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Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md., see Ballistic Research Laboratory

ACE / Automatic Computing Engine

ACM / Association for Computing Machinery

Adams, Charles W.

Adams, John Couchv, co-discoverer of Neptune

Adams-Moulton method

Aiken, Howard Hathaway, carries out Babbage’s program, Mark I through IV, see also ASCC, Harvard

Airy, George Biddell, Astronomer Royal

Albert, Prince

Alexander the Great

Alexander, J.

Alexander, James Waddell, professor at the Institute for Advanced Study

Alexander, Samuel N.

ALGOL / Algorithmic Language, formulated by committees of ACM and GAMM

al-images, Jamshid ben images images images ed-images, Iranian astronomer

Allison, Samuel King, directs Fermi


Alt, Franz Leopold

American Association for the Advancement of Sciences

Amsterdam Mathematisch Centrum

analog devices, cinema integraph, continuous integraph, differential analyzers, harmonic analyzers, integrators and planimeters, Kelvin on, network analyzers, tidal analyzers

analytical engine, see also Babbage, Charles

analyzer, see analog devices Andrade, Edward Neville da Costa

Andrew, Merle M.

Andrews, Ernest G.

APEC / All Purpose Electronic Computer

Applied Mathematics Panel, part of NDRC

ARC / Automatic Relay Calculator

Archibald, Raymond Clare


Arenberg, David Lewis

Argonne National Laboratory, AVIDAC and GEORGE


ARMAC / Automatische Rekenmachine Mathematisch Centrum

Armer, Paul

Artin, Emil

ASCC / Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator, see also Aiken, IBM machines

Ash, R.

Astrahan, Morton M.

astronomy, see also lunar theory

Atanasoff, John Vincent

Atomic Energy Commission, von Neumann' appointed commissioner, see also Los Alamos

Auerbach, A. A.

Augustus, Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus

Australia, SILLIAC at Sydney

Austrian developments, URR-1, LRR-1 and Mailufterl, see also Zemenak

automata, definition of, Post’s and Turing’s work on, von Neumanns work on, Winograd’s and Cowan’s sequel

AVIDAC / Argonne Version of the Institute (IAS) Digital Automatic Computer

Aydelotte, Frank, 2nd director of Institute for Advanced Study


B boxes, see index registers

Babbage, Charles, analytical engine, difference engine, early life

Babbage, H. P., son of Charles

Bache, Alexander Dulles, Fund

Backus, John W.

Bailey, Herbert S., Jr.

Ballistic Research Laboratory


Bamberger, Louis

Banach, Stefan, Polish mathematician

Bargmann, Valentine

Bargmann, Sonia (Mrs, Valentine Bargmann)

BARK / Binar Automatik Rela-Kalkylator

Barnes, General Gladeon M.

Barricelli, Nils Adall

Bartee, T. C.

Bartin, S., Bartky, Walter

Bartlett, James Holley

Bashe, Charles J.

Bashforth, Francis

Basilewski, I. I.

Batschelet, Eduard

Battelle Memorial Institute

Bauer, Friedrich L.

Beam, Walter Raleigh

Bedient, Arthur

Beeber, Robert J., Belden, Thomas Graham and Marva Robins, Belevitch, Vitold, Belgian developments

Bell, Alexander Graham

Bell, C. Gordon

Bell, Eric Temple

Bell, Persa Raymond

Bell Relay Computers, see Bell Telephone Laboratories Bell Telephone Laboratories, help Moore School on ENIAC, pioneer in relay calculators, see also Stibitz

Benfield, Adalbert Edwin

Bennett, Albert A.

Berggren, Gunnar

Bergren, Roy

Bernays, Paul

Bernoulli, John and James

Berry, Arthur, Berry, Clifford

BESK / Binar Electronisk Sekvens Kalkylator

BESM / Bystrodeistwujuschtschaja Elektronnajastschetnaja Machina

Bessel, Friedrich Wilhelm

Best, Sheldon, Beurling, Professor Arne Karl-August

Bierman, Ludwig Franz Benedikt

Bigelow, Julian Himely, chief engineer of Computer Project

Bilas, Frances, see Mrs. Homer Spence

Billing, Heinz, builds Gl, G2, G3

Billings, John Shaw, becomes affiliated with Census Office, evaluates Hollerith’s system, relations with Hollerith

BINAC / Binary Automatic Computer

binary numbers, conversion, use of in computers

Birkbeck, George

Birkhoff, George David

Blackburn, Jacob

Blackett, Patrick Maynard Stuart

Blaauw, Gerrit A.

Bliss, Ames

Bliss, Chester Ittner

Bliss, Gilbert Ames, at Aberdeen, Goldstine works as assistant to, his relations to Birkhoff and Veblen, his scientific work

Blodgett, John H.

Boccaccio, Giovanni

Bocher, Maxime, Bochner, Salomon

Bogert, Capt. T. E.

Böhm, C.

Bohr, Harald

Bohr, Niels

Bok, Bart Jan

Bolin, Bert Richard, Jr.

