We have many people to thank for their help and encouragement with this book.
We thank our agent, Jacques de Spoelberch of J de S Associates in the USA, and UK sub-agents Sarah Nundy and Charlotte Seymour of Andrew Nurnberg Associates, for continuing to have confidence in our stories.
We are delighted to be published by Orenda Books and thank Karen Sullivan for her remarkable enthusiasm and energy. She and West Camel greatly improved the book with their incisive editing. It was wonderful to interact on the cover with the talented designer Mark Swan.
We benefitted greatly from the valuable input of the Minneapolis writing group – Gary Bush, Barbara Deese, and Heidi Skarie. With all their comments, it’s hard to believe that the book still has mistakes, but it probably does, and we take responsibility for any that remain.
Many people have generously given us their time to make this book as authentic as possible and to help us understand the complicated issues around rhino management, trade in horn, and poaching prevention. Michael ’t Sas-Rolfes, an international expert on trade of protected species, explained the mechanics of a possible legal trade in rhino horn, and how that might affect the balance between supply and increased demand. Mario Cesare, who manages the Olifants River Game Reserve and is heavily involved with rhino protection in the region, not only gave us his perspective ‘from the front’, but also the benefit of his broad knowledge on the subject.
We also thank Vladimir Cervenka, coach of the US Junior National Biathlon team, for information and insights into that gruelling sport.
Finally, we thank everyone working to preserve the rhino from extinction for their tireless efforts. Without them, the species will inevitably disappear.