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Blake shoved JT’s pillow to the side.
JT growled. “Jerk, I hurt. Have a little sympathy.” The European races hadn’t been on long, but watching Knox O’Neill race was something they did to get them psyched to ride. He was a jerk in person, or so they’d heard from other pro circuit buddies, but he was the best in Europe. If they really were going to ride in Des Nations that season, they had to know what to expect. Research was a planned strategy.
Blake jerked himself to the side of the couch and stood. “Psht. Shut up. Someone's calling me. You don’t have to be such a grouch.” Blake rolled his eyes toward Mac. He didn’t care that JT saw. “I remember now why we were glad he moved out.” He held up his hand to stop JT’s retort. “Shh. Someone's calling me. Just be quiet.”
He swiped at the screen of his phone. “Yeah?” After a moment, his eyes widened and he glanced at JT. Another moment passed and he nodded. “Yeah, he's here. You want him to what? Okay.” His disbelief turned to a slow smile. “I’d be happy to.” Blake hung up the phone and shut off the television.
Mac watched his moves with his eyebrows raised. “Who was that? I’ve never seen you do what anyone says.”
Blake turned to JT with a smirk on his face. “Come on, man. Time to get up. Your nurse wants you back. She said, and I quote, ‘to get your butt over there and get back to work.’ Then she added something about your dad isn’t going to win this one.” Blake pulled off his hat and pushed his hair back in a habitual gesture. He glanced at Mac then back at JT. “I’m serious. Get up. She’s not coming over and driving something called Lady through the front door.”
Mac shrugged, but couldn't stop grinning. “Sounds like you got a bossy one there. I'd run with it. If you won’t, maybe I should head over.” Mac winked from his position on the low black recliner by the door. “I like being told what to do.”
The ache in JT’s side and his legs ebbed and flowed, but at the mention of Kelsey and her telling him to get back over there, all the pain suddenly disappeared. JT couldn't believe it. Kelsey told him to get back there. She’d demanded that Blake, someone that she didn’t even know and that most women found intimidating, told JT to get his butt over there and then she’d tossed in a threat.
She didn't want to quit.
Something about his dad. Had she met him? Had he shown up again? He certainly wasn’t supposed to. JT had a few more days until Mike was supposed to come around again. He didn't know if he should be horrified about the possibility, or happy that she was sticking with him. Both emotions claimed him and he didn’t choose. He just went with it.
Blake gave JT a ride and helped him into the house. “Man, you better get this crap straightened out. Mac is basing his entire career on us getting into Des Nations. We need you.” The slight glimpse into Blake’s vulnerability got more to JT than the nagging from Mac and the snide remarks Blake usually tossed his way.
All of that faded when he saw Kelsey standing in the foyer. JT’s stomach flipped and did somersaults. Even the door closing behind Blake didn’t distract JT’s focus from Kelsey. He watched her, standing uncomfortably with his crutches and bag by the door.
Swallowing, he got the nerve up to mumble, “Hi.” What a stupid opener.
Why wasn’t he professing his apologies, or telling her how important she was to him? Where was his new goal to romance the crap out of her and make it so she’d never want to leave him? All he had was a simple hi?
He’d leave him, too.
Kelsey approached him slowly, unaware of the turmoil inside his heart. Her eyes bore into his and her calm voice surrounded him with clarity. “You can't leave like that. You can't leave. I don't quit. Ever. On anything. You have to be the one that doesn't either.” She stopped a foot from him and tilted her head to the side, her strawberry blonde hair fell across her cheek, but she didn’t blink as she watched him. “You have to win. I’m going to help you. There’s so much more at stake than just your sponsors.”
JT looked into her eyes. He was mesmerized by her loyalty to their goals and to him. JT had never experienced it from anyone before, except Blake and Mac.
He nodded slowly. “Why do you want to win? When does my winning matter to you? I thought you just wanted to help me get better.”
She studied him, as if considering his words. When she spoke, she didn’t rush her words, smile, or even make a joke. “I let you down, but I can fix it. We have time. I'm not going to fail you.” She inhaled slowly before continuing. “I care about your success because I care about you. I don't know if it's love or if it's just some crazy crush. I just... don't know. But if you fail, I will take it as a personal insult that I have failed.” She set her jaw and tilted her head forward to narrow her gaze. “I don't fail.”
Her serious delivery held his chest in a vice that kept squeezing, tightening, and then suddenly released with the word “love”. Was it possible that she could feel something like that for him? Even with all his awful screw ups, could she possibly feel something for him? The determination in her gaze and her heartfelt emotional reply rekindled JT's determination to make her proud and to finish what he started.
He licked his lips, glancing at her mouth before he agreed. “Okay. I can do this. I want to.” There was so much in his words. Would she catch all of the meaning?
Kelsey nodded her head tightly before turning on her heels. Before she could get far, JT reached out and grabbed her elbow with a firm, but soft grasp. He pulled her close, her back facing him. The soft scent of vanilla wafted over him as her hair moved. He breathed her scent in with his eyes half-closed.