Bollée, Léon, Boolé, George, logician, Boolean algebra

Booth, Andrew

Booth, Kathleen Britten, see Booth, Andrew

Borel, Felix Edouard Emile

Born, Max

Bottenbush, Hermann

Bowden, Bertram Vivian, Lord Bowden

Bradbury, Dr. Norris Edwin

Bradley, James, Astronomer Royal

Brainerd, John Grist, Director of Moore School, inception of ENIAC, starts EDVAC project

Bratt, J. B.


Breit, Gregory

Brennan, Jean F.

Briggs, Lyman James

British Admiralty

British Nautical Almanac and Astronomical Ephermeris

Brougham, Henry, Lord

Brouwer, Luitzen Egbertus J.

Brown, Ernest Williams, see also lunar theory

Brown, George William

Brown, Gordon Stanley

Brown, Theodore Henry

Browning, Robert

Brueckner, Keith Allan

Bryce, James Wares

Buchanan, Robert Earle

Buchholz, Werner W.

Buckingham, Richard Arthur

Buckley, Dr. Oliver Ellsworth

Bullard, Sir Edward Crisp

Burali-Forti, Cesare

Bureau of the Census, procures first UNIVAC

Bureau of Ordnance, see also Aiken, NORC

Burke, Edmund

Burks, Arthur Walter, brings out von Neumann’s work on self-reproducing automata, goes to Institute for Advanced Study

Burroughs Adding Machine Company

Bush, Vannevar, cinema integraph, differential analyzer, heads OSRD, helps Moore School and Ballistic Research Laboratory, integraph, network analyzer, new differential analyzer, program for computation

Byron, George Gordon, 6th Baron

Byron, Annabella (née Milbanke), wife of Lord Byron

Byron, Augusta Ada, Countess of Lovelace

CAB / Calculatrice Arithmetique Binaire


Cajori, Florian, historian of mathematics

calculus of variations

Caldwell, Samuel H.

Cambridge University

Campbell, George Ashley

Cannon, Edward Whitney, Carlyle, Thomas

Carr, John Weber, III

Carroll, Lewis (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson), his logic game

Carson, James Renshaw

Case School of Applied Science

Cavendish, Henry

Cavendish Laboratory, see Cambridge University CEP / Calcolatrice Elettronica Pisana

Chamberlin, Thomas Chrowder

Chambers, Carl Covalt

Chance, Britton

Chandrasekhar, Subrahmanyan

Chapman, Sydney

Charney, Jule Gregory

Chasles, Michel

Chedaker, Joseph

Chicago, University of, Bliss at, Goldstine at, Michelson at, Moulton and Veblen at

Chu, Jeffrey Chuan

Clairaut, Alexis Claude, ballistics, lunar theory

Clippinger, Richard Frederick

coding, see programming Cohen, Paul

Columbia University, see also Watson Computing Bureau

Comét, Stig

Compagnie des Machines BULL

compilers, see programming

Compton, Arthur Holly

Compton, Karl Taylor

computation, Bush’s views on, Kelvin’s views on, Leibniz’s views on, Maxwell’s views on, measures of speed, nature of

Computer-Tabulating-Recording Co., becomes IBM

computers, analog, continuous or measurement, Bush’s differential analyzers, cinema integraph, digital or arithmetical, Kelvin’s ideas on differential analyzer, Kelvin’s tidal analyzer and predictor, Maxwell’s integrator, Michelson’s harmonic analyzer, network analyzer, planimeters, see integrators

Comrie, Leslie John

Conant, James Bryant, president of Harvard and chairman of NDRC

continuous integraph, see analog devices

continuous, measurement, or analog machines, see analog devices

Cooley, James

Couffignal, Louis, develops computer at Institut Blaise Pascal

Coulomb, Charles Augustin de

Courant, Richard, co-discoverer of numerical stability

Couturat, Louis

Cowan, Jacob D.

CPC / Card Programmed Electronic Calculator

Crane, Hewitt David

Cranz, Carl Julius

Crawford, Perry O., Jr.

Cressman, George Parmley

Cummings, James

Cunningham, Leland E.

Curie, Paul-Jacques and Pierre, co-discover piezo-electric effect

Curry, Haskell Brooks

Curtiss, John Hamilton

curve followers

Czechoslovakian developments, ARITMA, SAPO


Dl, D2 (East German machines)

Dahlgren Proving Ground, see Aiken and NORC

Dahlquist, Germund

D’Alembert, Jean le Rond, ballistics, lunar theory

Dan, Klara, see von Neumann, Klara Dan

Danoiseau de Montfort, Marie-Charles Theodore, lunar tables

Darmstadt Institute of Technology

Darwin, Sir Charles Galton

Darwin, Charles Robert

Darwin, Sir George Howard, DASK / DANSK BESK (Danish copy of Besk)

Davis, John

Davis, Martin David, Davisson, Clinton Joseph

Davy, Sir Humphrey, president of Royal Society

deBeauclair, W.

deCareil, Foucher

deColmar, Charles Xavier

Dederick, Louis Serle

deGaulle, Charles

deKerf, Joseph Louis Francois, Delamain, Richard

Delasasso, Louis A.

Delaunay, Charles-Eugene

delay lines

Demming, William Edwards

deMorgan, Augustus

deMorgan, Mrs. Augustus, friend of Ada Byron


deNo, Lorente

DERA / Damstadter Elektronische Rechenautomat

Descartes, Rene, analytical geometry

Devonshire, William Cavendish, Duke of

Dickens, Charles

Dickenson, Halsey

Dickinson, William D., Jr.

