This is Jack. Today Jack is in a bubbly mood. There’s only one more sleep until Christmas!
Jack is very excited. He is wearing his reindeer antlers. They make everyone laugh.
Every Christmas Eve, Jack and his family go to Carols by Candlelight.
This year Jack is bringing his best friend, Billie.
Jack’s parents have packed a yummy picnic basket for dinner.
Billie comes over to Jack’s house. She has a present in her hands.
‘This is for you,’ she says to Jack. ‘Merry Christmas!’
‘Thanks!’ says Jack. He doesn’t open it yet. ‘Wait here. I’ll go and get yours.’
Jack runs upstairs to get his present for Billie. It is a photo of Billie and him in a frame made of cardboard.
All around the frame are pictures of Billie’s favourite things. A soccer ball, an ice-cream, even a banana sandwich with sprinkles. Jack drew all the pictures himself. He really hopes she will like it.
Jack runs downstairs with the present. ‘Can we open them now?’ he asks his mum.
‘Sure,’ she says.
Jack unwraps Billie’s present first. ‘An Asha CD!’ he says. ‘She’s my favourite singer.’
‘Mine too!’ says Billie. ‘She’s singing at the concert tonight.’
‘I know,’ says Jack. ‘I can’t wait. Thanks.’
But then suddenly Jack feels embarrassed about his present. A home-made photo frame is not nearly as cool as an Asha CD.
Billie unwraps Jack’s present. She smiles when she sees the photo frame.
‘Thanks, Jack!’ says Billie. ‘Did you draw all the pictures?’
Jack nods. ‘It’s not as good as an Asha CD,’ he says. ‘Sorry.’ He feels his cheeks get hot.
‘I love it!’ says Billie.
Jack looks at Billie carefully to see if she is telling the truth. She looks happy. But Jack still feels worried.
‘OK kids, time to go!’ says Jack’s dad.
Jack and Billie jump up and down with excitement.
‘Now remember,’ says Jack’s dad. ‘It will be very crowded at the park. You will have to stay close, OK?’
‘OK,’ promise Jack and Billie. They climb into the car. Jack’s dad puts on the new Asha CD. Jack and Billie sing along with all the songs, very loudly!