Motion has the flexibility to allow us not only to create masked shape selections but also to mask any object or group in the Layers tab. Let's take a look at how we can achieve this.
Under the exercise folder of this chapter, double-click on the 06_09
project file. Play back the project; it's a series of animated blurred circles moving across the screen from right to left. In this project, there is also a Video clip layer that has been turned off. Click on the empty square next to it to turn it on. Our goal is to have our video play with the circles onscreen. We can use either the luminance or transparency of the Bokeh group to achieve this.
We're going to add an image mask to the Video layer in this project.
If your image mask source does not contain an Alpha channel (a fourth channel of information on a video clip that creates transparency), which is the default mode, simply change it to Luminance to see if you get your desired result. This effect depends on the contrast in your footage. For example, a quick way to create a reflection is to use a black-and-white gradient as a source for an image mask while setting the mode to Luminance, as shown in the following screenshot. Anything covered by black in the image will be masked out, anything covered by gray will be partially transparent, and anything covered by white will be fully opaque.