Dickson, Leonard Eugene

Diderot, Denis

difference engines: Babbage’s, IBM’s, Scheutz’s, Wiberg’s

differences, finite

differential analyzer, see analog devices

differential equations, Hartree’s solutions of, the work of Courant, Friedrichs, and Lewy

digital or arithmetical computers or machines, Leibniz’s, Pascal’s, Schickard’s, see also Babbage, ENIAC, EDVAC, IAS machine

Dirac, Paul Adrien Maurice

DLS-127 / Delay Line Sieve

d’Ocagne, Philbert Maurice

Dodgson, C. L., see Carroll, Lewis

Dreyer, Hans-Joachim

Dryden, Hugri Latimer

DuBarry, William H.

Dumont, Allen B., Laboratories

Dunkin (Messrs. Dunkin and Co.)

Dunsheath, Percy, Durfee, Benjamin M.

Dyhre, A. E.

DYSEAC / Second Standards Electronic Automatic Computer


Eady, Eric T.

East German developments

Eckert, John Presper, Jr., chief engineer on ENIAC and EDVAC projects, with Mauchly forms company

Eckert-Mauchly Computer Company, see also Sperry Rand

Eckert, Wallace John

Eckler, A. Ross, Director of Census Bureau

EDSAC / Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Computer, first delay line computer

EDVAC / Electronic Discrete Variable Computer, logical structure


Ehrenfest, Paul

Einstein, Albert, at Institute for Advanced Study

Ekelöf, Stig

Elbourn, Robert

Elder, John

electrical engineering, history of

electro-mechanical computing instruments: Aiken, the IBM ASCC, Stibitz, Torres Quevedo

Electronic Control Corp., see also Sperry

Rand Elgot, Calvin C

Elias, Peter

Eliassen, Arnt

Elsasser, Walter Maurice

Emmons, Howard Wilson

Emslie, Alfred George

Emslie, Norman

Engineering Research Associates, see also Sperry Rand

English developments: ACE and EDSAC, contributions of Booth, of Hartree, of Newman, of Wilkes, of Williams, first delay line machine, EDSAC

Engstrom, Elmer William, vice-president for research, RCA

ENIAC / Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer, acceptance by U.S. Army, beginnings, dedication of, description of, engineering staff of, first problem on, function tables in, is turned off and put in Smithsonian Institution


Epple, Erwin


ERMETH / Electronische Rechenmaschine der ETH

Estrin, Gerald

Estrin, Thelma (Mrs. Gerald Estrin)

ETL, Marks I, II, III, IV, Japanese machines


Euler, Leonhard

Evans, Cerda (Mrs. Foster Evans) and Foster

Evans, Griffith Conrad


Faraday, Michael

Fekete, M.

Feller, William, Yugoslavian mathematician

Felt and Tarrant Co.

Feltman, Samuel

Fermi, Enrico

Fermi, Laura

Fernbach, Sidney

Ferranti Ltd.

Fine, Henry Burchard

fire control directors

firing tables

Fjörtoft, Ragnar

Flexner, Abraham, first director of the Institute for Advanced Study

flow diagrams

Fock, Vladimir Alexandrovitch, Hartree-Fock method

Ford, Eugene A.

Ford, Lester R.

Forrester, Jay Wright, develops storage tube and core memories

FORTRAN, designed by Backus and Ziller

Fourier coefficients and series

Fourier, Jean-Baptiste-Joseph

Fowler, Sir Ralph Howard

Fox, Leslie


Franck, James

Frankel, Stanley Phillips

Frankford Arsenal, digital fire control system

Frazer, Joseph Hugh

Freeman, John

Freese, Harry

Frege, Gottlob

Frei, Ephraim

French developments, CAB, GAMMA, the Institut Blaise Pascal machine

Freud, Sigmund

Freytag-Loringhoff, Bruno Baron von

Friedrichs, Kurt, co-discoverer of numerical stability

Frisch, Ragnar

Fritz, W. Barkley

Frizzell, Clarence E.

Fröberg, Carl-Erik

Frye, J. H.

Fuld, Mrs. Felix


Gage, F. C.

Gail, Harry

Galilei, Galileo

Galle, (Johann) Gottfried, discoverer of Neptune

Gambo, Kanzaburo

GAMM / German Association for Applied Mathematics

GAMMA, see Compagnie des Machines BULL Gardner, Martin

Gardner, Murray Frank

Gauss, Carl Friedrich

Gautschi, Werner

Gazis, Denos Constantinos

Gell-Mann, Murray

General Electric Co.

Gentel, Major Thomas G.

GEORGE / Argonne National Laboratory “George”, Computer

German (East) developments, (West) developments

Gibbs, Josiah Willard, Gibbs Phenomenon

Giese, John H.

Gilbert, Davis

Gilchrist, Bruce

Gill, Stanley

Gillies, Donald Bruce

Gillis, Joseph

Gillon, Col. Paul N.

Gilmore, John T.

Givens, James Wallace, Jr.

