack!’ he says. ‘You can call me Jem. Everyone does. Cool boots!’
Jack grins. ‘Thanks, Jem,’ he says.
Jack and Jem pass the ball back and forwards between them.
‘Good work, boys!’ says the coach. Jem gives Jack a high five. Jack likes Jem already.
Lastly, it is time to practise throwing and catching. Jack and Jem throw the ball to each other. Jack doesn’t drop the ball once!
Today is a good day, Jack thinks. He is sure he will kick a goal today.
‘Nice work, Jack,’ says the coach. ‘I think I’ll make you our goalie. We need someone good at catching to play goalie.’
Goalie! Jack thinks. I don’t want to be goalie. You can’t kick a goal if you’re the goalie!
Jack hangs his head. This is not such a good day after all!