Soon they arrive. Jack and Billie look out the car window and gasp. What a beautiful sight!
The park is filled with people holding candles. In the dark, the candles twinkle like fairy lights.
They find a spot for their blanket. They eat cheese and bread and dip for dinner, and Christmas cupcakes for dessert.
‘Are you excited about tomorrow?’ Billie says to Jack.
Jack nods. ‘Thanks for the CD,’ he says.
‘I wish I had a better present for you.’
‘Don’t be silly,’ says Billie. ‘I love your present.’
But Jack still wishes he had something else to give her.
Soon it is time for the concert to start. Different singers come onstage and sing carols. Jack and Billie join in when they know the words.
Jack’s dad lights their candles and they sway to the music. The singers are good but not as good as Asha.
‘Uh-oh. I need the bathroom,’ Jack says.
‘OK,’ says his dad. ‘I’ll take you.’
‘But I don’t want to miss Asha!’ says Jack.
‘Don’t worry,’ says his dad. ‘We’ll be quick.’
Jack and his dad walk carefully around the people on their blankets.
Lots of other people are walking to the bathrooms too. It is very crowded.
On their way back, Jack sees Santa by the stage. He is giving out helium balloons.
‘Hey look, Dad – Santa!’ Jack says. He runs up to Santa to get a balloon for Billie. He chooses a purple one because it is her favourite colour.
A purple helium balloon is a cool present.
He turns around to find his dad. ‘I got a balloon!’ he says.
But Jack’s dad isn’t there.
Jack’s heart starts beating very fast. He runs a little way into the crowd.
Then he stands on his tippy-toes. But it is no use. There are just too many people. He can’t see his dad anywhere.
Big salty tears roll down his cheeks. It’s Christmas Eve and Jack has lost his family!