Gödel, Kurt

Goff, John Alonzo

Goldberg, Richard

Goldfinger, Roy

Goldstein, Irwin

Goldstine, Adele Katz (Mrs. Herman Goldstine), EDVAC project, ENIAC project, Los Alamos

Goldstine, Herman Heine, in the Army, logical design and programming, numerical analysis, UNESCO and the State Dept., with von Neumann

Goodwin, E. T.

Goto, Eiichi

Goto, Motinori


Goulburn, Henry

Gray, Truman Stretcher

Green, J.

Green, John Willie

Greenall, C. H.

Gregory, Duncan Farquharson

Gronwall, Thomas

Guion, James L.

Gunter, Edmund


Haber, Fritz

Hacldad, Jerrier Abdo

Hagiwara, T.

Haibt, Lois M. (Mrs. Luther Haibt)

Hale, George Ellery

Halley, Edmund

Hamilton, Frank E.

Hammer, Franz

Hammersley, John Michael

Hampshire College

Handscomb, David C

Hansen, Erik

Hansen, Peter Andreas

Hanson-Ericson, Rear-Admiral Stig

Harmon, Leon David

harmonic analyzers, see analog devices

Harnwell, Gaylord P.

Harper, William Rainey

Hartree, Douglas Rayner, differential analyzers, the Hartree-Fock method, relations to Goldstine

Harvard University, see also H. Aiken and IBM machines

Harvard Mark I, II, III, IV, see Aiken, Harvard University

Havens, Byron

Havermark, Gunnar

Hays, Samuel Pfrimmer

Hazen, Harold Locke

Heaviside, Oliver

Hedeman, W. R.

Heisenberg, Werner

Helmholtz, Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von

Henrici, Peter

Henry, D. V.

Henry, Joseph

Henschel Flugzeugwerken

Hermann, J. H.

Herrick, Harlan L.

Herrstrom, E. H.

Herschel, John

Herschel, William

Hertz, Heinrich Rudolf

Herz, J. C.

Herzberg, Gerhard

Hevesy, George Charles de

Hilbert, David

Hildebrandt, Theodore Ware

Hill, George William, see also lunar theory


Hitchcock, F. L.

Hitler, Adolf

Hixon Symposium lectures

Hochstrasser, Urs

Hodgkin, Alan Lloyd

Hoffman, Walter

Holberton, Elizabeth Snyder (Mrs. John V. Holberton)

Holberton, John V.

Hollerith, Herman, Billings and the Census Bureau, his company

Hollerith machines, see also punch card machines Hopper, Grace Murray

Hooker, Sir William Jackson

Hotelling, Harold

Householder, Alston Scott

Hovmöller, Ernst

Hubble, Edwin Powell

Hughes, Robert A.

Hughes, Vernon Willard

Hull, Albert Wallace

Humboldt, Baron Friedrich Wilhelm Heinrich Alexander von

Hündorf, Walter

Hunsaker, Jerome Clarke

Hunt, Gilbert A.

Hunt, William C.

Huntington, Hillard Bell

Hurd, Cuthbert Corwin

Huskey, Harry Douglas

Hutchins, Robert Maynard

Huxley, Andrew Fielding, see Hodgkin

Huxley, Thomas Henry


Hylleraas, Egil Andersen;

fundamental quantum-mechanical calculation


IAS-type machines, see also AVIDAC, BESK, BESM, DASK, GEORGE, IBM 700, 7000 series, ILLIAC, JOHNNIAC, MANIAC, MSUDC, ORDVAC, PERM, SILLIAC, SMIL, Sperry Rand 1100 series, Whirlwind I

IBM France

IBM machines, ASCC for Harvard, CPC, difference tabulator, for ENIAC, for IAS, NORC, the 603 and 604, the 701 and, the and, the, special calculators, SSEC, STRETCH, used for scientific calculations, see also punch card machines

ILLIAC / Illinois Automatic Computer, see Illinois, University of

Illinois, University of, ORDVAC and ILLIAC

index registers, conceived by Kilburn


Indian developments, the Tata Institute machine

Institute for Advanced Study, the Electronic Computer Project: automata theory, engineering, meteorology, numerical analysis, logical design and programming, see also IAS machines, Goldstine, H. H., von Neumann

Institute for Numerical Analysis, see also National Bureau of Standards integrators and planimeters, see analog devices

International Business Machines Corp., modifies machines for Aberdeen, Moore School, and Institute for Advanced Study, relations to Hollerith, von Neumann’s influence on, T. J. Watson, Jr., T. J. Watson, Sr., see also IBM machines, Watson, T. J., Sr., Watson, T. J., Jr., Watson Astronomical Computing Bureau

International Computation Centre

International Council of Scientific Unions

International Mathematical Union

International Union of Pure and Applied Physics

International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics

International Union of Telecommunication


Iowa State University, see Atanasoff, Zornig



Israeli developments, WEIZAC

Italian developments


Jackson, Dunham

Jackson, Philip W.

Jacobi, Carl Gustav Jacob

Jacquard, Joseph Marie

Jacquard looms

Jaeger, J. J.

Jaffe, B.

Japanese developments

James, Hyman

Jennings, Elizabeth

Jessen, Borge

Jevons, William Stanley

Jewett, Frank Baldwin

John, Fritz

JOHNNIAC / Johnny (von Neumann) Integrator and Automatic Computer

Johnson, C. E.

