AMONG PUBLICATIONS, libraries, and sources that were consulted in the writing of this book were Time; Look; Out; New York Times; New York Post; New York; People; Miami Herald; Miami New Times; Miami Sun Post; Official Website of the City of Miami Beach; Miami Beach Visitor and Convention Authority; Miami Beach Economic Development; Florida Collection, Miami-Dade Library System; the Historical Museum of Southern Florida; the Wolfson-ian Florida International University Museum; the Miami Design Preservation League.
TEXTS ABOUT Miami and Miami Beach that were consulted in the writing of this book include Miami Beach (Centennial Press, 1994) by Howard Kleinberg; Miami: The Way We Were (Surfside Publishing, 1989) by Howard Kleinberg;South Beach: The Novel (Black Cat, 2008) by Brian Antoni; Fabulous Hoosier (Robert M. McBride & Company, 1947) by Jane Fisher; Dying in the Sun (Charterhouse, 1974) by Donn Pearce; City on the Edge: The Transformation of Miami (University of California Press, 1993) by Alejandro Portes and Alex Stepick; Going to Miami: Exiles, Tourists and Refugees in the New America (University Press of Florida, 1987) by David Rieff; Last Train to Paradise (Three Rivers Press, 2002) by Les Standiford; The Life and Times of Miami Beach (Knopf, 1995) by Ann Armbruster; Castles in the Sand: The Life and Times of Carl Graham Fisher (University Press of Florida, 2000) by Mark S. Foster; Miami, U.S.A. (Henry Holt and Company, 1953) by Helen Muir; To the Golden Cities: Pursuing theAmerican Jewish Dream in Miami and L.A. (Harvard University Press, 1994) by Deborah Dash Moore; The Last Resorts (Harper & Brothers, 1948) by Cleveland Amory; Miami: Then and Now (Thunder Bay Press, 2002) by Arva Moore Parks and Carolyn Klepser; Tropical Deco: The Architecture and Design of Old Miami Beach (Riz-zoli, 1981) by Laura Cerwinske; My Love Affair with Miami Beach (Simon & Schuster, 1991) by Richard Nagler; Woggles and Cheese Holes: The History of Miami Beach's Hotels (Greater Miami & The Beaches Hotel Association, 2005) by Howard Kleinberg; The Most of Everything: The Story of Miami Beach (Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1960) by Harold Mehling; My Story (Gove Press, 1977) by Judith Exner; Catskill Culture (Temple Univerity Press, 1998) by Phil Brown; South Beach: America's Riviera, Miami Beach, Florida (Arcade Publishing, 1995) by Bill Wisser; Saving South Beach (University Press of Florida, 2005) by M. Barron Stofik; Sins of South Beach: The True Story of Corruption, Violence, and the Making of Miami Beach (Pegasus Publishing House, Inc., 2006) by Alex Daoud; Deco Delights: Preserving the Beauty and Joy of Miami Beach Architecture (E. P Dutton, 1988) by Barbara Baer Capitman and Steven Brooke; Miami Beach Memories: A Nostalgic Chronicle of Days Gone By (Insider's Guide, 2007) by Joann Biondi; Clubland: The Fabulous Rise and Murderous Fall of Club Culture (St. Martin's Press, 2003) by Frank Owen; Miami: Hot and Cool (Clarkson Potter, 1990) by Laura Cerwinske and Steven Brooke; Old Miami Beach: A Case Study in Historic Preservation, July 1976–July 1980 (Miami Design Preservation League, 1980) by H. Michael Raley, Linda G. Polansky, and Aristides J. Millas; Everything by Design; My Life As an Architect (St. Martin's Press, 2007) by Alan Lapidus; Too Much Is Never Enough: An Autobiography (Rizzoli, 1996) by Morris Lapidus; MiMo: Miami Modern Revealed (Chronicle Books, 2004) by Eric P Nash and Randall C. Robinson Jr.; The Making of Miami Beach 1933–41: The Architecture of Lawrence Murray Dixon (Rizzoli, 2001); Rediscovering Art Deco U.S.A.: A Nationwide Tour of Architectural Delights (Viking Studio Books, 1994) by Barbara Capitman, Michael D. Kinerk, and Dennis W. Wilhelm; Little Man: Meyer Lansky and the Gangster Life (Little, Brown 1991) by Robert Lacey; Miami: City of the Future (Atlantic Monthly Press, 1987) by T. D. Allman; Billion Dollar Sandbar (E. P. Dutton, 1970) by Polly Redford; Diary of a South Beach Party Girl (Simon Spotlight Entertainment, 2007) by Gwen Cooper; Morris Lapidus (Assouline Press, 2004) by Deborah Desilets; Life on Mars: Gangsters, Runaways, Exiles, Drag Queens and Other Aliens in Florida (Doubleday, 1996) by Alexander Stuart; Up for Grabs: A Trip Through Time and Space in the Sunshine State (University Press of Florida, 1985) by John Rothchild; Historical Sketches and Sidelights of Miami, Florida (Privately Printed, 1921) by Isidor Cohen; Miami: The Magic City (Continental Heritage, 1981) by Arva Moore Parks; Mob Over Miami (Onyx, 2002) by Michele McPhee; Moon Over Miami (Random House, 1955) by Jack Kofoed; Jackie Gleason: An Intimate Portrait of the Great One (Pharos Books, 1992) by W. J. Weatherby; Vulgar Favors: Andrew Cunanan, Versace, and the Largest Failed Manhunt in U.S. History (Dell, 1999) by Maureen Orth; Miami (Vintage International, 1987) by Maureen Orth; Miami Beach: Images of America (Arcadia Publishing, 2005) by Seth Bram-son; Miami in Vintage Postcards (Arcadia Publishing, 2000) by Patricia Kennedy; His Way: The Unauthorized Biography of Frank Sinatra (Bantam, 1986) by Kitty Kelley; Miami Beach in 1920: The Making of a Winter Resort (Arcadia, 2002) by Abraham D. Lavender.
THE FILMS A Hole in the Head (MGM, 1959) produced and directed by Frank Capra; Moon Over Miami (20th Century Fox, 1941) directed by Walter Lang; The Bellboy (Paramount Pictures, 1960) directed by Jerry Lewis; 8th & Ocean (MTV television reality program, 2006); Scarface (Universal, 1983) directed by Brian De Palma; Cocaine Cowboys (Magnolia Pictures, 2006) directed by Billy Corben; Tony Rome (1967) directed by Gordon Douglas, were also viewed in the research for this book.