Now both teams have one goal each and the game is nearly over.
Jack sees a big boy in the other team get the ball. He is coming towards Jack. It’s the same boy who scored a goal last time.
No way! Jack thinks. I’m not letting the ball in this time.
The boy swings his leg back and takes a mighty kick.
The ball soars high into the sky. It flies straight towards the net!
Jack jumps high. He stretches out his hands — and catches the ball!
Jack’s team-mates go wild. Jem jogs over and gives Jack a high five.
‘Hey, Jack! That was awesome!’ he says. ‘Good save.’
‘Thanks,’ says Jack, grinning. Jem turns to run into the middle but Jack calls him back.
‘Hey, Jem!’ he says.
‘What is it?’ says Jem, jogging back.
‘Shoot between the goalie’s legs,’ says Jack.
Jem looks at Jack and frowns.
‘What?’ he says.
‘Trust me,’ says Jack. ‘I’ve been watching him. Pretend you’re shooting high, but really shoot low.’
‘OK,’ says Jem. ‘I’ll give it a go.’
Jem runs into the middle of the field.
The match starts again.
Jack sees Jem get the ball. He dribbles it down the field towards the goal at the other end. Then he kicks it hard.
The other team’s goalie jumps up, but the ball stays low.
It spins into the net — right between the goalie’s legs! Just like Jack said it would.
Jack’s whole team cheers.
The whistle blows. It’s the end of the game. Jack’s team has won!
Jack is happy for Jem. He has kicked two goals. He helped their team win the match.
Jack runs up to congratulate his new friend. Jem is surrounded by all the other players. They are cheering and clapping him on the back.
‘Good kick!’ one boy says to Jem.
‘Actually, that was Jack’s idea,’ Jem says.
‘He told me to kick the ball low.’
Jack grins. ‘Yeah, but you kicked the goal,’ he says to Jem.
Jem pats Jack on the back. ‘We make a good team,’ he says.
‘You all make a good team,’ says the coach.
‘Jack, you did a great job as goalie. Next week we’ll have to get you out there kicking goals!’
Jack grins and nods. He can’t wait until next week’s match.