Johnson, Thomas Hope

Joint Numerical Weather Prediction Unit, see also U.S. Weather Bureau Jordan, Pascual

Jugoslavian developments


Karlqvist, O.

Katz, C.

Kaysen, Carl, Director of Institute for Advanced Study

Keefe, William

Kelley, John Leroy

Kelvin, William Thomson, Lord, see also analog devices

Kemble, Edwin Crawford

Kemeny, John George

Kennedy, Edward Stewart

Kennelly, Arthur Edwin

Kent, Gordon

Kent, Robert Harrington

Kepler, Johann

Kessenich, G. J.

Kilburn, Tom, see also

index register Kinoshita, Toichiro

Kirchhoff, Gustav Robert

Kistiakowsky, George Bogden

Kitov, A. I.

Kjellberg, Goran

Kline, John

Knobeloch, Edward

Knuth, Donald E.

Kochen, Manfred

Koksma, F. J.

Komamiya, Yasuo

Kovesi, Marietta (Mrs. J. B. Horner Kuper), von Neumann’s first wife

Kramer, Mildred (Mrs. Samuel Noah Kramer)

Kramer, Robert

Kranz, Frederick W.

Krinitskii, N. A.

Kronecker, Leopold

Kummer, Ernest Eduard

Kun, Bela


Lagerman, Commodore Sigurd

Lagrange, Joseph Louis, Counte de, ballistics, lunar theory

Lake, Clair D., IBM inventor

Lambe, Margaret (Mrs. Edward D. Lambe)

Landau, Edmund

Landor, Walter Savage

Laning, J. IL, Jr.

Laplace, Pierre Simon, Marquis de, ballistics, lunar theory

LARC / Livermore Automatic Research Calculator

Larrivee, Jules Alphonse, see Stibitz

laws of reasoning, see Boole

Lebedev, Sergei Alekseevich

Legendre, Adrien Maria

Lehmann, N. Joachim

Lehmer, Derrick Henry, btrilds number theory machines, does number theory on ENIAC

Lehmer, Derrick Norman

Lehmer, Emma (Mrs. D. H. Lehmer), see Lehmer, D. H.

Leibler, Richard Arthur

Leibniz, Baron Gottfried Wilhelm von

Leilich, Hans-Otto

Leiner, Alan L.

Lemon, Harvey Brace

Lennard-Jones, Sir John Edward

Leuchtenberg, W. E.

Leutert, Werner

Leverrier, Urbain Jean Joseph, co-discoverer of Neptune

Levin, Joseph Harmon

Lewis, Bernard

Lewis, Glenn Edwin

Lewy, Hans, co-discoverer of numerical stability


Lichterman, Ruth

Lill, Gordon Grigsby

Lilley, Samuel

Lincoln, Abraham

Lindsay, Robert Bruce

linear equations, Atanasoff’s machine, Hotelling on, Mallock’s machine, Turing on, von Neumann and Goldstine on

Liniger, Werner

Linsman, Marcel

Lipkis, R.

Logan, Robert

logic machines, Carroll, Jevons, Marquand, Stanhope

logical design, EDVAC and EDSAC, IAS machine

logics, see automata theory, Boole, Gödel, Hilbert, Leibniz, Post, Turing

logistics computer, see Engineering Research Associates

London University

Loopstra, Bram J.

Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, use of IAS machine, MANIAC, of SSEC, of ENIAC, von Neumann’s contributions to

Lourie, Janice R.

Lovelace, see Byron, Augusta Ada

Lubbock, John William

Luhn, H. Peter

Lukoff, Herman

lunar theory, see also Brown, Eckert, W. J., Hill, mathematical tables

Lust, Reimar Heinz Fritz

Lynch, J.


MacNeille, Holbrook Mann

MacNichol, Edward Ford, Jr.

MADM / Manchester Automatic Digital Machine

Maehly, Hans

magnetic cores, see Booth, Forrester, Rajchman

magnetic drums

Mailufterl / Little May breeze

Manchester University (Victoria University), see Hartree, Kilburn, Newman, Williams

Mandelbrot, Benoit

Manhattan District, see Los Alamos, MANIAC

MANIAC / Los Alamos computer

Manneback, Charles

Marconi, Guglielmo

Marks I-IV, see H. H. Aiken Marquand, Allan

Maskelyne, Nevil, Astronomer Royal

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, analog developments, digital developments, Radiation Laboratory, see also Bush, Forrester, Whirlwind

Massey, Sir Harrie Stewart Wilson

mathematical tables, Babbage, Comrie, W. J. Eckert, lunar tables, need for, see also lunar theory

mathematics, in Princeton, in Göttingen, numerical analysis, numerical meteorology

Mathieu, Claude Louis

Mauchly, John William

Mauchly, Kathleen McNulty (Mrs. John W. Mauchly)

Mauchly, Mary (Mrs. John W. Mauchly)

Maxwell, James Clerk

Mayberry, John Patterson

Mayer, Johann Tobias

Mayer, Joseph Edward

McCarthy, John

McClelland, Dr. George William, president of University of Pennsylvania

McCulloch, Warren Sturgis

McDougall, Sir Robert

McDowell, William Wallace

McMahon, Brian, U.S. Senator

McNulty, Kathleen, see Mauchly,

Kathleen McNulty McPherson, John Cloud

McShane, Edward James

Meagher, Ralph Ernest, chief engineer of ORDVAC and ILLIAC

mechanics institutes, see also Birkbeck

Melville, Richard W.

