‘Hey there, little reindeer,’ comes a woman’s voice.
Jack looks up through his tears.
He gasps. It’s Asha, standing right there in front of him!
He quickly wipes his nose on his sleeve.
‘What’s wrong?’ Asha asks.
‘I’m lost,’ sniffs Jack.
‘Oh dear,’ says Asha. ‘How did that happen?’
Jack looks down at his toes.
‘I was with my dad,’ he says. ‘But then I stopped to get a balloon from Santa, and I lost him.’
‘Well, I’m on my way to the stage,’ Asha says. ‘Why don’t you come with me and I’ll see if we can find your parents?’
Asha takes Jack’s hand and leads him through the crowd. Lots of people stare at him walking with Asha.
She is very famous. Jack feels very proud. He can’t wait to tell Billie!
When they get to the stage, Asha sits Jack down on the steps. ‘Just wait here,’ she says. Then she walks up onto the stage.
‘Merry Christmas, everyone,’ Asha says into the microphone.
Everyone in the crowd cheers. They have all been waiting for Asha to sing.
‘Thank you! Thank you!’ she says. ‘I will be starting in a few minutes. But first of all, I just found a lost boy in the crowd.
His name is Jack and he is wearing reindeer antlers.
Can his mum or dad come and collect him, please?’
Asha walks back down the steps. ‘They should be here soon,’ she says kindly. ‘I’d better get back onstage now. Will you be all right here?’
Jack nods. ‘Thank you,’ he says.
But then he has an idea. He almost feels too shy to ask. He takes a deep breath. ‘Um, can I ask you for one more thing?’ he says. He feels his cheeks get hot.
‘It’s not for me. It’s for my best friend, Billie.’
‘Sure,’ says Asha. ‘What is it?’
Jack whispers in her ear.
‘Of course!’ says Asha and she takes a black texta out of her pocket.
Very soon, Jack sees his dad coming towards him.
Jack grins and waves.
Phew, what an adventure!
Jack holds the purple helium balloon tightly in his hand. It was a good present before, but now it is even better! He knows Billie will love it.