His words came out huskier than he wanted, but he didn’t have control over his body in that moment. “For the record, I think it's love, and it’s not just on your side.”
JT'S BIRTHDAY DAWNED bright and warm with the promise of a whole new future ahead of him. The week since Mike had threatened to show up and take everything from him had passed in a flurry of work and progress.
Mike had never shown. Two days and three days had passed and JT had worked hard on those days to make sure his extra nerves were put to good use. Surprisingly, he didn’t get nearly as sore as he’d been the first week. Kelsey pushed him hard and with activities that he was in love with. Plus, being around her kept the pain at a tolerable level. Now that he’d reached twenty-seven, relatively unscathed by his father, JT could drink his coffee without the threat of his father destroying the taste.
Kelsey had run downstairs to help her grandmother make pancakes for their nurse. She was trying so hard to be everywhere at once. Since they’d accepted the odd nature of their relationship as both client and caregiver, but maybe even something more, they’d eased into an easy rapport. He grinned as he thought of their agreement. Once the race in Salt Lake was over, he’d be able to pursue her more as a woman and not hire her as a nurse anymore.
Kelsey hadn’t stopped glowing. JT wasn’t into glowing, but he couldn’t deny the ever-present grin he wore. The woman made him happy.
A knock at the door pulled his attention. Usually Mac and Blake showed up like thunderstorms on his birthday. The tradition they had established long ago had first started on BMX bikes when they were younger, eventually moving up to cars. Then, when they got older and had money, they would fly each other around the world for their birthdays.
JT couldn't go far because of his injuries and they were all focused on training for the races, but he was looking forward to being whisked away for a movie or something. Maybe that time they could take Kelsey along.
He opened the door cautiously. The year before Blake had attacked JT with a can of shaving cream and Mac had thrown rice at him to make it stick. They were brats, but they were JT’s. The smile froze on his face and the cocky comment choked in the back of his throat.
Mike wore a smarmy grimace that he liked to pass off as a smile above a sharp three-piece maroon suit. He stood there with his hands on his hips and his elbows like a Bantam rooster. “Well, you broke our contract, so now I get to sue you. Happy birthday.”
Something special about the day and what it represented broke through JT's original fear of his father. He had no ties to the man except for the name. As far as JT was concerned there were more than enough Thompson's out there. He’d pick a random guy on Facebook and claim him as his father.
JT lifted his chin, his words cold. “I'm sorry, do I know you?”
The lack of fear and intimidation on JT's face must have penetrated the cocky gall of his father. Mike’s own smile slipped a notch and he dropped a hand from his hip. He stepped forward with a finger in the air. “Nice try, I'm taking everything. You are in breach of contract. I'll sue you until you have absolutely nothing.”
JT's laugh surprised even him. “Go ahead and try. You have no grounds. I’ve held my end of the bargain. When I got injured, instead of taking care of me and making sure my sponsors stick where they’re supposed to, or even making sure my races weren’t affected and that my standing with the AMA was fine, you ran. How does that look? Newly injured client... son, actually, and you ran only to show up way after the fact and blackmail me. Blackmail. Do you think that anyone would give a blackmailer my money? Or anything else?”
He paused for a moment, letting his words sink in before speaking. “You’re not exactly the most legitimate of managers. As far as I'm concerned, today's the day when your contract is no longer in effect. You’ve had more than your fair share for compensation. I don't want anything to do with you. If I see you again, I'll call the cops. I’ll file a restraining order and then I’ll file a lawsuit against you. Did you hear that? I-will-sue-you for all of the back money that you've taken that was above and beyond your rate.” JT didn't know where his spine came from, but he was grateful to finally find the guts he knew he had.
Maybe there was magic in the day, or maybe Kelsey made him see he was so much more than a bank account.
After Mike realized JT wasn't backing down, he snarled and turned. He walked toward the road, no car in the drive. He must have ordered a taxi to drop him off and planned on taking JT's. Who knew how Mike’s mind worked?
As JT watched his father walk away, the uncertainties of a tumultuous past slid away with him. Kelsey's hands wrapped around his waist, her touch was firm and familiar. She hugged him from behind and leaned her face against his shoulders.
“That was pretty impressive. Are you okay?”
He didn’t know how much she’d seen or heard, but her validation squelched the niggling of doubt that his heart tried to shove inside. He hadn’t done anything wrong. In fact, he’d finally done something right. JT closed the door without looking back.
Turning in Kelsey's arms, he softly put his hands on the sides of her face. “I've never been better. I feel free. Are we ready? My race is tomorrow.”
He was nervous, and the only person he could be honest with about his anxiety was Kelsey. He needed the safety to be raw with someone and Kelsey didn't judge him. She didn't make him jump through hoops, unless, of course, that was the exercise for the day.
“Let's get started. It's an easier day, but I'm still gonna run you.”
Her grin as she grabbed his hand and tugged him inside left nothing to be desired and everything to tempt him.