Menabrea, General Luigi F.

Metropolis, Nicholas Constantine, see also Los Alamos and MANIAC

Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Co.


Michael, Robert

Michelson, Albert Abraham

Mill, John Stuart

Miller, J. C.

Millikan, Robert Andrews

Monte Carlo Method

Montgomery, Deane

Moore, Edward Forrest

Moore, Eliakim Hastings

Moore School of Electrical Engineering, University of Pennsylvania

Morgenstern, Oskar

Mork, Ralph C.

Morley, Edward Williams

Morrey, Charles Bradfield, Jr.

Morrison, Philip and Emily

Morse, Anthony Perry

Morse, Harold Marston, professor at the Institute for Advanced Study

Morse, Philip McCord

Moseley, Mabeth

Motooka, Tohru

Mott, Sir Nevill Francis

Motte, A.

Moulton, Forest Ray, family

Moulton, John Fletcher, Lord

MSUDC / Michigan State University Discrete Computer

Mulholland, H. P.

Mullaney, Frank G.

Muller, J. H.

Munich Institute of Technology, see PERM

Mural, Frank

Murray, Francis Joseph

Mussell, H. A.


Napier, John, Laird of Merchiston

Napoleon Bonaparte

National Bureau of Standards, see also DYSEAC, SEAC, SWAC

National Centre for the Study of Telecommunications (CNET)

National Physical Laboratory

Naur, Peter

NDRC / National Defense Research Committee

Neddermeyer, Seth

Needham, Joseph

Nelson, Robert A.

Neovius, Gosta

Neptune, see Adams, Leverrier


Netherlands developments, ARRA, ARMAC, PTERA

network analyzer, see analog devices

Neugebauer, Otto Edward

Newell, Allen

Newman, Maxwell Herman Alexander

Newmark, Nathan Mortimore

Newton, Isaac, ballistics, see also lunar theory

Niemann, C. W.

Nims, Paul T.

Nishino, Hiroji

Noether, Emmy

NORC / Naval Ordnance Research Calculator

Nordheim, Lothar Wolfgang

Nϕrlund, Niels Erik

North, Simon Newton Dexter, first Director of Census Bureau

Northrop Aircraft Co.


Norwegian developments, NUSSE

Notz, William A.

number theory machines

numerical mathematics, Courant, Friedrichs, and Lewy, von Neumann and colleagues

numerical weather prediction

Nussbaum, Adolph

Nutt, Roy


Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Oblonsky, Jan

Oettinger, Anthony Gervin

OAR / Office of Air Research

Öhlmann, Hermann

ONR / Office of Naval Research

Oppenheimer, J. Robert, director of Institute for Advanced Study

ORACLE / Oak Ridge Automatic Computer Logical Engine

order modification, see also index registers

Ordnance Department, see also ENIAC, EDVAC, Gillon ordnance office

ORDVAC / Ordnance Variable Automatic Computer

ORI / Office of Research and Inventions, see ONR

OSRD / Office of Scientific Research and Development

Ostrowski, Alexander Marcus

Oughtred, William

Overhoff, Gerhard

Oxford University


Palm, Conny

Panagos, Peter

Panofsky, Hans

Pascal, Blaise

Pascal, Etienne, father of Blaise

Pauli, Wolfgang

Pauling, Linus Carl

Peacock, George

Peano, Giuseppe

Pearl, Raymond

Pearson, Karl

Peck, Leslie Gilbert

Peel, Sir Robert

Peirce, Charles Santiago Sanders

Pekeris, Chaim Leib, see also WEIZAC

Pender, Harold, first dean of Moore School

Pendergrass, J. T.

Pennsylvania, University of, see Moore School of Electrical Engineering Pepys, Samuel

Perlis, Alan J.

PERM / Programmgesteurte Elektronische Rechenanlage Munchen


Petersen, Richard

Petersen, Karen Richard (Mrs. Richard Petersen)

Peter the Great

Pfister, Johann

Phillips, Norman A.

Piatt, Donald R.

Picone, Mauro

Pidgin, Charles F.

Pierce, Richard Scott

Pilot Ace, see also ACE

Piloty, Hans

Piloty, Robert

Piore, Emanuel Ruben

Pisula, Karl

Pitcher, Arthur Everett

Pitt, William

Pitts, Walter H.

Plana, Baron Giovanni

Planck, Max

planning and coding, see programming

Piatt, Joseph Beaven

Platzman, George William

Poincaré, (Jules) Henri

Polish developments

Polya, George

Pomerene, James Herbert

Pontecoulant, Louis Gustave Le Doulert, Comte de

Porter, Robert P., Superintendent of 1890 Census

Post, Emil L., see also Turing

Pouliart, William

Powell, Col. G. F.

Power, Lt. John J.

