
Chapter 10


The Thanksgiving Potluck was a hit. Barb Norton looked pleased as she accepted everyone’s compliments.

“They think she did all this,” Heather grumbled. “But it was your idea, Jenny. Look at her, just lapping it all up.”

“She did plan everything,” Jenny laughed. “She and Mandy.”

“But you deserve some credit, Jenny!” Molly echoed Heather. “That’s why Barb will never be a Magnolia.”

The sun was hanging low on the horizon and the shadows had lengthened. A cool breeze blew in from the ocean, carrying a salty tang along with it. They sky had begun to turn into a colorful mosaic, with pink and mauve competing for space.

A game of football was in progress on the beach. People had eaten till they could eat no more. Everyone had agreed to take a break before they could tackle the dessert.

Mandy had put some high school kids to work and cleared all the chairs and tables. A local garage band was tuning up, getting ready to play some music.

Adam Hopkins arrived with a couple of deputies and walked toward the contestants. They were sprawled on some chairs with their feet up, getting some much deserved rest. The deputies cuffed one of them and took him away.

“What’s happening, Jenny?” Heather asked. “Isn’t that the guy who won the contest?”

Molly connected the dots.

“You found Tom! That’s where you disappeared a while ago. You were with Adam.”

Jenny bit her lip and gave a tiny shrug.

“You’re right, Molly. But I was too late.”

Star and Betty Sue were sitting at a table under the marquee. Jenny started walking toward them.

“Are you going to say anything?” Heather grumbled. “What’s with the suspense?”

They reached the tent and pulled up chairs.  Star and Betty Sue piled her with more questions.

“Matt Webster did it,” she told them. “Matt and his buddy Xander Pike.”

“Xander Pike?” Star exclaimed. “But that’s the guy who won the turkey contest. Is that why Adam just arrested him?”

Jenny began her story.

After the judging was over, all the contestant’s turkeys had been served to the crowd. Jenny had been sampling some fried turducken when Sue Patterson approached her.

“She told me that contestant number three’s turkey was unique. It was artisanal, no doubt. Sue insisted it was much better than the birds she raised. The bird on her dish had exquisite bone structure and a gamy taste reminiscent of turkeys of yore.”

“Are you saying ...” Heather’s eyes were wide with horror.

Jenny nodded helplessly.

“Tom wasn’t supposed to end up on a plate. Not yet, at least.”

Star and Betty Sue gasped as they realized what Jenny was saying.

“We didn’t have any proof, of course,” Jenny continued. “So I sought Adam’s help.”

“Adam actually helped you?” Heather snorted.

“Harrison filed a police complaint before he came to me,” Jenny reminded her. “Adam wanted to close the case.”

Jenny and Adam had gone to the Webster house. Harrison collapsed in shock when he heard about his beloved Tom’s fate. Jenny had tried hard to console him. The poor man walked out into his yard, gathered all the girls together and wept like a child.

“We’ll send him some flowers,” Star muttered. “Get on with the story, Jenny.”

Harrison barely lifted his head when they asked for permission to search Matt’s room. Jenny let Adam take the lead. He found a partnership deed between Matt Webster and Xander Pike.

“They were planning to open a new restaurant in town,” Jenny explained.

Matt had come home then, looking pleased. He took one look at Adam and realized his game was up.

“So he confessed?” Heather asked.

“He didn’t have a choice,” Jenny shrugged. “Adam bagged the remaining turkey for evidence. We could bring in Robbie Grover as an expert to establish the bird’s lineage.”

“That scoundrel!” Betty Sue fumed. “Didn’t he know how much his grandpa loved that silly bird?”

“I think that was part of it,” Jenny said thoughtfully. “I believe Matt was jealous of Tom.”

“Why else did he commit this dastardly act?” Star questioned. “Was it for the money?”

“Matt wasn’t clear on that. He didn’t get along with Tom at all. According to him, Tom slighted him all the time and made his life a living hell. So he planned to get rid of him.”

Jenny told them Matt had convinced his buddy Xander to use the restaurant’s delivery van to pick up Tom. Lisa Taylor had almost caught them red handed.

“Matt took Tom to an empty apartment belonging to his friend. At that time, he was just thinking of selling him off. He even considered the idea of asking Harrison for ransom to make a quick buck.”

“Why did he change his mind?” Star asked.

“We announced the turkey contest,” Jenny told them. “Matt had been trying to convince Xander to leave his job for a long time. But Xander didn’t feel he was ready to open his own place. Then Matt had this idea of winning the competition.”

“Is his friend really that good?” Molly asked.

“He is,” Jenny nodded. “Captain Charlie told me he trained at some fancy school in New York. Anyway, Matt knew Tom was special and he didn’t think the other contestants would splurge on an artisan turkey. And he was right.”

“So he thought he would use Tom to make a name for himself and his little friend,” Star summed up. “That’s cold. Cold but smart, I guess.”

Jenny yawned widely and Molly followed. That set everyone else off.

“Matt was confident they would win the contest. Winning the contest would make Xander famous, making their restaurant a hit.”

A loud cheer went up on the beach, signaling the end of the football game. Jenny saw Jason and Nick walking back to the marquee.

“Is it time for pie?” she asked. “The boys must have worked up an appetite.”

Star began loading plates with slices of everyone’s favorites. Jenny started scooping ice cream on top.

“Did Tom ever have any babies?” Heather asked. “Or did the Pilgrim line perish with him?”

“We’ll have to ask Harrison,” Jenny replied, cutting a big piece of pumpkin pie.



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