Motion is all about allowing you to make changes to the elements in your project. Some of these changes will be animation tweaks while others will be regular scaling and repositioning tasks. Let's take a look at a different way of changing the scale and position of a still image.
. Go to the Edit menu and choose Undo.Some of you may have noticed the i icon at the upper-right hand corner of the HUD, as shown in the following screenshot:
By clicking it, we got to the Inspector. Whenever you work in Motion and the HUD doesn't have what you're looking for, go to the Inspector for more options.
Also, when we held down the Shift and Option modifier keys, we were able to scale our photo uniformly from the center. The general rule is this: modifier keys can make our life easier when trying to manipulate properties in the Canvas and the HUD.
For example, if you try to rotate your image in the Canvas by dragging the circle to the right of the center and hold down Shift, we can force our still to move in 45 degree increments.
In the HUD, sometimes when you try to adjust properties, the slider moves too fast. If you Option + click the line, you can then move properties in smaller increments.