Powers, James

Powers Tabulating Machine Co., see also Sperry Rand

Price, Derek J. deSolIa

Priestley, Joseph

Princeton University

Proclus Diadochns

product integrals

Proebster, Walter

programming, the ENIAC, flow diagrams, languages and early developments of automatic programming, stored program concept

punch card machines, Billings, Hollerith, and Powers, see also Comrie, Eckert, W. J., IBM machines


Queney, Paul


Rabi, Isador Isaac

Rabinowitz, Irving Nathaniel

Rademacher, Hans

Radiation Laboratory, see Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Radio Corporation of America, relation to Institute for Advanced Study, the Selectron

Rajchman, Dr. Jan Aleksander

Rameev, B. I.

Rand Corporation, JOHNNIAC

Rathbone, John F.

Ratz, Laszlo

Rayleigh, Lord (Strutt, John William, 3rd Baron)

Raymond, François Henri

Rees, David

Rees, Mina (Mrs. Leopold Brahdy), retired president of Graduate School, City University

Reid, Constance

Reid, Thomas

Reitwiesner, George

Remington Rand Corporation, see Sperry Rand Corporation Reno, Frank V.

Reuyl, Dirk

Rex, Daniel Ferrell

Reynolds, Osborne

RI / Relay Interpolator

Richards, Alfred Newton

Richardson, James H.

Richardson, Lewis Fry

Richardson, Sir Owen Williams

Richtmyer, Robert Davis

Rickover, Hyman, Admiral

Ridenour, Louis N.

Riemann, Georg Friedrich Bemhard

Ritchie, Col. Samuel B.

Riverbank Laboratories

Robertson, James Evans

Robinson, Abraham

Robinson, George

Rochester, Nathaniel

Rockefeller Foundation

Rockwood, Charles R., Jr.

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano

Rosen, Saul

Rosenberg, Jack

Rossby, Carl-Gustav

Roth, John Paul

Royal Institution

Rubinoff, Morris

Rubinstein, Harvey

Rumanian developments, CIFA

Russell, Bertrand Arthur William (3rd Earl)

Russell, Henry Norris

Russian developments, BESM, KRISTALL, Ml, M2, N12, PAGODA, STRELA, URAL,

Rutherford, Sir Ernest

Rutishauser, Heinz

Rutledge, Joseph Dela


Sachs, Robert Green,SAMAS

Samelson, Klaus

Sammet, Jean

Sayre, David, Scheutz, Edvard, son of P. G. Scheutz

Scheutz, Pehr Georg, builds and uses difference engine

Schickard, Wilhelm, invents first digital computer

Schiff, Leonard Isaac

Schilt, Jan

Schlüter, Alf

Schmitt, William F.

Schoenberg, Isaac Jacob

Scholten, Carel S.

Schopf, Andreas

Schreyer, Helmut

Schröder, Ernst

Schrödinger, Erwin

Schurig, Otto R.

Schütte, Walter

Schwarzschild, Martin

science and commerce

Scott, Norman Ross

SEA / Société, d’Electronique et d’Automatisme

SEAC / Standards Electronic Automatic Computer, see National Bureau of Standards

Selberg, Hedi (Mrs. Atle Selberg)


Selmer, Ernest S.

Shackelford, Lt. Col. James Murdoch

Shakespeare, William

Shannon, Claude Elwood

Shapiro, H.

Shapley, Harlow

Sharpless, T. Kite

Shaw, Robert F.

Shaw, Sir William Napier

Sheffer stroke

Sheldon, John Waldo

Sheppard, C. Bradford

Sheridan, Peter B.

Sherman, Seymour

Shockley, William Bradford

Shuman, Frederick Gale

Silliman lectures

Simon, Maj. Gen. Leslie Earl

Slater, John Clarke

Slocum, Capt. John

Slotnick, Daniel Leonid

Slutz, Ralph Jeffery

Smagorinsky, Joseph

SMIL, / Siffersmaskinen I Lund

Smith, Adam

Smith, Charles Victor Lovett

Smith, David Eugene

Smith, John Lynn

Smith, J. N.

Smith, V. W.

Smithsonian Institution, computer exhibits, Henry, founding secretary of

Smoliar, Gerald

Snyder, Elizabeth, see Mrs. Elizabeth Holberton

Snyder, Richard L.

Societies: Academie des Sciences, Analytical, British Association, Mathematical, National Academy, Philosophical, Polish Academy, Royal, Royal Astronomical, Teleological, Warsaw Scientific

Somerville, Mary

Sommerfeld, Arnold

Speiser, Ambros P.

Spence, Frances Bilas (Mrs. Homer Spence)

Spence, Homer

Sperry Gyroscope Co., see Sperry Rand Corp.

Sperry Rand Corporation, ERA, LARC

series machines, Powers, UNIVAC, see also Eckert, J. P., Mauchly

Spitzer, Jean (Mrs. Frank L. Spitzer)

SSEC / Selective Sequencer Electronic Calculator, see also IBM machines

Stanhope, Charles, Earl of

Steffensen, James

Steinhaus, Huge

Steinmetz, Charles Proteus

Stemme, Erik

Stern, Hal.

Stephenson, George

Sternberg, Sidney

Stern, Abraham

Sterne, Theodore Eugene

Stetson, George

Stewart, H. R.

Stibitz, George Robert, pioneers at Bell Laboratories

Stickles, Albert L.

Stiefel, Eduard Ludwig

Staffer, W. W., Jr.

Stratton, Samuel Wesley

Strömgren, Bengt George Daniel

Sullivan, R.

