Changing the text style

After you initially format your text, it's time to look at the stylizing options available. Motion has a Style pane with four sections to help you get your desired color and look finalized.

Locate the exercise folder for this chapter and navigate to the 05_02 project. Double-click on it to open it.

Like text format, to change the text style, we head to the Inspector:

  1. Press F4 to go to the Text tab and click on the Style pane. While we have access to changing the face color in the HUD, we don't have options to change the fill type. Change the value of Fill from Color to Gradient as shown in the following screenshot:
    How to do it...
  2. Click on the disclosure triangle next to Gradient. From the gradient preset styles choose Dawn. Click on the blue color stop to load it in the color well. Switch the color to a more vibrant blue. Drag the middle color stop over to the right to increase the blue influence over the letters. Use the following screenshot for reference:
    How to do it...
  3. Now that we have made these adjustments, we could save it as a preset for later use. From the preset menu choose Save Preset and type in Dawn (alternate).
  4. The great thing about Motion's Style pane is its flexibility to mix several parts of our text together or work with them separately. For now, turn off the face of our text by clicking on the blue square. Click on the empty square next to the word Outline to activate it. Change the value of the Color from white to black and the Width to 2.
  5. Turn back on the face of our text. Make sure the outline is set to be Under the face.
  6. Let's add a glow to all of our text, but rather than use the Style pane option we're going to use a filter. From the filter icon choose glow – glow.
  7. Press F3 to go to the Filters tab and increase the Glow to 50.
  8. As a final step, activate Drop Shadow by clicking on the empty square. Change the value of Distance to 10 and Blur to 7 as shown in the following screenshot. Deactivate Face and Outline to see how the drop shadow looks by itself.
    How to do it...
  9. Under Drop Shadow, click on the disclosure triangle next to Four Corner and change the bottom left X position to 15. See how you can change the other corners by playing with the values.

We can also achieve this effect by adding a texture to our text.