Ellie snagged a bottle of water and found a table in the cafeteria. Staff wandered in for snacks and meals, low chatter a sign they respected the families also seeking food and quiet time while waiting for news of loved ones.
Hoping they were close to cracking the case, she phoned Lara.
“Did you find Ava?” Lara asked anxiously.
“Not yet, but we may have a lead,” Ellie said. “Lara, did you or your family ever have contact with a family named the Wilkinsons or Hornsbys?”
“No, not that I remember. Aren’t those the families the reporter said have missing children, too?”
“Yes. They have daughters around Ava’s age, and each one of them had been in the hospital,” she answered. “Could the girls have met at a camp or something?”
“Ava didn’t attend any camps. We kept her close to home to monitor her, due to her illness.”
“About that,” she said. “Where did Ava have her liver transplant?”
“At Scottish Rite in Atlanta. Is that important?”
“I’m trying to find a connection between the three girls. I’m going to text Deputy Eastwood a photo of a sketch done by a police artist. Take a good look and see if you recognize the woman.”
Ellie paused and sent the text, then waited a minute. “Have you seen her before? Perhaps at the hospital.”
“No, not at the hospital, although I was pretty stressed then and didn’t really pay attention to anyone else in the waiting room,” Lara said. “But… she kind of looks like a woman I saw at the pumpkin farm around Halloween. I saw her crying and asked if everything was okay. She said she’d just lost someone close then hurried away.” Lara’s voice sounded wary. “Do you think she took Ava?”
“I don’t know. It’s possible. I’ll keep you posted.”
Ellie hung up then called Bryce. “Everything okay there?” she asked the sheriff when he answered.
“No action here.”
“Good,” Ellie said. “Listen, I need you to put Priscilla on the phone.” Now that she’d confirmed the heart transplant with Forrester, she needed more details from Priscilla.
“All right, just a minute.” She heard the swish of air as Bryce walked, then the squeak of a door.
“Ms. Wilkinson,” she heard him say, “it’s Sheriff Waters. Detective Reeves wants to speak to you for a moment.”
Ellie tapped her boot on the floor as she waited.
“Did you find Kaylee?”
“Not yet, but we’re working on it.”
“How’s Becky?”
“She’s stable but sleeping now, so I haven’t had a chance to talk to her. But I need to ask you another question. Am I right in thinking Kaylee had a heart transplant?”
“Yes, that’s right. She had septal defect—a hole in the heart.”
“Where did Kaylee have her surgery?”
Ellie heard sheets rustling and imagined Priscilla trying to sit up. “Children’s Healthcare in Atlanta.”
“Okay thanks. I have to go, Priscilla. I’ll keep you posted.”
Ellie scratched her head. Dammit, all the girls had surgeries at different hospitals.
So why had the kidnapper targeted them? And where were they now?