Svoboda, Antonin

SWAC / Standards Western Automatic Computer


Swedish developments in modern times, see also BARK, BESK, SMIL

Swiss developments, see also ERMETH


Sydney, University of, SILLIAC


Szilard, Leo


Tabulating Machine Company, see also Computer-Tabulating Recording Co.

Tait, Peter G.

Takahasi, Hidetosi

Takahashi, Shigeru


Taton, R.

Tatum, G. Liston

Taub, Abraham Haskell

Taussky, Olga (Mrs. John Todd)

Taylor, A. J. P.

Taylor, Sir Geoffrey Ingram

Taylor, Hugh S., Dean of Graduate College, Princeton University

Telford, Thomas

Teller, Edward

Tennyson, Alfred, 1st Baron

Thackeray, William Makepeace

Thomas, Llewellyn Hilleth

Thompson, Philip Duncan

Thomson, Elihu

Thomson, James

Thomson, Sir Joseph J.

Thomson, Sir William, see Kelvin

Todd, John

Toma, V.

Tomkinson, Charles H.

Tompkins, Charles Brown

Tonik, A.

Tootill, G. C

torque amplifiers

Torres-Bodet, Dr. Jaime, Director-General of UNESCO

Torres y Quevedo, Leonardo

Transue, William Reagle

Travis, Irven A.

Trefftz, Elenore

Trevelyan, George Macaulay

Trowbridge, William Pettit

Truesdell, Leon E.

Truman, Harry

Tuck, James Leslie

Tuckerman, Bryant

Tukey, John Wilder

Turing, Alan Mathison

Turing, Sara, mother of Alan M.

Turkevich, Anthony


Turski, W. M.

Twain, Mark


Ulam, Stanislaw Marcin

Ulugh Beg, Tamerlane’s grandson

UNESCO, establishes International Computation Centre

Unger, Heinz

Union of International Technical Associations

Union of Sounth Africa

UNIVAC / Universal Automatic Computer, see aho Sperry Rand


Urey, Harold Clayton


USSR, see Russian developments

U.S. Weather Bureau

Uttley, Dr. Albert Maurel


Valach, M.

Vance, Arthur W.

van Dantzig, D.

van der Corput, J. G.

van der Poel, William Louis

van der Waerden, B. L.

Vandiver, Harry Shultz

Vanuxem lectures

van Wijngaarden, Adrian

Vauquois, B.

Veblen, Oswald, at Aberdeen, at Princeton University and at the Institute for Advanced Study

Veblen, Thorstein

Verne, Jules

Veronis, George

Vestine, Ernest Harry

Vieta, François

Vinti, John Pascal

von Helmholtz, Hermann

von Karman, Theodore

von Neumann, John Louis, automata theory and neurophysiology, background and early life, computers, ENIAC, EDVAC, hydrodynamics and Los Alamos, Institute for Advanced Study and Princeton, logical design and programming, numerical analysis, numerical meteorology, relations with Oppenheimer

von Neumann, Klara Dan


Wakelin, James Henry, Jr.

Walters, Lawrence R.

Walther, Alwin

Ware, Willis Howard

Warren, S. Reid, Jr.

Warshaw, Jules

Watson, Thomas J., Astronomical Computing Bureau

Watson, Thomas J., Sr., see also International Business Machines Corp. Watson, Thomas J., Jr., see also International Business Machines Corp.

Watt, James

Weaver, Warren

Wegstein, J. H.

Weierstrass, Karl W. T.

Weik, Martin H.

Weinberger, Arnold

Weiner, J. R.

Wellington, Duke of

Wells, Herbert George

Wentworth, Lady

Wescoff, Marilyn

West German developments, see also DERA, PERM, Zuse Wexler, Harry

Weygandt, Cornelius J., Jr.

Weyl, Hermann, professor at the Institute for Advanced Study

Weyl, Fritz Joachim

Wheatstone, Sir Charles

Wheeler, David J.

Wheeler, John Archibald


White, Milton Grandison

Whitehead, Alfred North

Whitman, Marina von Neumann (Mrs. Robert Whitman)

Whittaker, Sir Edmund Taylor

Wiberg, Martin

Widell, Gustav Adolf

Wiener, Norbert

Wigner, Eugene

Wilbraham, Henry

Wilkes, Maurice Vincent, see also EDSAC

Wilkinson, James H.

Wilks, Samuel Stanley

Willcox, Walter F.

Williams, Frederic Calland, see also MADM

Williams, Samuel Byron

Williams tubes, see

Williams, F. C. Wilson, L. D.

Wilson, Woodrow

Winger, Wayne D.

Winograd, Shmuel

Womersley, John R.

Wong, S. Y.

Wood, Benjamin D.

Woodbury, Max Atkin

Woodbury, William W.

Woodger, M.

Work, Capt. Robert E.

Wylie, J.


Xavier, Charles de Colmar, of Alsace


Yale University

Yamashita, Hideo


Zemanek, Heinz

Zermelo, Ernst

Zierler, W.

Ziller, Irving

Zippin, Leo

Zobel, Otto J.

Zornig, Hermann H.

Zug, Richard Seth

Zuse, Konrad, a key pioneer in computer field

Zuse apparatebau

Zworykin, Dr. Vladimir Kosma